Tight and Sexy not Skinny and Stringy

2 Apr

Lose Fat, Improve Muscle Tone, Increase Your Energy, Detox & Heal Your Liver!

burn fat faster fitness plan

Improve health, increase energy, detox liver, improve muscle tone and get kick-butt fit!

Detox Tea

I believe the most important organ in your body to care for is the liver. If you have a toxic liver, you will not burn fat fast. So here is my favorite Detox Tea for your Liver and Kidneys. VICTORIA’S BEST SKINNY WEIGHT LOSS DETOX TEA. I use the term Skinny to refer to the preferred waistline. A fit skinny waist is healthy, a string skinny body with no muscle reserve is not.

detox tea skinny tea fit tea tea tox

Totally Organic, FDA Approved, GMO & Gluten Free Detox Tea for Cleansing, Skin Healing, Flushing Fat, Eliminating Constipation and Safe & Healthy Weight Loss

Our yoga tribes, athletes, moms, bikini and figure competitors love this tea. It’s perfect before a special occasion to get in perfect form and great after to undo the celebration over indulgences! Special blend is formulated to pump up your weight loss program. The pure organic herbs in this great natural blend, can aid in healthy digestion, remove toxins that are associated with dimply fat cells, this assists in a natural safer weight loss. Plus it is so healthy for your skin. It rejuvenates it and helps clear up skin disorders

Stringy Skinny Celebs…

I have been seeing so many skinny stringy celebs on the tabloid covers and I want to share with you some tips to not let your body get stringy and soft like theirs.
1. You must not skip meals
2. You must eat good quality protein since muscle requires complete protein to build
3. You must stay hydrated
4. You must do some form of weight lifting – prefer light weights plus twice a week you want to go the gym and do a quick
circuit that has these exercises in it. I do every exercise for:

2 sets of 12 repetitions per exercise with weight that gets moderately difficult at the 8th rep

1. Leg Press
2. Leg Extension
3. Leg Abductors
4. Leg Adductor

Lat Pull down
Seated Lat Row

Tricep Pressdown
Bicep Curls

Abdominal Machine 3 sets of 15 Repetitions

Tight and Lean not Skinny and Stringy
If you follow the suggestions above while keeping your cardio going five times per week you will keep your body tight and lean. Those poor skinny celeb party and workaholic girls don’t get to the gym and lift weights on a regular basis. They are dehydrated from partying. Alcohol dehydrates your body. Plus alcohol makes your liver toxic which shuts down your metabolic processes for cleansing and detoxing. They stay up late and do not eat healthy balanced meals on a daily basis. They may be popular here and there on tabloids and in Hollywood, but their bodies are showing their lifestyle and soon if they do not get with the program or get on the program, their internal organs may suffer irreversible damage.

I am not a hater. I don’t hate those hollywood chicks the way the magazines do. It’s their life. They are just living theirs in front of the world. I just can’t believe that the press is so mean to them to sell magazines, yet they give them all types of publicity when they make a movie, release a CD or make a new reality show. They pump them up when they are rising and then drown them when they are sinking!

Do It For Yourself
That’s why You can’t live your life for someone else’s approval and acceptance. You should NEVER diet for anyone else. You have to lose weight and get in shape for your own personal reasons. When you are in shape, you feel good, you have energy, you enjoy life and you have more joy to share with others. Others will get a benefit from your new found vitality.

If you lose it for someone else, it will always be conditional to you and that is damaging to your psyche. I will not work with a client unless they want it for themselves. You already have too many demands on us from many different sources and directions. The last thing you need is someone else looking over your shoulder every time you pick up a morsel of food. It’s one thing to have an accountability partner it’s another to have a critical person making a negative comment about your progress or lack thereof.

You can’t please everyone. Most importantly, you shouldn’t even try. DO what you know is right. Take care of yourself and cheer yourself on. Let your bathroom mirror and your new favorite smaller jeans be your cheerleader. Encourage your self, motivate your self. Be the absolute best you can be. Your true friends will be there for you and your user friends will be haters and fade away and try to guilt or talk you out of getting a hot body!

Hey friends, this is tough. I have been in this business enough to know what it takes to succeed and be content with who you are and your body size and shape. You know that deep in your heart there is a desire to live an abundant, joyous exciting and adventurous life. You should. It is your birthright and you can do, be have all that you desire if you are wiling to do whatever it takes. Don’t wait – start today. Do not eat another thing that damages your body. Do not eat another thing that will make your body fat, sick and diseased. Do not engage in conversations that make you feel powerless! it’s better to be silent than feed the negative demons who show up to mess us up!

Reach Higher and Climb Faster!

Love You all!


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