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Stop Sugar Addiction & Beat Low Blood Sugar Detox!

7 Nov
Sugar Addiction

Stop Sugar Addiction, Beat Low Blood Sugar Blues and Lose Weight Now!

Feel Unmotivated Sometimes? Tired of waking up bloated, puffy, feeling like crap or feeling full of crap.. and not losing weight fast enough? Keep reading!

QUESTION from a reader.

Miss Victoria,I have a serious problem!  I swear I am a sugar addict.  Girl, I get up in the morning and the first thing I eat is designer chocolate. It tastes so good and it is the only thing that gives e energy to get going.

I can’t stop eating and I crave sweets all the time. Everyone keeps telling me how bad sugar is for me, but I can’t seem to stop. I have sweet treats in my car, at my job, in the break room, I run to the vending machine during breaks.

I think if I don’t go crazy from weekly mood swings, then I will end up broke from doctor bills. I have chronic headaches and then I go into a deep depression and if that’s not bad enough, I only like to eat expensive chocolate so I will go on sugar shopping sprees!  I have gained so much weight and none of my clothes fit anymore. What should I do?  How can I stop wanting to eat sugar all the time and get on a good eating plan that will help me lose weight as I get my sanity back?   Kara


ANSWER:  Kara,

Wow!  I can feel your frustration and I understand why you are upset. It’s almost impossible to eat anything tasty that doesn’t have sugar in it.  Practically everything that we buy to eat contains sugar!  Can you believe it?  Even if something says “fat-free”, it still contains a form of sugar called sucrose and glucose.  The reason why you crave sugar so much is because you are eating sugar!!!  I know, it sounds crazy, doesn’t it?

Sugar Addiction

Victoria Sugar Addiction - Low Glycemic Diet-Lose Weight

Victoria Former Sugar Addict!

The problem with eating sugar is that when you eat it, it makes your blood sugar levels go up.  In response, your pancreas, the organ that regulates how your body uses sugar, begins to produce what is called insulin to help control the excess sugar in the bloodstream.  The pancreas has another job as well.  It is to create a hormone called glucagon to help get rid of body fat.  If the pancreas is busy making insulin, it cannot make the “fat fighting” hormone, glucagon and then the body stops the weight loss process and you will not lose weight!!!

Detox First. Cleanse Your Digestive Tract So You Can Help Get Your Body Into a Healthy State.

DETOXIFICATION, cleansing your human system of harmful toxins, or also commonly known as ‘flushing your system’ is a fantastic way to being a sugar rehab program. This natural process  and function are responsible for cleaning, clearing  getting rid of waste and toxins from the body, are normally typically handled by organs like the liver, lower gastrointestinal tract,  kidneys, and colon.

Why Detox?

  1. Sugar creates a rancid sticky parasitic environment and detoxing can help remove it. Detoxing removes poisonous disease infesting toxins out of your body. It also helps eliminate constipation. The average person has up to ten pounds of fecal matter trapped in their colon. That is very dangerous due to the toxins and poisons seeping into your cells as it sits there. DETOX and GET IT OUT!
  2. Cleanses liver and that will help your body burn fat more efficiently.
  3. Detoxing can make your skin healthier, smoother and softer. It removes toxins that can cause premature aging, wrinkles, and acne.
  4. Works to help you have a healthier gut. A healthier gut allows you to absorb more healthy nutrients and can prevent a multitude of disorders. If you have been on any medication in the last six months, it’s a good idea to do a detox to help purify your system because some medications wreak havoc on your energy lever, liver, pancreas, colon, and skin.
  5. Improves your energy. When your body is healthier, digestion is normal, your metabolic rate is higher and you can absorb more vitamins and minerals from your food and supplements.

This is one of the most powerful, yet mild detox teas available today. We felt that in order to do a thorough cleanse, you need at least five organic herbs that are potent and three herbs for rejuvenation. Once your  system is cleansed and detoxed, you will have the elements to restore the organs. Victoria’s Best Detox Cleanse and Skinny Waist Tea is the best. To help make it even more effective we included our $99.00 Quick Start Low Carb Diet Program with every order! This is the same diet our Fitness Models Use. Get yours today and start detoxing immediately!

This is the reason you are not losing after all your dedication. In order to start losing weight, you are going to have to stop eating sugar altogether.  But here is the hard question: How do you stop eating sugar if everything has sugar in it?

The first thing you must do is “decide” you are going to change.  You will only see results if you are willing to do everything it takes to get thin, healthy, and free from the control of life-threatening body swelling sweets.

Your goals are to get strong mentally and physically,  lose weight, look good in your favorite jeans, fit in all your favorite clothes that are collecting dust in your closet and living a life that is worthy of your greatness!

Your goal should be so epic that you never let sugar control you again. Really, it’s time to stop letting outside elements control your internal decisions. You are here to do something magnificent and you need all the power you have to achieve it.  You cannot tap into that power if you are depressed, lonely, doubtful and feel victimized. Those are some of the symptoms of low blood sugar. Many times, you may feel hopeless and lost, when in actuality it’s your hormones that are out of balance due to heavy sugar or alcohol (sugar) consumption.

Get Connected & Get Going!

Your goals should be connected to passionate and positive outcomes that fire you up so much that you want to stop the sugar habit.  G goals represent your desire and your desire has to be greater than any type of food that contains sugar.

I understand how you feel because I was once addicted to sugar too.  I always had a bottle of pop in the fridge or a candy bar stashed somewhere hidden so I can get my sugar fix for that blast of quick energy.

Sugar Addiction- hypoglycemia - Glycemic Index


Sugar Kills

Sugar can give you a power rush of energy in a flash, which is another reason why our bodies just love sugar.  But it is lethal to our pancreas and our goals.  An upcoming singer I worked with had this same problem.  In addition to not being able to lose weight, the sugar caused serious, life-threatening side effects and she had to be hospitalized several times due to her sugar binges and self-imposed hyper-driven recording schedule.  She had jars of jelly beans, little dishes of miniature candy bars and a portable fridge in the studio filled with those supercharged sugary caffeine drinks.

I thought I was going to lose her if she didn’t change her ways.  One of the things I had to do was get her management team, who supplied her with everything she needed including food, to stop purchasing food items that contained sugar and simple carbohydrates that convert to sugar and then turns to fat in and on the body.

I know, the very people in our lives who we think are helping us sometimes are the cause of our hardship.  I had to educate her manager and her mother as well about how to change.  I would like to share with you what I did to help her lose weight, regain energy and help her mom reverse the deathly sugar addiction she had developed.

First- You’re going to have to sit down and have a heart to heart talk with yourself and whoever else is involved with your eating habits.  Share with them the information you have just learned about how serious you are about healing your body and taking control of your health. This is vital to the future of your metabolic system, body size and skin condition.

You all are going to have to become  “sugar cops” and blow the siren on every food item that you will want to consume. You will have to start by reading food labels, researching ingredients online,  and being accountable for everything you want to eat. This is easier now because most things prepackaged contains sugar, so you won’t be buying a lot of things in a box or bag any longer, You want to condition your appetite to seek healthier whole foods instead of packaged ones.

Team Work

Decide as a team, group or family that you will not bring sugar into your work, sports environment, studio or home, car or any environment where you spend a great deal of time.  This is a very difficult step because of habits, rituals and years of mental conditioning. You will have to make a firm decision and be willing to stick with it.

Don’t Have It, Can’t Eat It!

By not having sugar around, you won’t be tempted to eat it.  If you want to succeed you must SHUT DOWN everything that tempts you and can cause you to fail.

My Appetite Control Secret –I follow a Low Glycemic Index Diet that cuts out sugar, helps you lose weight fast and gives you tons of energy.

What is the Glycemic Index?

The Glycemic Index is a rating system for foods where any type of carbohydrate has a numerical value assigned to it based on its components and how each food affects the body’s sugar levels. The lower the glycemic index, the more weight you can lose. You want to think of always eating Good Glycemic Foods. You can get a free list, the source is listed later in this blog post.

Second– Instead of buying sugar, decide on a sugar substitute.  There are many to choose from.  I know everyone is different so you will have to decide which one is good for you.  Personally, I like Stevia. It is a noncaloric herb, native to Paraguay, has been used as a sweetener and flavor enhancer for centuries. The leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant have a refreshing taste, zero glycemic index, zero calories, and zero carbs. It is 25-30 times sweeter than sugar and far more healthy.

Fat Burners Supplement

Fat Burners Supplements For Healthy Weight Loss

Third- Find an appetite depressant that works for you and helps you control your cravings. Personally, I use The Best Fat Burners.  It increases your energy, makes your more motivated to get things done without stimulants or jitteriness. It helps to wipe out your ravenous appetite and speeds up the body’s metabolic rate so help you burn more calories throughout the day.   It is one of the safest and Best Fat Burners on the market today. I have been taking them for years and my blood results are stellar, my cholesterol is perfect, it helps me manage my own low blood sugar and it keeps me feeling happy!

The ingredients are healthy, organic and potent.   They are some of the only ones that work for me. I have battled a tendency to overeat my whole life. Now I just take care of it and take one capsule right when I get p and one in the afternoon around 1:00 or 2:00PM so it isn’t an issue. I am not strong enough to think I can just have great will power, NO WAY!  I know that if I allow myself to get really hungry

Because I have to keep my blood chemistry balanced due to my hectic schedule, plus I want to keep my blood sugar at a healthy level to prevent diabetes and heart disease, I take it every meal right before I eat. It is absolutely amazing. It really does take away my appetite.

I also have to continue to drink my four quarts of water a day.  Sometimes I don’t feel thirsty or hungry and I forget to continue the healthy habits to helped me lose weight. I have to be vigilant to stay with what works regardless of all the hype in advertising.

Science Sheds Pounds

I know a lot of personal trainers and medical people try to talk down the benefits of supplements. That is their right and I can respect their views. But I have to say that after ten years and millions of customers, clients, and nutritional research I have found that I, and millions of you, need and embrace state of the art products and methods that serve our needs.  Plus, I love the fact that science continues to bring us innovative products and make our journey to a fit and lean body simpler and more effective.

You can go and get your free Green Smoothie Guide Here! But come bak and

That’s why we love our Matcha Green Tea Powder. It is one of the only organic tea powders that survived the floods, tsunamis, and other disasters. When you add Matcha Green Tea Powder to a Gren Smoothie, have it as tea in the morning as a great wake me up in place of just coffee, you actually start your day with an amazing superfood! Our food supply is so degraded that we have to find other ways to nourish our cells with premium grade nutrition. Your organs, bones, cells and skin improves!

Not only do we lose weight faster, we reverse the negative biological effects that came from a poor diet and no exercise.

YES! With a healthy low sugar, low carb diet, cutting edge Teas, Supplements, and proper exercise, you can begin to restore your body’s youth and vitality! So when you shop, look for those innovative foods on the good glycemic list found in my free app, HOW DO I LOSE WEIGHT NOW.

Blog How Do I Lose Weight App

Eat For Energy & Exercise

Fourth- Eat 3-4 small meals a day. The meals can include protein, a vegetable, and low glycemic carbohydrates. Make sure the carbohydrates such as whole grain bread, are in small amounts and baked without sugar of course because this type of food releases sugar slowly and will not make your sugar levels rush up and down.  Don’t eat too much whole grain breads because your will experience similar results as with eating sugar because your “fat-fighting” hormone will be blocked.

 Fifth – Exercise!!!!

cardio exercise for detox- fat burning- stop sugar craving

Workout for detoxing, weight loss and stop sugar cravings!

According to A. Alain Bertoni, M.D.,  MPH., assistant professor in Public Health Sciences and Internal Medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, N.C., states that being active in exercising is a good way to help you lose weight, and fight sugar cravings because your muscles use the natural sugar from the healthy foods you eat and uses it as energy which helps you lose weight.

Feel Good-Do Good

There are several ways you can exercise that fit your time and budget.  If you don’t have time to get to a gym or take a class, home workouts are great.  My most popular home workouts are Cardio Dance Jam and my Power Shaping, total body fat burning workout.  Both are great easy to follow along, high energy DVD’S will not only help you lose weight, they will bring you joy and fun.

Most of all exercise will give you energy and help you feel empowered about getting fit in order to reach your goals. When you feel good, you do good!

Make Space

In order to do something new, you have to release something old.  In order to bring in new ideas and new success, you must release old ideas and old influences.

Kara, start today, purging your home, workspaces, and vehicles of all fattening snacks and sweets. Start tossing everything that contains sugar in a garbage bag that you are going to donate someplace or put in the garbage.  Get rid of every single piece. Do not keep one piece in your presence.  You cannot depend on willpower to help you, I know I couldn’t so you need to throw it all away now! You can toss it now or  wear it later.

Make A List! 

Make a new foods list of low sugar, healthy foods to buy and begin to be forward thinking. Getting what you need to do and be your best. Do as much as you to prepare for your future. Do what is necessary for you to succeed. No one is going to do it for you and now can make it perfect for you. You can do it for your amazing destiny.  Kara, take your life back starting today. You will be so glad you did; a week, month and year from now. Just imagine how great you will feel rehabbing your health. There is no perfect time to start eating right, detoxing and regenerating your health.

Don’t wait! start today. A year is going to pass anyway, why not be lighter, healthier, happier and hotter? WOOHOO!

If you have serious lumps, bumps, dimples and fat under your skin, you want to check out The Extreme Slimming Anti-Cellulite Cream. It is an actual transdermal spot fat burner. SO you have to be sure to put it only where you want to lose fat because it is potent! You also get a great DIY Body Wrap at home to help you lose inches fast and jump start your cleanse on fatty body parts.

All our products have a 100% guarantee. You have nothing to lose, but an old tired unhappy person. Start new and begin a journey of total bliss, happiness and fitness today.

Tune into VICTORIA’S BODY SHOPPE GLOBAL RADIO SHOW this week to find out more about the Glycemic Index and how you can use it to drop weight and feel great Fast!


Victoria Johnson

Your Celebrity Trainer, Best-Selling Author, Global Radio Host


Detox, beat sugar craving and manage low blood sugar

Cellulite Busting Body Wraps-5 Keys To Losing Inches Fast!

3 Oct

5 Keys To Losing Inches Fast With Cellulite Busting Body Wraps

Jump Start Your Body Shaping, Lose Weight Fast & Drop Inches Safely at Home With These Awesome Ideas!

Best Cellulite Cream

DIY Lose Weight Fast & Drop Inches Safely At Home

If you are overweight, larger than you want to be and have cellulite, sometimes it feels impossible to lose weight and get rid of the lumps and bumps cellulite creates.

Cellulite is formed when fat cells become isolated from blood and lymphatic circulation and takes a boat -load of exercise, dieting and sometimes even surgery before it can be eliminated from your body.

I totally understand this entire trauma drama situation. When I was sixty plus pounds heavier, I had more lumps than an old mattress. I was miserable. I wanted to wear fun clothes, run on the beach and wear tight leggings, but I didn’t because I was too self-conscious. I know..I know; “love yourself accept your size, you are beautiful no matter how much junk you have in your trunk”! LOL.   All the psychobabble BS that people said to me when I was fat did not help me one bit. I still went home, hid in my room and binged on self-sedating sugary junk.

Fat is Dangerous

Fat contains toxins that are poisonous and combine that with a low immune system, it becomes almost deadly. When I was overweight, binging on ridiculous amounts of low nutrition foods, I got a life threatening case of chronic fatigue. It was so bad it that I started to get symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Mind you, I was only in middle school and was having the sicknesses of middle years women. My body was a metabolic mess. I did eventually work my way out of it by going through a serious detox and cleanse, changing my diet, getting more focused on positive goals and finding a mentor to help me set some goals and make a plan for my life. I even joined a networking group that met every week to keep my head in the right space for success!

Fat is Toxic

I want the same for you. I want you to rule your life with power and purpose. You can’t do it if you are fatigued, unmotivated and hiding under clothes. It’s time to break out and live life with total freedom. Fat hides who you really are. Excess subcutaneous fat is not just unsightly and it’s downright unhealthy. Excess body fat is a sign, it’s a visible alarm that’s sending you the signal that your body is not processing calories efficiently and that you’re developing toxicity in your organs. You are creating a minefield of issues that can start in your liver, thyroid, pancreas, bladder and the veins and arteries that are feeding your heart. And consider this, your SKIN is the largest organ in your body.

To remedy this, it’s important to provide the body with detoxing and metabolic enhancing elements that help you release the toxins and expel them through sweat and urine, improve circulation, stimulate the fat burning and increase the release of fatty acids from the dimpled stores.


Tighten Loose Skin While You Lose Weight

It’s so important to get the toxins out and heal your organs and make your body healthier. I had to make a quick trip to South Beach Florida, USA to see a client. It’s very scary listening to the medical issues surrounding the Zika Virus outbreak in Miami. While there I made sure I was careful and used organic repellant. Plus I made sure I kept hydrated, drank my probiotic tea to help keep my immune system strong and work kept my skin exposure to a minimum which is almost next to impossible in South Beach!
DIY Home Body Wraps are so much cheaper and work great.

Best Cellulite Cream

Lose Weight Fast At Home Anti Cellulite Body Wrap

You can use your own formula that you have created and love. We do them with our clients using our own Extreme Slimming Cream.

It has been shown to be one of the most effective, DIY Home methods for weight-loss, skin tightening and body contouring. Our natural mixture of the perfect ingredients is not only designed to detox your skin, help you lose inches for a special occasion, reduce stored fluid retention which is made worse by excess fat; it is also designed to stimulate new collagen growth, improve skin texture over time and discourage further accumulation of cellulite after each use. That is what helps make your skin tighter, more resilient and firmer. Plus the detoxification of your cells can help to make you healthier.

1) Get Serious – Make a commitment to honor your body by purifying and cleansing it of toxins, waste and damaging poisons.

  1. Decide that you are going to do a Body Wrap to help kick start your body into a good detox to help you get motivated by seeing an immediate inch loss. It will not be permanent unless you continue cleansing with Green Smoothies after your body wraps. You can get the guide here!
  2. Write it down on a calendar someplace you will see it so that you can get mentally and physically ready.
  3. Write out the reason and the goal of your wrap.

2) Get Equipped – Get your wrap materials together and get organized before you start. It is shown that when you are organized, you feel better and are more committed to the process.

  1. You need a dry brush – always dry brush your skin before you put on the cream or your won solutions
  2. Saran wrap – You want good clingy wrap that helps the solution activate faster.
  3. Waist Trainer, Cincher or compression garment– This will help you shrink your waist and other body parts.
  4. Tape Measure. Measure before and after to help assure you are doing it correctly.
  5. Extreme Slimming Gel or other solution you plan to use.

Lightweight cotton garments to wear while you are wrapped. Do not cover your head while you are wrapped, it could cause you to over heat. You can wear clothing with your wrap, but do not wear anything that could hinder your ability to move. Do exceed an hour of being HOT! Make sure if you wear it long term (overnight), you don’t cover your entire body all at once. If you decide to wear a wrap overnight, just do one body part and make sure you are comfortable, can breathe and have water so you can stay hydrated.

WARNING: But do not do this in a sauna longer than the standard 15-minute warning on most saunas.

3) Fluid – Drink up To Flush It Out

  1. Prepare and have available, lemon water or other Low Glycemic Fruit Infused Water For Drinking. Take 2 lemons and cut up and put into a gallon of filtered or distilled water. Add stevia if you need some sweetness
  2. Drink before, during and after your wrap to help facilitate the detox and continue releasing excess toxins. Plus this helps to rehydrate skin so that it won’t get wrinkly and creepy.

4) Rest – Relax and Chill.

  1. Once you are wrapped, do not over exert yourself with activities that could cause you to overheat.
  2. Put on some music that makes you feel good. Your mental state is vital to help you stay calm and allow the wrap to work.
  3. Body Shaping. I like to have my clients do periodic isometric exercises where the body is wrapped. They are committed to getting a tighter waist or sculpted looking body parts. They wear their waist trainer or cincher after they put on the Extreme slimming Cream. Then do isometric abdominal and core exercises that help flatten the abdomen and flexing their arms and legs to create a more toned appearance.

5) Diet – Eat healthy, natural low carb foods.

  1. Eat a clean healthy, no sugar no refined foods, no canned foods or high salt meals. Stay with green smoothies, high fiber vegetables, broths, home made soups that are lighter for the first day to assist in digestion and detoxification.
  2. Drink before, during and after your wrap to help facilitate the detox and flushing of the excess toxins. This process not only helps you look better, it is helping you be healthier.
  3. Probiotic Detox Weight Loss Tea – You can also use a probiotic detox weight loss tea. The tea is shown to help your entire digestive system reboot as you detox and the benefits are amazing. It helps you get a healthy digestive tract. Once you get the toxins released into your system, it is crucial to get t flushed out so that it doesn’t collect in your colon and create more health issues. Read more about the Probiotic Tea. Even if you don’t want it now, bookmark the page so that you can prepare your body’s immune system to become stronger. There’s an amazing medical article about women and Probiotics you should read after this post. This statement says it all! “Probiotics for women’s health has a huge future,” said Krystal Thomas-White, a PhD candidate working with Professor Alan Wolfe, Professor in Microbiology & Immunology at Loyola University Chicago Urinary Education & Research Collaborative. “It needs to be the future.”  Read the article here.
Probiotic Detox Skinny Tea 28 Day

Detox, Probiotic, Digestion, Constipation

Extreme Slimming Cream – Up to Ten Body Wraps in One Jar!

Here’s our Exclusive Model Series (like your body naked) Slimming Cream. There are some really effective active ingredients that are fat busting powerhouses along with aloe that penetrates through the protein wall that surrounds the fat cell to help facilitate the release of heavy toxins into the lymphatic system where it can be flushed away by drinking healthy amounts of water. We sell out fast, so get yours today!

We have aloe and skin rejuvenating nutrients in our cream that help restore elasticity and firms skin tissue, leaving it, firmer more soft and sexy. The fat releasing product stays in the body for up to three days depending on how much water you drink, how much you exercise and how clean you keep your diet, allowing for continued size loss to occur as you continue to detox and cleanse. My clients and models typically drink 3-4 liters of water daily. They do their slimming body wraps as a series of seven or ten treatments, spaced 3-5 days apart. They have so many benefits such as detoxification, cleansing and rejuvenating.

Bonus Step: Firm & Lift

Best Retinol Cream Moisturizer

Wrinkles, Eyes, smooth wrinkles

After you have completed your wrap, the next day, start using a cream to start repairing the skin so that it will continue to become softer, firmer and tighter.

Don’t skimp on your skin, its the largest organ of your body. It is a sign of health, happiness, and beauty. Make it the best you can. Think…if you start this week, a year from now, you can have better looking, healthier, more vibrant and radiant skin over your entire body!

Try just one bottle of our Firm& Lift Retinol Cream. You will be so glad you did. We have a 100% money back guarantee. It is a work of science that ushers in the future of high grade, NO FILLERS, not your typical petroleum based Skin Care. Every single ingredient is potent, effective, purposeful and works!

Love & Hugs! Victoria


Best Cellulite Cream

Anti Cellulite Body Wrap DIY Lose Weight Fast & Drop Inches Safely at Home


Green Smoothies For Detox & Fast Weight Loss

12 Sep


Lose 7 Pounds In 7 Days Using Healthy Green Smoothies!

Safely Look and Feel Totally Hot This Holiday Season. Drop those unwanted pounds by this time next week!

Green Smoothies are the rage right now and rightly so. They are a powerhouse of super nutrition and a great meal replacement for good clean fast weight loss. The average person has up to eight pounds of fecal matter stored in their digestive tract!  Green smoothies are a great way to jump start the elimination process. This time of the year, its so important to get high potency natural nutrition. During the holiday season and winter is when you are most likely to get a cold or flu, so this is a perfect time to add healthy green smoothies to your diet plan.

Matcha Geen Tea Health Benefits

Matcha Geen Tea Health Benefits

They HelpShrink Your Waist and Flatten Your Lower Belly!

Not only are they amazingly healthy, they help combat constipation, help with colon cleansing and liver detoxing. Both of those are crucial to bossing your immune system. If you want better skin, fewer wrinkles, better circulation and improved moods, better concentration, and a flat stomach, you must keep reading!


If you’re not having green smoothies, you really want to consider adding them to your diet. Why? They’re an exceptional option to carb-loaded snack bars or sugary coffee drinks. Green Smoothies are actually a healthy fast food. You can make them, store them in the fridge and then you can eat them on the go. You can eat them for breakfast, lunch and or dinner.


What are Green Smoothies? They are a form of smoothie that is made with organic raw leafy green vegetables as a base that is blended in a blender with water. Many use fruit to enhance the flavor and nutrient density. They are packed with minerals, vitamins, anti-oxidants, fiber, chlorophyll, phytonutrients and anti-inflammatory elements. It’s like turning your cells into superman’s’ by giving them natural kryptonite!

Benefits of Body Purifying and Health Regenerating Green Smoothies

*Improved emotional health, mental clarity, less brain fog, better memory

*Increase in energy, endrance, electrolytes, improved hydration for skin

*Promotes good gut enzymes especially if you are on or have been on medication

*Improves digestion, helps with constipation

*Less acid reflux, less gas, improved bowel movements

*Decreased bloating, flatter lower belly, thinner midsection

Some of the benefits of what they’re all about and everything and I like personally again, I like my Matcha Tea. So I always add my Green Matcha Tea Powder to my smoothies and you can too. I add somewhere between one and two teaspoons per 8 ounce servings depending on if I’m making them for a group or if I’m making them just for myself. Or if it’s in the morning and I want more energy. If I want more energy, I’ll add 2 teaspoons of Matcha Powder. If it’s in the afternoon, I’ll usually 1 Teaspoon of Matcha Powder and I’ll put that in my green or protein smoothie.



“I had no idea that Victoria’s magic green tea powder is so hearty, natural and super packed with nutrition. I wanted a good green product to improve my overall health, help increase my energy and assist in keeping the fat off. I ordered it, and I thought I would just give it a try. I always get colds every winter so I wanted a good super food to give me a head start in strengthening my immune system. I am truly happy I bought a bag. I drink it in the morning for energy and use it in my green smoothie before I cycle for endurance and stamina. I feel so energised after I drink it. I seem to be able to focus and navigate curves better. There is no crash or jittery side effects. It’s been 4 months now, and I have lost 3% body fat. My abs look leaner, I’m faster, more content and am pleased to report no colds this winter. I also seem to recuperate faster after a long training session. I have even started using it in my frozen yoghurt. I’m in Victoria’s Matcha fan club for life”.

Green Smoothies For Fast Fat Loss   And Quicker Healthy Rejuvenation That Totally Hacks Your Health!

You got this just in time to go shopping and get your veggies and fruits you will need to get this green party going!

If you have struggled with bloating, excess gas when you eat, accumulation of belly fat, constipation, lack of energy, motivation or drive; you may be lacking in crucial vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthy digestive enzymes and fiber.

And let’s not forget to mention if you have struggled with trying to lose weight and keep it off, you are in the right place today. I am going to share with you one of my greatest solutions to address these issues. Just like the testimonial in the beginning of this post,

You will find that there really are super foods that your body loves and responds to with rapid speed.

Battling losing weight is painful; emotionally draining and can make you feel hopeless and weak. Especially if you are like me and have tried everything on the planet to try to lose weight and get a flat stomach. You keep trying every new sugar-loaded fruity smoothie that the big companies advertising on TV are selling thinking that you finally found an answer, only to find that when you drink one,  your appetite soars through the roof from all the hidden sugars they use in the formulas. AAHHH!

Tired and overweight-man-and-woman-48015482



Let’s look at the why they are so healthy.

Glasses with fresh organic vegetable and fruit juices isolated on white. Detox diet.

Organic and Natural- They are usually made with 40% organic green ingredients. You can mix some low glycemic moderately ripe fruit or flavor, digestion and bulk. Personally but I don’t always eat green fruit because it can be little too potent for my stomach. Some people can eat green fruit just fine. You should experiment to see what works for you. Make sure that you do not add any artificial ingredients to your healthy pure smoothie.

Digestive Healer – Green smoothies are good for your digestion. Vegetables and fruits have good gut enzymes that actually assist in digestion and they’re easily biologically absorbed and utilized as nourishment by your cells.

Complete Nutrition – You can blend all your fruits and vegetables together at once, that way your body can absorb all the nutrition at one time. It’s a complete form of concentrated vitamins and minerals without adding unnecessary calories.

Super Fiber To Keep You Moving – Green Smoothies are also rich in fiber and that helps to maintain a healthy digestive system; they help keep your colon clean and that helps prevent constipation. They put your gut into a healthy alkaline state where your body’s able to digest food and then the proper vitamins, minerals and micronutrients are absorbed in the gut. That is why you’ll see your health start to improve and you skin start to get better. 

Multiple Benefits – You’ll see your energy start to improve. You’ll start seeing your skin improve. Many of our users say their skin becomes softer, smoother and brown spots stop appearing.

We have even had people write that they had congestion all the time and once they got the right green vegetable, fruits and added their own personalized goodies like Whey Protein Powder, Matcha Tea Powder, almonds and green tea and a multitude of other nutrients they felt they needed, the severe congestion cleared up.

Crazy cool huh? When I am being diligent eating my Green Smoothies, my eyesight gets brighter, get clearer and less sensitive to light and I have better night vision.

It’s mainly because of the concentration of powerful nutrition that is in its perfect form, unprocessed without chemical additives.

Child eating apple. Little girl playing peek a boo holding fresh ripe apples. Kids eating snack relaxing on a lawn. Children summer fun on a farm picking healthy fruit.

Apple Pectin Benefits. One study in japan found that apple pectin reduced the chances of colon cancer and that it helped maintain a healthy digestive tract. You can take 2-3 small apples and then add a pear, add green vegetables to that, then add some Matcha Tea Powder, which gives you super high healthy antioxidants and then add some other herbs you need to make your own personal natural healing smoothed. You can even add bland or good tasting vitamins and minerals and other supplements to it as well. Experiment and explore. Add ice, water, and stevia for sweetness if you prefer. There are more extensive directions and the 7 Green Smoothie Recipe Book  Free Green Smoothie Guide and The Most Delicious Smoothie Recipes on the Planet.   Click to get your copy!


Protein (Workout Shake) Green Smoothie – You can even add a non-sugar protein powder to your smoothie. If you are vegan or eat very little protein or meat, this gives you a pure source of complete protein. A complete protein is vital for your overall wellness, muscle health, hair, skin, nails, organs and mental wellness.


When you make your smoothies this way, you have a complete fitness smoothie packed with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and electrolytes; you have it all in one glass. Try different foods to find out what you like. Flavor is individual, so make this journey a lifetime of playing and experimenting with your favorite vegetables, fruits and other healthy ingredients. If you have an illness or some sort of disorder, research elements that can help your condition and if they don’t have a bad flavor add it to your drink. If they do taste bad, then take them within an hour of drinking your shake if that is approved by your healthy physician or Naturopath.

It’s absolutely an amazing after workout drink too. Especially if you work out, train in the gym, do soul cycle, run outside, lift weights, practice yoga, Pilates, Zumba and dance, it’s a great way to rehydrate and replenish electrolytes that you lost.

Fast Healthy Weight Loss– If you want to jump-start a weight loss program and want to see quick results, here’s what you’ll do.

Try out our Sexy Pink Waist Trainer for helping you get a flat tummy and skinny was it as you lose weight!


You will look at the list of foods in my Catabolic Mystery Foods post and make your green smoothie with those vegetables and fruits, ones that are low glycemic, so you’re able to get into a good fat burning state quickly and you’re also able to stabilise your blood sugar which helps you stay in the weight loss game by giving you a greater sense of calm and energy. It’s absolutely amazing what happens when you have the right green smoothie. You’re going to love it. It may take some time adjusting your schedule or picking the right ingredients, but you only have one body, give it the absolute best nutrition possible.

healthy eating, cooking, vegetarian food, dieting and people concept - close up of young woman with blender and green vegetables making detox shake or smoothie at home

Lifestyle – This process of adding a Green Smoothie or two to your diet daily is to be a lifestyle because once you start giving your body healthy gut elements, it will rebel when you go back to Junk!

Even when traveling, it’s important to stay on your plan. If you’re on the road you could even have someone at a restaurant put everything in the blender for you and make you a smoothie. I always take my Matcha Green Tea Powder with me when I travel. I even take protein powder with me. I also take my Fat Burner Capsules, I take one two times per day and sometimes I’ll even open them up and throw them in the smoothie. It’s absolutely great. So now I have a super duper double effect fat blasting healthy smoothie. Fat Burner_

I love the organic elements in my Fat Burners, they help me control my appetite, keep my energy up, stop my horrible mood swings and help speed up my starting to slow down, metabolism. Sounds crazy to throw them in a smoothie huh? I can because they’re organic, they are actually a concentrated source of highly effective plants that you just cant get unless they are in a capsule or you want to sit and eat three pounds of the natural plant itself at one sitting twice day!

Food Form For Burning Fat

They are actually food, they are not synthetic, they have no fillers like most o f the products on the market that sell for a lot less, they are FDA approved natural and organic, so you’re just getting a complete source of all the elements combined in one fat burning capsule. I love them, I am convinced if I had been taking them during my sixty pounds plus weight gain from emotional eating, I would not have gained the weight.

So you can see why I can toss them into my smoothie so that I’m drinking them when I am in a hurry. That way my metabolism starts to increase; my energy stays constant, my ability to maintain and endurance when I am exercising. Maybe you need endurance too. I know that’s why we don’t exercise sometimes. We know we need to, we know it’s vital to our health, organs, skin and prevents diseases but we simply don’t have the physical energy to do it and when we do sometimes we don’t have the endurance because we can’t stay with the activity long enough to burn enough fat to lose weight.

That is another reason I always have my fat burners with me in my car and take them before I go to my class after a tiring or rough day. It gives me the energy and stamina I need to help me workout longer.

Woman working out

Fat Burning Energy
When you take Fat Burners, they can give you the ability to move with more energy so that you are able to process more oxygen. That means you can work out longer which means you can burn fat longer. That translates into getting in better shape over a shorter period of time. It also means you enough energy to work out 5 days a week. In order to permanently lose weight, tighten and tone your muscles, you need to train your body to burn fat more often. With good training and being healthier, you’ll be able to recover faster because you’re using more oxygen. Oxygen is the key to fitness, longevity, healthy skin and life itself.

Life Saver – Green smoothies have really been a life saver. They are quick and good nutrition meal replacement. You can make them, put in the fridge and grab and eat when pressed for time or just want something quick and healthy to eat. You get to control what you eat. Don’t think it’s the same as eating a commercial store bought smoothie unless you read the ingredients on the bottle. Even when you go to a smoothie café, you have to be careful about what they put in there. If they can make you a pure green smoothie that would be fantastic

Less Carb Craving. – When eating healthy vegetables, you’ll find that you’re not craving sugar as much. You’ll find your blood sugar balances quicker and if you have type 1 diabetes; or if you have type 2 diabetes, you’ll find your blood sugar may be balances easier when you’re having green smoothies. You may also find your cholesterol level can possibly go down. A lot of our clients that eat green smoothies find that their blood cholesterol levels go down. In many cases good cholesterol improves, bad cholesterol is reduced and overall blood pressure can go down by not eating high carb chips, unhealthy processed foods that are high in high temperature fried fat that your body is unable to process properly. Those types of foods put undue stress on your digestive system and that robs your body of vital healing nutrients.

Many users have seen their blood pressure actually go down by eating green smoothies simply using them as a replacement for unhealthy snacks, while eating a healthy diet.

Healthy Family Food

Family Healthy & Fun Food

Processed foods actually zap your energy. When you have a pure, healthy green smoothie packed with chlorophyll, vitamins and minerals, critical trace elements and electrolytes, you’ll actually find your body responding in many positive ways. Your mind and body will operate at a higher level. You’ll have more energy. You’ll have less brain fog and more mental clarity. You may find that you feel lighter as well. You’ll be more regular as your digestion improves. It’s really healthy. They are such a smart way to feed your kids too. When you choose ingredients that are tolerated digestively, (little ones have more delicate systems, so you have to experiment with different ingredients) you can make green smoothies for your entire family.

Frozen Smoothies  –Sometimes I’ll freeze them and just grab one on the way out the door when I know I’m going to be busy in the morning. I’ll freeze mine and then I’ll take it out of the freezer on the way out the door, It’s almost like frozen yoghurt. There’s no way you cannot want to do this.

Liver Health – Your liver needs to be detoxed in order to burn a higher percent of fat; potent green smoothies actually facilitate that. They actually help to cleanse your liver and help supply intuition to all your organs and that can make you healthier and you can lose fat faster!

Control Blood Sugar and Feel Great – You’ll find that by eating smoothies and your blood sugar stabilizing, your metabolism is higher, you’re actually able to lose more cellulite. Your skin will get better. Your entire body will operate at a higher level when you have good solid nutrition that doesn’t have all the additives and preservatives as GMO processed foods.

Happy – You will be so happy you started eating green smoothies; you’re going to wonder why you didn’t eat them sooner. This is a global movement. I cannot believe the number of websites and recipes and ideas that are out there for us. So just start with one of the green smoothies in my Free Smoothie Guide. Click here to get your free copy now! Go get it and come back and finish this blog post. I want to inspire you to make your digestion and your body as healthy as you possibly can. Plus they help you get a flat stomach and sexy waistline!

Just Do It! – Get my Free Green Smoothie Guide and just start. Just pick out a recipe. The recipes are inside the smoothie guide. Get it, read through it, get committed and just try one to start. I have 5 beginner recipes and 2 extra bonus ones just to get you started! I want you to feel great, be healthy, love your body and live a long and happy life.

Super Charged Super Food Green Smoothie

Now let’s talk about Matcha Tea because I’ve had a lot of people emailing me and asking me, “what is this Japanese Matcha Green Tea Powder about?”

3 D Matcha

It’s a super concentrated form of a food. It’s super condensed nutrition that is good for every cell in your body. It’s stimulates digestion. It’s a natural way to detox your body. It improves your metabolism, and it increases your energy, and it increases your body’s ability to actually burn calories. It’s phenomenal because you will have a good sense of concentration. That’s what’s really great about it for my executives. When they drink it, they always say things like, “How come I can just stay so focused for so long? I used to have to get up from my desk and do things and all of a sudden I’m drinking my tea in the morning or I had it in my smoothie, and I feel so alert, yet not jittery.” It’s the naturally occurring elements in the tea powder that give your brain a mental boost and jump-starts your metabolism. That’s really important because when you’re working throughout the day or you have to go to the gym, you want to have enough energy to be able to get the job done.


Natural Energy

It gives you the natural energy you need to be able to do the things that you want to do without feeling exhausted. It does have caffeine, but it’s a smoother caffeine because of l-theanine, a nutrient that helps to stabilize and neutralize your mood. When you consume it you’ll find you’re calm yet energetic. It’s also perfect if you’re on a glycemic, low carb, paleo or ketogenic diet. It’s low calorie, it balances your blood sugar, its low glycemic, yet it is a dense powerful high nutrition blend of tea that is uber healthy. We’re very lucky it is so common in Asia.  That is why we are able to get it all over the world too.

Skin Rejuvenator

It has 137 times the antioxidant as regular green tea. So when you become a regular user like the Japanese women with beautiful skin, you’re going to see your skin and nails improve too. And don’t forget to keep your skin tight as you lose weight, Check out my Best Skin Tightener

Best Anti Cellulite Cream Tighten Skin

Firm, Tighten and Rejuvenate Skin

I Feel Good – It also helps stabilize your mental state as well. I personally love the way it gives me maximum concentration ability.   I have such a busy schedule and in the midst of all my activity, I have to be creative. I can actually sit still, write and think without my mind wandering all over the place. I don’t have to have music; I don’t have to do anything to make myself sit there. Once I have the right nutrition that delivers the right nootropic mood, I am unstoppable. That is what Matcha Tea does for me, it gets me in that power Zen state where I’m able to be in a calm, relaxed yet focused place, the perfect state with strong mental concentration.

Study Time Hack – If you love reading like me or have to study for a test or if you have to study for work and you have to concentrate for long periods of time especially like my loyal college student customers, it’s perfect. They love it. Their lives are just like yours, jam-packed! They are burning the candle at both ends with sports, socializing, studying and many times they’re up all night, and then they have to  get to class, remember the material they studied as well as do the things they have to do.


Better Memory – When they drink Matcha Tea Powder, their recall is better. I don’t have enough space to list all the testimonials I have received! I know it sounds crazy pretty radical right? You’re like, “oh this thing is too good to be true.” Actually, it’s not. It’s awesome. It’s perfect. It’s the perfect super food, and if you’re going to start the green smoothie lifestyle, then you must have the Green Matcha Tea Powder to go with it. Together they’re a winning combination, and that’s what I want for you. Order yours today!  I want you to win at everything you do.

Make This A Green Week!

So go out there and win this week. Make everything you do an absolute plus for you. Get in the winning state of mind and refuse to move off your game no matter what. From the time you rise to the time you go to bed, make sure you’re eating right, training right, and thinking right! Move in the directions of your dreams and in the end, you will get there!


Love you dolls!




Even before he left, Prince was a smoothie drinker. He lived on fresh greens, raw milk and was a devout vegan. He devoted his life to move us with his music. May he live in power playing with the angels!

I want to share a moment of inspiration from one of my favourite artists, Prince. One of the benefits of working with the giant of a corporation like Nike is that you are offered VIP status at events and you get to go behind the curtain, if you know what I mean.

I was totally blessed to see Prince in the land of Nike Headquarters, Portland Oregon. He was performing at the Arlene Shnitzner Hall and it was one big dance party. After his spiritual encore at the hall, he moved to a more private venue where he played the guitar with such skill that it sounded as if the guitar was a person and it was speaking an electric language.

His love for music, performing and evoking aliveness in the soul was such an inspiration. I hope you are all driven to find that thing inside of you that makes your soul sing the way he found his.
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Secret Mystery Foods That
Burn Fat Fast Off Your Waist & A**

11 Jul
weight loss low-calorie- foods- zero-calories

Need to drop some weight, lose inches, reduce bloating fast? Get the complete list of Yummy Low Calorie Foods that burn fat fast with Zero or Negative Calorie effect! Simply amazing! read more..

The Updated List and Diet PDF Giveaway is at the end of this awesome post. There is so many nuggets in there I wanted to entice you to read it and gain some insight into what may be happening in your own body!


Secret Mystery Foods That
Burn Fat Fast Off Your Waist & A**! With Low Calorie Foods With a  ZERO CALORIE EFFECT! Totally brilliant science. Read more…

Reader Question: Victoria, I am so confused… I have no idea what to eat any more. With all the diet information out there right now, I don’t know what to do. I just want to know what to eat to burn fat fast?                    

~ Caroline R

Victoria Answer: Caroline, I am so excited about your question. Be patient and read this answer all the way to the end.  It will be totally worth it. I am going to teach you a trick we use in the modelling world to drop weight fast in a tasty healthy way! I m even going ot give you a free pdf download with the complete plan in it! It’s about a ZERO CALORIE EFFECT eating plan,  aslo known as  (Negative Calorie Foods and Diet). It’s so amazing. People who don’t get it write negative things about it, but from someone like me who was sixty poiunds overweight, it is a miracle!

ok, I’m continuing my answer here….If you have ever struggled with dimply junk on the back of your legs and butt, then just take your time and soak up every word in this article. There are many gems that you can take away and begin today to start smoothing out that rocky road.

Your question reminded me of the time when I was getting ready for a fitness championship and I had a total melt down. I was looking good, so I thought. I was so excited because I had been posing at home in my bathroom mirror and

I just could not wait to see how my much better the definition in my muscles would be under “posing lights” at the gym. Posing lights are special lights that are designed to make your muscles look more cut, defined and striated. Those are bodybuilding terms for looking “HOT and BUFF”!

Secret-Mystery-Foods-That--Burn-Fat-Fast-Off-Your-Waist-&-Butt3Perfection – NOT!  I gathered up my swimsuit, posing oil and a scrunchie to pull back my hair so that it would not cover up one beautiful striation of hard earned muscle.

I went to the gym I was training at that had a perfect set of posing lights installed by the head trainer, a NPC Body Building champion.

Ok, I get to the gym, run in the women’s locker room, put on my skimpy competition posing suit and oiled myself up. I slipped into a comfy robe to cover myself as I walked across the gym to the room we used for posing. 
I confidently took off my robe and gracefully walked across the room as if I was walking on stage. I believe that we should always be “on” and rehearsing in our mind and with our body what we want to be.

Styling & Profiling

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Burn Fat Fast!

4 Jul


Too Much Body Fat Is Dangerous!


Female figure before growing thin and after growing thin

When It Comes to Body Fat, Lose It NOW!

You cannot, nor should you wait to lose fat. It contains toxins, impedes blood flow and decreases circulation. It’s not something you should wait one more minute to start to tackle.

You have to get on a routine that is going to kick start your metabolic rate and increase your endurance this week, not next week when it’s more convenient. It’s never more convenient than right now. You deserve the best health!

Fat Kid! –I had struggled with my weight throughout my adolescence. M first diet was in the first grade!!!!!! And the cycle sped out o control and I developed eating disorders. I battled bulimia, anorexia and binge eating for a period of time.  My teenage and college years are a blur. I mostly remembered eating and binging. It was a long journey to actually lose over sixty pounds of solid body fat but I am so happy that I did. It took a lot of healthy dieting that inspired me to create my Quickstart Energy Weight Loss Program,  drinking water every day and doing LSD Cardio-Long Slow Distance. I still do it today and so do my clients.

Here’s One of my clients

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Victoria’s Personal Diet & Training Program

25 Apr

My Workout and Diet

Victoria Johnson Celebrity Fitness Professional Trainer

Victoria Johnson Fitness Celebrity Professional Trainer

This is an idea of how I eat and train. This is my schedule when I am not on a set, at a rehearsal, working with a client or doing interviews and skype training.

First off, thank you for the great feedback! I got an email asking for my personal daily diet and workout.

First of all, I get up when I wake up. I don’t use an alarm. I sleep between 6 to 8 hours a night. Everybody is different and I go with my body’s natural clock.

I had a green smoothie and skinny tea then headed out the door.
I went to my chiropractor, Dr. S and I was a structural mess! He said my C-2&3 were out. I had one arm longer than the other. My T-5&6 were out and my right ribcage was out of alignment and my sacrum was also out of alignment. I went because i had pain in my knee, my traps were stuck around my ears from tension and my Psoas was hurting. I have been going to a Chiro for most of my adult life. It structurally aligned. If your car is out of alignment, you don’t just buy new tires, you get the alignment fixed. That’s how I look at my spinal alignment.

By Wednesday, my knee will stop hurting, my arms will be the same length which will help me with my weight lifting. When I trained on Saturday, one arm was stronger than the other. The adjustment will even everything back out.

Okay here’s my food and training schedule:

I am very disciplined and I like to follow a regular schedule. I am the type of person who knows that I cannot function in chaos and disorder. I have to set myself up to succeed. I have to surround myself With positive people and an atmosphere that creates good vibes. I only buy food that serves my body and my purposes. I use to allow other people to lead me to overeat, stress out abandon my desire for a fit body.

I get up between 7:00 -8 AM.
I take my favorite liquid vitamin drink mixed with 4 oz. of Sobe Lean diet peach drink. I let the digestion happen for about thirty minutes while I wonder around the house speaking positive and powerful affirmations about how awesome my day is going to be. I speak my day before it happens. I believe that what you think about comes about, so I speak awesome prophecies about my day and the people I am going to meet and work with.

7:30-8:30 I make an Amino Charge protein shake with secret ingredients that boost my metabolism, increases my brainpower, balances my blood sugar, increases my energy plus it contains secret anti-cellulite ingredients. Here are the base ingredients..secret not listed.

Second Breakfast Tight Booty Shake:Body Balance Liquid vitamins, sugar-free flavoring, wheat grass, green vibrance powder, amino charge, tea powder, OsteoProcare for joints and calcium.

Vibrant Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder

Healthy Vibrant Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder

Green Tea Powder

It is a scientific breakthrough formula that I created. Sorry, it is not for sale! And YES it works.  I have amazing energy, good muscle tone, great skin and mentally clear thinking.

3rd Meal
I eat an egg white omelet with veggies and three vegetarian sausages. Six egg whites and 2 yolks with a tablespoon of coconut oil.

While I make my food I listen to a positive uplifting message, then I watch a muscle training DVD to get inspired to train, then I listen to educational material or something educational on the way to the gym. I love to learn and I love to learn and I love to eat, so I do both in a healthy and positive manner.

Train on my Gym Days
I do some form or movement every morning except Sunday. I take a dance class. I practice Hip Hop, Step Jamm, Lyrical Jazz, and Other forms of Aerobic Dance that keep me fit,  flexible, sharp and sexy. After that, I do some form of cardio for 45 minutes. I do step mill, trekker uphill, stationary bike or treadmill. This is on the three days when I train at night.

12:00- 3:00 Vertical Training Private class

1:00 Lunch on Gym Workout days
I have stir fry vegetables and chicken and beef combination every day with ½ cup of rice. Bowl of fruit ½ hour later. I will also have a gigantic salad with fresh tuna on days when I want a break from the stir fry.

I drink six quarts of water every single day of the week.

4:00 Green drink smoothie just like I have for breakfast on my Gym days
4:00 Lunch on my 3-hour marathon class days

5:00 Gym for my evening workout 3 days per week.

7:00 Dinner
Large Salad
Grilled meat – 4 oz. Beef or Chicken 2 times per week. 6 oz. Fish with vegetables the other five days of the week. I do not eat shellfish or pork.
3 sets of 20 Ab Rope Curls @60lbs on the pulley machine
3 sets of 20 Standing Lateral Leg Lifts @20lbs per leg
4 sets of Flat Bench Dumbell Press with combined with crunches – feet up on bench to maximize curl effect (had to lay next to a guy who was wearing more jewelry than me….I hate it when that happens).
Also….Ladies, get your buns into the gym, there were exaclty 35 men training in the section of the Super Gym I was training in tonight. There were two other women besides me and they both had trainers. One lady had a trainer who was MORE OVERWEIGHT than her and the other had a guy that she was arguing about over technique. He was checking out the other guys while he was training her and not helping her with her form and she got pissed off…rightly so!

4 Sets of 8 Lat Pulldowns @75lbs. Dr. S said I need to strech my lats more and strech my spine out. I am so good about being obedient and following directions. I did it tonight because I don’t want to ever look like an old lady with hunch back.. aaaahhh!

Next I did Wide Grip Pullups – 3 sets of 5
Then I just stretched and people watched. I only had two shadows tonight. Those are people who treat me as their star sighting and they follow me around and giggle and do everything I do. i don’t blame them. It’s flattering, plus I use perfect form, i smile, i have jamming music on, today’s music was Fergie’s “Glamorous” updated bass electronic remix. That was the vibe I wanted to express today as I moved around the gym and around the planet. I love being a girl. It’s so much fun and we are made so perfect!

That was my workout and now I am going to try on three of the hottest tightest tops i could find and still breathe and finish my day strutting around to Fergilicious “Delicious”!

Peace and Blessings to you all!



11 Apr


By Tons of Requests Men’s AB Program For Free This Week!  

OKAY! I heard you. I was on a project, so I was not able to answer you personally! The Super Bowl is coming up and I am slammed, plus trying to get my own fat blasting workouts in.

Thank goodness for Skype, video chat and Iphone Face Time..They have taken my professional training and consulting to a cosmic size phenomena.


Go get it! How Do I Lose Belly Fat /Alpha Male Style!

FINAL HOW_DO_I_Lose_Belly_1000x1333_3

The New Alpha Male Abs Transformation Program

Here’s what users have to say:*Holy crap! Had no idea when I started this program how bad I really was. I lost four belt sizes, dropped the stuff that was draining my energy and started moving up fast in my job. I had no idea that all this was connected to food!

*My transformation is off the charts. My belly is gone and my sex drive is back to Stud level and I feel amazing!

*My waist is so much smaller and my abs are finally rock hard. I had no idea my hormones was so jacked. You gotta do this man. TODAY! The boys are back! 

Do you want to have a strong body with steel rod hardness and a warrior attitude that gives you the strength, confidence and tenacity to achieve your goals?

 This is a blueprint designed for you, How Do I Lose Belly Fat, An Alpha Male’s Guide to Rock Hard Abs and Hard Other Things! By Victoria Johnson, Professional Trainer, Coach and Endorsed Athlete known as “The Trainer’s Trainer in the industry. She is one of the only females featured at the NBPA training camps.

The focus of this paradigm shifting book is to help men of all ages; High School to Old School get a stronger self image, better hormonal health and a great six pack!

Revolutionize Your Existence

You probably have no idea why you have to work so hard at life. The only way to win is to get to the truth of what’s going on in your body and why your mind and body has been taken hostage by the man robbing, mind numbing, food modifying giants.

If you are ready to revolutionize your health, reclaim your body from the western practices of sales driven food consumption, emotional eating, overweight symptoms, expensive and dangerous pharmaceutical drugs, fast feminizing and aging and a slow painful expensive death, this is the perfect book for you.

 It’s All About the Boys.

Hormones, chick flicks and boring nights watching reruns alone, even if you’re married got you down?

Isn’t it time you got your fire back? Isn’t it time you got the boys (male producing glands) producing correctly? Crazy huh?  Did you know that there has been a covert attack on your dominating manhood?

Chick Flicks and Flip Flops

Have you been softened up by chick flicks, sensitivity girls’ stuff and estrogen-laden foods? Do your breasts sometimes ache or look just a little too feminine for your liking? Are your abs saggy and your belly is getting in the way when you bend over to put on your shoes or have you resorted to wearing no-bending flip flops as your choice of daily shoe wear?

Hey, it’s not your fault!  You have not been eating or training the way you could be to gain control of your sissy emotions and your health.

This program is designed to give you the recipe for a stronger body, healthier lifestyle, powerful mindset and a formula for a tighter harder set of Abs while reclaiming the leadership role in your life.

Do You Want To Just Get In The Game…or Do You Want To Win?

For too long now, men have been reduced down to floor mats and errand boys.  Male bashing became popular during highly prosperous times when everyone had a job and was tossing gambling chips like they were Doritos at casinos because there was so much money flowing through their hands in the eighties and nineties. Those days are long gone.

Survive or Buy a Bra!

With the rise of crime and loss of finances, the world has become a very dangerous place. Competition for jobs and business is fierce and walking down the street and driving with potential of road rage, has changed the game. If you don’t wake up, stand up and get in this new game of guarding and defending what is yours, you too could be swallowed up by reduction of middle class wealth along with the feminization of society.

To survive and get ahead you must lead and direct your own life. You cannot depend on your local police to defend you, forget it. With budget cuts and lack of sufficient coverage, you are basically on your own.

And when it comes to the price of health care, the affliction of taxes, and the price of doing business, you need to be vigilant at making your own way and managing your own health instead looking to a overcrowded health care system. 

YOU are The One! TAG, You’re it!

This is not to frighten or depress you, it’s to get you to understand that there is no one lining up to help you and offer you solutions. You, my friend are the solution. You are the one who is going to change things for yourself and your loved ones.

You are going to have to get in the best shape of your life and move mountains, if you have to, in order to become the man you need to be to reach your goals and dominate.

 This is the time for you to revaluate your life, take a look in the mirror, act, eat and train like a man to get that fat off your abs and take charge of your health.  

Financial Future

In this economy, nothing’s guaranteed. You need abounding energy and courage to investigate your financial options, possibly start a new career, streamline your business and make it more profitable, invest in something that will yield you long term benefits, invent that widget you have been thinking about, take up a hobby you have been putting off, enter a race, drive a race car, horseback ride up the hills, etc. Whatever it is, you need mental strength, courage and physical energy to do it.

New Alphas ARISE!

I absolutely love the male culture. I am an Alpha Female. I believe we have to stand up for ourselves, take our rightful place in society and lead like there is no tomorrow. I was fat, depressed, pre-diabetic, had hypertension and hated looking in the mirror. I had to get off my fat butt and do something. My problem became my career. I lost the weight, got educated, inspired and fired up so much that I became a fitness celebrity, produced and starred in over 24 DVD’s & Videos and went to work as a professional trainer in world of male sports and the entertainment industry. I implore you to do the same. Stand up and take your rightful place in society as a new alpha male, a man of great strength, power and goal achiever.

Billionaire Professional Trainer

Billion Dollar Clientele – I became so driven that I studied with a dozen different organizations to learn all I could about biochemistry, exercise physiology, sports nutrition and kinesiology and built a professional training business. It boasts the accumulative client wealth of several billion dollars. My clients are extremely good at multiplying wealth. Like attracts like, therefore my clientele are definitely Alpha Males and Alpha Females. That is why I am so excited to write this book for you. I want you to rise above your current perceived limitations in every area of your life and reach higher and think bigger than you ever have before.

Clientele List

I have the privilege to have a client list that consists of every broad range of professionals and/or members of their families.  A partial list consists of: Fortune 500 Executives, Software Developers, Private Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Hedge Fund Owners, Yacht Owners, Political Professionals, Real Estate Professionals, Medical Industry Professionals, Developing Olympic Level and Elite Athletes, Entertainers, Movement Artists, Professional Rehabbers, etc. and maybe someone even more special, like you!

Your body is a walking business card, a physical model of your power and abilities. You may not like that, but that’s the truth. This is a world governed and rewarded based on your ability to lead and be relevant. To beat illness, disease, negative thinking and rise out of the mire of limited thinking; you have to learn how to control your own body, own your willpower and live with self-confidence and positive belief. Come with me on this exciting journey and allow me the honor to help you with your total transformation and become more than you ever dreamed was possible.


Go get it! How Do I Lose Belly Fat /Alpha Male Style!

FINAL HOW_DO_I_Lose_Belly_1000x1333_3

HERE’S AN EXCERPT FOR YOU LADIES FROM A PREVIOUS POST:VALUABLE INFO YOU AN NEVER READ TOO MANY TIMES. It takes about six times you read something before it really becomes knowledge.

 Prescription For Bloated Puffy Belt Hangover

Most people retain a little water, and it is fairly common. As women, we especially may notice an increase in water retention during the week before their period. It’s fine to stop water retention at home that is minor. Yet if water retention seems major, occurs all the time, and is continually resulting in puffy extremities or excessive weight gain, this can indicate serious health issues. If you suffer more than a little water retention, you should not try to stop water retention at home but should see your naturopath or healthy fit doctor for a thorough checkup.

Here are some great ideas to help stop water retention and reduce bloating and puffiness. Make sure you check with your lean healthy doctor before taking any of the supplements below. They may not be what your body needs.

1. Drink More Water – Water retention is common when you are dehydrated or low on water. The body tends toward conserving water, and will retain a bit in order to keep you hydrated. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day helps shed extra water, reducing water retention.

2. Reduce Sodium – Minimizing extra sodium in the diet is crucial. That’s a part of what happened to my beach workout crisis case. She macked out on salty pretzels drank soda and did it while she was flying. She did a triple whammy to her body before a photo shoot. Of course she had to fly, but she should have drank water and bought an apple or orange at the airport to have as her snack while she was flying.

Almost all packaged and canned foods contain some level of sodium. Most natural food sources also have some sodium too, though the amount is usually less. Look for low sodium varieties of foods, especially canned foods and prepared meals.

3. Move – Increase Circulation. Walking, bicycling, stationary biking, tennis are all activities that help pump out water and other fluids that can pool in your legs and ankles. Doing cardio type exercises with lightweight training will make you sweat and release trapped salt.

 4. Sip herbal tea. Parsley or uva-ursi tea can help flush out excess water without any harmful side affects, you can find these teas in most health foods stores.

5. Take Vitamin B6. Taking up to 250 milligrams of vitamin B6 daily helps reduce premenstrual water retention. This nutrient also reduces fluid buildup caused by hormone replacement therapy.

 6. Take Calcium. Researchers at the New York Metropolitan Hospital found that a daily calcium supplement provided relief from premenstrual water retention in three-fourths of the women who took it. If it’s safe for you, take 500-milligrams twice daily, one at breakfast and one at dinner. Ask your doctor whether these supplements are okay for you.

7. Increase Urine Formation – That’s right, Go more! You can release it or retain it. Foods such as cucumbers, asparagus and parsley contain natural substances that increase urine formation. Other vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, cabbage and mushrooms can facilitate water loss in conjunction with a low-carb good glycemic diet.

They require large amounts of water for digestion which helps pull it out from beneath the skin and into the digestive track. Plus they are high in fiber, which is healthy to keep your colon clear. A healthy clear colon will help flatten your belly and get rid of that belly puffiness.

Try these ideas out and experiment with them until you find your perfect formula for getting rid of that awful feeling excess water, bloating and puffiness. Shop around and look for the best prices so that you can continue to eat healthy and improve your modeling potential.

 Finally- If none of these work and if you are on medications go visit your doctor and give your her or him a list of all medications you are currently taking–both prescription and over-the-counter–and ask whether any alterations are appropriate. Switching to lower-dose estrogen in your hormone replacement therapy, for example, could reduce fluid retention. If you’re on steroidal medication, be sure to let your doctor know about your water-retention problems. She or he may prescribe a diuretic.

You have to read HOW TO LOSE BELLY FAT, It’s on the cutting edge of controversy.  The program is unconventional and working awesome. No complaints from the ladies when their man gets harder body parts. It’s free TODAY. The info is a blazing hit in several countries and creating quite a buzz!!!!!

Ladies, be sure to get your copy of How Do I Get Abs? You will love reading it.

1. Get my book “How Do I Get ABS”


For More Info to listen to while you workout, drive around or just hang out. The reviews are awesome and the information is life changing. Listen today!

VBS Radio Show


Make this a powerful breakthrough week. The cosmos is vibrating: BREAKTHROUGH!!


You Totally Rock!


Tired of Being FAT – Get Your Free AB Program!

4 Apr


My gift to you for being such loyal followers, A FREE AB PROGRAM. MARK YOUR CALENDARS AND MESSAGE YOUR FRIENDS! AVAILABLE JANUARY 7, 8 & 9! Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday only!



New Years Question….

Tired and overweight-man-and-woman-48015482

Victoria,                                                                                                                                        I am so tired of carrying around all this extra body fat.  It is making me feel sluggish and unattractive.  I went to one of those strip mall weight loss programs and they told me it would take me longer because I’m older. I’m only 35 years old.  Is that true?  Is my metabolism too slow to lose weight and why do we gain weight as we age?                                                                Signed, Frustrated

Answer…This is a popular question I get from men and women all over the world. No culture or country is exempt.  It’s quite interesting to know that all over the world people are struggling with the same issue. It really shows that we are more alike than we realize.

The answer is no, you don’t have to look at age as a limitation or barrier to losing weight.

There are many master body builders and fitness competitors who are over 35 and look absolutely amazing.  They train regularly, eat properly, get good sleep and regularly set new fitness goals. They have learned how to master their biochemistry.

Check out Anne Pirson from Belgium.

Anne Pirson Belgium miss-figure-over35-pl-1_IMG_a9651

She’s Miss Figure over 35, she’s 39 years old. You don’t have to get this muscular. I just wanted you to see someone who is older than you that is lean, fit and has low body fat. Still not convinced that age doesn’t matter?

NOW.. Check out Ernestine Shepard. She is 75 years old. She started bodybuilding at 71!

Ernestine Shephard

So you see that it is possible to lose weight and get fit at any age.

Solid Life Long Program                                                                           You can begin by:

  1. Getting on a solid nutrition program that balances your body chemistry and
  2. Performing a consistent resistance-training program that increases your muscle mass 3-4 times per week.  Solid muscle increases your body’s basal metabolic rate and that makes your metabolism faster.
  3. Do some moderate intensity cardio four to five times per week or 30-60 minutes.  It will increase your oxygen uptake and help melt the excess fat off your body. This type of a complete program is the only way to permanently lose weight and stay healthy.

Here’s why you have to do a complete program and not just the diet in a box method.

Exercise Calorie Expenditure: Just exercising alone is not enough to get down to your perfect weight. Although you might think that physical exercise accounts for most of the calories you burn, it actually accounts for only about one third. In general, your calorie expenditure depends on three things:

1) Your Basal Metabolic Rate is determined by your lean body mass, the active part of your body. This accounts for about 60 percent of all calorie expenditure. Basal (or resting) metabolic rate is the amount of energy or calories your body consumes while at rest, in order to power the thousands of chemical reactions required to maintain health – such as, temperature, cell-repair, cardiovascular system and so on. Put simply, basal metabolic rate is an estimate of how many calories you would burn if you were to lie asleep for 24 hours, with measurement beginning 12 hours after your last meal to ensure that your digestive system was inactive and not burning calories digesting food. The more you increase your lean (active) body mass, the higher your basal metabolic rate. That is why you have to train properly, eat a good balanced diet and drink sufficient water. Your lean body mass is over 60 percent water.

Your Physical Activity. Typically this accounts for about 30 percent of calorie expenditure. You have to become more active every single day. You have to become a motion machine. Physical activity has to become your lifestyle. You want to return to that playful place you were at when you were a kid. You jumped, danced, ran, jumped rope, played sports, ran all over the house and you walked everywhere.  The more active you are, the more calories you burn and the more anti aging oxygen your body will process.

Dietary Thermogenesis. This is the calories you burn while digesting food. It accounts for about 10 percent of the total calories you burn. This is why you cannot skip meals. When you eat properly, you raise your metabolism.  When you skip meals, you reduce your metabolic rate. Starving is worse for you when you are trying to lose weight permanently.

To sum it all up, metabolism is the amount of energy or calories your body burns for maintenance.  It is the rate your body burns calories for all it’s bodily functions: breathing, sleeping, cleaning, working, and for internal functions such as digestion and respiration.

body fat mesurement Woman-Measuring-Body-Fat-48788477

Your body’s metabolism is affected by your body composition.  Your composition is determined by the amount of lean muscle mass you have versus the amount of fat.  Muscle uses more calories to maintain itself than fat.

After about age 30, the body gradually begins to lose its muscle mass from inactivity and hormonal imbalances.  If you eat the same and your activity level stays the same, you will gain weight.  You don’t have the same muscle mass you had in your younger years, so weight gain is the result.  For this reason, strength training is vital for losing weight and increasing the rate of your metabolism. As you gain healthy muscle, age is no longer the predominate factor preventing you from reaching your goal weight.

If your muscle mass verses fat ratio improves, your metabolism increases.  A biochemically-balanced fat burning diet and weight training in combination with aerobic activity will result in a body that has more muscle mass and less fat.  So, increasing healthy muscle mass is a vital key to permanent weight loss along with a healthy diet and regular cardio.

Don’t wait to get started go and download A COMPLIMENTARY copy of my Best Selling Book; HOW DO I GET ABS TODAY!


Make sure you retweet this to your friends and family members. Let’s help everyone get better together! Let’s make this our best year ever!

Your Celebrity Trainer and (Thanks to YOU) Best Selling Author!!,


Metabolic Madness? You Need To Do This NOW!

21 Mar

Metabolic Madness – You Must Do This!

This week, I am going to answer an e-mail that explains the benefits of increasing muscle mass which will help you burn more calories.

The more calories you burn, the more fat you will be able to lose. This is why working out is so powerful in a good weight loss program. You can starve your body by restricting your calories to less that 1,000, but that will only slow down your metabolic system causing Metabolic Madness!

Your body will perceive it is going into a famine and will enter into a “self preservation” state to conserve itself. When you break the famine and increase your calories, your body suddenly begins to store extra calories to prepare for the next famine.You can only starve for so long before you lose it and begin to binge on your favorite foods. When it comes to stopping the cycle of Metabolic gain and lose yo-yo dieting Madness, you have to move it to lose it and weight training is one of the best ways to consistently increase your metabolism.

Here’s the question from Margaret, one of our newsletter subscribers.

Good Morning Victoria,  When I do my workouts, which should do toning or  cardio? Or does it matter which one I do. Everyone has opinions and suggestions, but they don’t have a fit body like yours, so I want your opinion. Thanks..Margaret

Hi Margaret,

Thank you for participating in creating your best body ever program and taking the time to write me. You asked a very good question. Here’s my answer.

Don’t Wait to Do Weights!

I went to a party this weekend and everyone looked fabulous. It was a fine display of the concept that when you like the way you look, you feel better about yourself.

Looking good is a matter of personal preference of course. As I observe people I observe how they carry themselves, their facial expressions, their tone of voice, their body language, how they stand, walk and if they move with grace and confidence.

Strong and Beautiful

The strongest looking individuals at this party had good posture and wonderful physiques that displayed various degrees of muscle definition. Even the hostess, who was six months pregnant, looking very beautiful and glowing with life, had toned upper arms, a sculpted back and amazing legs demonstrating the benefit of consistent resistance training.  Here is a photo taken at The Ritz Carlton Training Gym in South Beach, Florida USA. It was at a shoot prep training two weeks ago for a video game charachter. I wish I had permission to show you ALL the peeps that were training that day. When you look at this photo, consider that I was over 180 pounds and shaped like an apple! I had no waist, no lats and no shoulders. This is what weight training has done for my body.

Victoria Ritx Shoot photo

In the beginning of my training career I used heavy weights and even competed in body building contests. I won many contests and I loved the feel of lifting weights.

Unfortunately I built big legs of steel that were thicker than I wanted. Then one day I went to a seminar to hear a beautifully sculpted former body builder, Diana Dennis, and I was immediately sold on her ideas of high repetition training using light weights. Now she was a professional body builder several years ago and magazines loved photographing her because she would strike these beautiful artistic poses. This is an artistic piece taken by Photographer Tom Clark of Hollywood, California. Don’t send me any hater mail about how she is so big. YES, she was big!  She was a professional bodybuilder. Her job was to know how to build muscle. I would not ask a broke person how to make money. So I went to a professional to learn how to build muscle.  I am not advocating that you get big like this photo, I only wanted to demonstrate that she knew the art of muscle building! 🙂

Diana Dennis

I had been lifting at the gym and training my clients, but I had never done the high rep training.  I ran out the doors of the auditorium and went to a sporting good store and bought a set of hand weights that came on a small weight tree and that was the beginning of my new leaner, tighter, smaller body.

I was so excited by this new training philosophy that I created a workout using light weights for sculpting with motivating music and moves that increased the heart rate so that I could burn fat while I was reshaping my body. The result was a workout and a movement that has become a market mainstay, Vertical Training, the Art of Sculpting. One of the specialized Vertical Training programs I designed is the foundation for my Skinny Thighs Workout, in my “HOW DO I GET SKINNY THIGHS” KINDLE and Paperback book. Here is an explanation and benefits.

Resistance Training

weight workout

Resistance training increases muscle strength by overloading the muscles using a weight, such as a dumbbell or barbell. The muscle cells adapt to the extra workload by enlarging (hypertrophy) and recruiting greater numbers of nerve cells to aid contraction. Understanding the principles of muscle contraction can help you reach your fitness goals faster. Resistance training is one of the greatest anti-aging weapons available to you today.

The benefits of regular resistance training include:

  • Increased muscle strength, power, endurance and conditioning
  • Improved body shape and decreases cellulite
  • Increased bone density and strength to prevent osteoporosis
  • Reduced body fat by increasing muscle mass which is your body’s engine
  • Boosted metabolism (burning more calories when at rest) muscles are your engine  – Volkswagon verses a bus..
  • Lowered resting heart rate (a sign of fitness)
  • Reduce blood pressure (helps to reduce the risk of heart disease)
  • Improved balance and stability – more stable base
  • Enhanced performance of daily activities, walking up stairs, shopping, carrying kids, rock climbing, hiking, shoulder bag,
  • Reduced risk of development and improvement of medical conditions; diabetes, high blood pressure and arthritis.

You have to go to the radio show and here my explanation of each exercise and how they transform your body!

Metabolic Madness Radio Show

Global Communications

In conclusion, make sure you include resistance training in your program so that you can keep your metabolism up and maintain your youthful physique.

Start a lifting program 2-3 times a week.  Along with your cardio and stretching.

To help you get started, I have listed my Secret Seven Top Exercises. I do these exercises with my clients.  You can try them at home or at your gym. You can get a personal trainer to help you get started.

My Secret Seven:

1. Squats or Seated Leg Press

2. Lunges up the stairs at home

3. Bent-Over Dumbbell Row

4. Overhead Press

5. Tricep Kickbacks

6. Bicep Curls

7. Lat pull downs with tube or the pull down machine at gym


Make it an awesome week!

Love & Hugs!


“HOW DO IT GET SKINNY THIGHS?”  Kindle Book – Lower Body Weight Lifting Exercises All Demonstrated With A Complete Program for Beginners to Advanced!

Skinny Thighs



7 Mar


Wooohoo!! You Guys ROCK! Let’s Take It To The Top One More Time!!!

 Another Fun Free Book on   Mark these dates.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday September 23, 24 and 25!

Go get your free copy and tell your friends and family to get theirs too!



Fat Blasting & Stress Busting Program!

 My New Book Is About The New Trend of Exercise That is

Sweeping The Globe and Driving Gym Owners Crazy!

 All things old, become new again. It’s so popular again that they have to post signs to limit the time people use their equipment to meet the demand!

 How about you? 

Are you doing it?

Are you in?

What’s it about? 

It’s about Cardio Baby!


Not just walking your dog to make sure he or she gets to get some potty relief, it’s about you getting your body in shape and getting some major stress relief.

 This is serious business. This is not some fad movement that sells you some rub on cream or eat only greens program. This is about your heart. If your brain stops, you can still live, if your heart stops, it’s over. LIGHTS OUT!


 Why should you be so concerned about the heart regardless of your age?

Your heart is more than a muscle; it’s the first organ to form in your body.  It creates it’s own balancing and regulating hormones.

It is a powerful generator of electromagnetic energy in the body.  It actually produces the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body’s organs.

This is so cool. Here is what the Institute of HeartMath Research has found:

This magnetic field is more than 5,000 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain and can be detected a number of feet away from the body.

The electromagnetic energy of the heart not only envelops every cell of the human body, but also extends out in all directions in the space around us

The cardiac field touches those within 8 – 10 feet of where we are positioned (and perhaps in more subtle ways at greater distances)

The heart’s field is an important carrier of information.  A person’s heart signal can affect another’s brainwaves, and heart-brain synchronization can occur between two people when they interact!!!!

Check out these phenomenal facts about  your heart.

Electric Heart-running-14432258

*Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day which would mean an average lifetime would work out to be… over 2 and a half billion times!

*Even though we are taught to put our hand over our heart on the left side of our chest, it is actually tucked away between our lungs in the middle of our chests. Think of it as being protected

*All the blood vessels in the body joined end to end would stretch 62,000 miles or two and a half times around the earth.

*Hold out your hand and make a fist. If you’re an adult, it’s about the same size as two fists.

*The heart pumps about 1 million barrels of blood during an average lifetime—that’s enough to fill more than 3 super tankers.  GET YOUR HEART IN SHAPE NOW!   How?

With LSD Cardio, you feel amazing.  Heart pumping blood moving through your body.  Muscles flexing and your body starts toning.   LSD is an acronym for Long Steady Duration or long slow distance (aerobic) fat burning, heart regenerating and heart healing cardiovascular activity.

Finally, I have come up with a program that gives you a permanent solution for long term fat loss and total fitness. This program gives you the body you want and the energy you seek.

Serious complications can arise if you do not learn the details in this book to help you train correctly.  If you leave one key element out, you can damage your body. If you use this key element correctly, you can become a fat burning machine, lose unsightly body fat and add more life into your years! 

Here’s a brief excerpt…

Heart beating

What is LSD CARDIO? “Long Slow Distance, Life Saving, Life Extending & Fat Burning”

Our body is our vehicle to life, survival and existence on this planet.

Our body is designed for continual movement. It is built to compensate for various motions for long periods of time.  Activities like fast walking, running and jumping as well as dancing, cycling and swimming are all forms of aerobic (using oxygen) cardiovascular (heart pumping) movements. This type of movement is common to us as a species. It is also necessary if we want to lead a healthy, happy long life.


Happy Heart

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) defines these movements as any activity that uses large muscle groups that can be maintained continuously and is rhythmic in nature, and by doing them, our heart rate is elevated beyond it’s resting state.

There are many different cardio exercises that are considered the best to help you to lose weight as long as it is performed for a longer, slower amount of time or for a longer distance, thus LSD Cardio, one of the best forms of fat burning activity there is. That is why when you see distance runners they ‘re usually lean and thin. In running circles, it is also known as “long, slow distance endurance training”. It is exactly as it sounds.

LSD CARDIO is a form of aerobic endurance training. It is commonly associated with sports such as running and cycling. Long, slow distance training is a form of continuous training performed at a steady, slow pace using low to moderate intensity over an extended distance or duration.

You can experience euphoric feelings while doing LSD cardio. It is facilitated with the release of brain chemicals called endorphins. They are believed to improve your mood, give you a euphoric state if being and can keep you feeling motivated, energized and feeling good before, during and after working out. When I first began training for weight loss, it was extremely difficult.  What I found was more enjoyable than being heavy.

The state of accomplishment I experienced when I finished a 1-hour power walk was so intense it became addictive. It became a part of my life that felt more important than eating. I went on to start running again like I had in high school and college and even did two marathons, a few half marathons and several 10k runs etc.  Victoria Johnson

This is my most important book. Its can totally revolutionize your health and it can literally save your life. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share it with you. I want the best for you!

Mark your calendar! It will be available for you to download FREE on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday September 23, 24 and 25!  Lets take it all the way to the top again.

VBS Radio Show

Great Radio show about Fast Fat Burning Circuit just posted!

Your Celebrity Trainer!
