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Stop Sugar Addiction & Beat Low Blood Sugar Detox!

7 Nov
Sugar Addiction

Stop Sugar Addiction, Beat Low Blood Sugar Blues and Lose Weight Now!

Feel Unmotivated Sometimes? Tired of waking up bloated, puffy, feeling like crap or feeling full of crap.. and not losing weight fast enough? Keep reading!

QUESTION from a reader.

Miss Victoria,I have a serious problem!  I swear I am a sugar addict.  Girl, I get up in the morning and the first thing I eat is designer chocolate. It tastes so good and it is the only thing that gives e energy to get going.

I can’t stop eating and I crave sweets all the time. Everyone keeps telling me how bad sugar is for me, but I can’t seem to stop. I have sweet treats in my car, at my job, in the break room, I run to the vending machine during breaks.

I think if I don’t go crazy from weekly mood swings, then I will end up broke from doctor bills. I have chronic headaches and then I go into a deep depression and if that’s not bad enough, I only like to eat expensive chocolate so I will go on sugar shopping sprees!  I have gained so much weight and none of my clothes fit anymore. What should I do?  How can I stop wanting to eat sugar all the time and get on a good eating plan that will help me lose weight as I get my sanity back?   Kara


ANSWER:  Kara,

Wow!  I can feel your frustration and I understand why you are upset. It’s almost impossible to eat anything tasty that doesn’t have sugar in it.  Practically everything that we buy to eat contains sugar!  Can you believe it?  Even if something says “fat-free”, it still contains a form of sugar called sucrose and glucose.  The reason why you crave sugar so much is because you are eating sugar!!!  I know, it sounds crazy, doesn’t it?

Sugar Addiction

Victoria Sugar Addiction - Low Glycemic Diet-Lose Weight

Victoria Former Sugar Addict!

The problem with eating sugar is that when you eat it, it makes your blood sugar levels go up.  In response, your pancreas, the organ that regulates how your body uses sugar, begins to produce what is called insulin to help control the excess sugar in the bloodstream.  The pancreas has another job as well.  It is to create a hormone called glucagon to help get rid of body fat.  If the pancreas is busy making insulin, it cannot make the “fat fighting” hormone, glucagon and then the body stops the weight loss process and you will not lose weight!!!

Detox First. Cleanse Your Digestive Tract So You Can Help Get Your Body Into a Healthy State.

DETOXIFICATION, cleansing your human system of harmful toxins, or also commonly known as ‘flushing your system’ is a fantastic way to being a sugar rehab program. This natural process  and function are responsible for cleaning, clearing  getting rid of waste and toxins from the body, are normally typically handled by organs like the liver, lower gastrointestinal tract,  kidneys, and colon.

Why Detox?

  1. Sugar creates a rancid sticky parasitic environment and detoxing can help remove it. Detoxing removes poisonous disease infesting toxins out of your body. It also helps eliminate constipation. The average person has up to ten pounds of fecal matter trapped in their colon. That is very dangerous due to the toxins and poisons seeping into your cells as it sits there. DETOX and GET IT OUT!
  2. Cleanses liver and that will help your body burn fat more efficiently.
  3. Detoxing can make your skin healthier, smoother and softer. It removes toxins that can cause premature aging, wrinkles, and acne.
  4. Works to help you have a healthier gut. A healthier gut allows you to absorb more healthy nutrients and can prevent a multitude of disorders. If you have been on any medication in the last six months, it’s a good idea to do a detox to help purify your system because some medications wreak havoc on your energy lever, liver, pancreas, colon, and skin.
  5. Improves your energy. When your body is healthier, digestion is normal, your metabolic rate is higher and you can absorb more vitamins and minerals from your food and supplements.

This is one of the most powerful, yet mild detox teas available today. We felt that in order to do a thorough cleanse, you need at least five organic herbs that are potent and three herbs for rejuvenation. Once your  system is cleansed and detoxed, you will have the elements to restore the organs. Victoria’s Best Detox Cleanse and Skinny Waist Tea is the best. To help make it even more effective we included our $99.00 Quick Start Low Carb Diet Program with every order! This is the same diet our Fitness Models Use. Get yours today and start detoxing immediately!

This is the reason you are not losing after all your dedication. In order to start losing weight, you are going to have to stop eating sugar altogether.  But here is the hard question: How do you stop eating sugar if everything has sugar in it?

The first thing you must do is “decide” you are going to change.  You will only see results if you are willing to do everything it takes to get thin, healthy, and free from the control of life-threatening body swelling sweets.

Your goals are to get strong mentally and physically,  lose weight, look good in your favorite jeans, fit in all your favorite clothes that are collecting dust in your closet and living a life that is worthy of your greatness!

Your goal should be so epic that you never let sugar control you again. Really, it’s time to stop letting outside elements control your internal decisions. You are here to do something magnificent and you need all the power you have to achieve it.  You cannot tap into that power if you are depressed, lonely, doubtful and feel victimized. Those are some of the symptoms of low blood sugar. Many times, you may feel hopeless and lost, when in actuality it’s your hormones that are out of balance due to heavy sugar or alcohol (sugar) consumption.

Get Connected & Get Going!

Your goals should be connected to passionate and positive outcomes that fire you up so much that you want to stop the sugar habit.  G goals represent your desire and your desire has to be greater than any type of food that contains sugar.

I understand how you feel because I was once addicted to sugar too.  I always had a bottle of pop in the fridge or a candy bar stashed somewhere hidden so I can get my sugar fix for that blast of quick energy.

Sugar Addiction- hypoglycemia - Glycemic Index


Sugar Kills

Sugar can give you a power rush of energy in a flash, which is another reason why our bodies just love sugar.  But it is lethal to our pancreas and our goals.  An upcoming singer I worked with had this same problem.  In addition to not being able to lose weight, the sugar caused serious, life-threatening side effects and she had to be hospitalized several times due to her sugar binges and self-imposed hyper-driven recording schedule.  She had jars of jelly beans, little dishes of miniature candy bars and a portable fridge in the studio filled with those supercharged sugary caffeine drinks.

I thought I was going to lose her if she didn’t change her ways.  One of the things I had to do was get her management team, who supplied her with everything she needed including food, to stop purchasing food items that contained sugar and simple carbohydrates that convert to sugar and then turns to fat in and on the body.

I know, the very people in our lives who we think are helping us sometimes are the cause of our hardship.  I had to educate her manager and her mother as well about how to change.  I would like to share with you what I did to help her lose weight, regain energy and help her mom reverse the deathly sugar addiction she had developed.

First- You’re going to have to sit down and have a heart to heart talk with yourself and whoever else is involved with your eating habits.  Share with them the information you have just learned about how serious you are about healing your body and taking control of your health. This is vital to the future of your metabolic system, body size and skin condition.

You all are going to have to become  “sugar cops” and blow the siren on every food item that you will want to consume. You will have to start by reading food labels, researching ingredients online,  and being accountable for everything you want to eat. This is easier now because most things prepackaged contains sugar, so you won’t be buying a lot of things in a box or bag any longer, You want to condition your appetite to seek healthier whole foods instead of packaged ones.

Team Work

Decide as a team, group or family that you will not bring sugar into your work, sports environment, studio or home, car or any environment where you spend a great deal of time.  This is a very difficult step because of habits, rituals and years of mental conditioning. You will have to make a firm decision and be willing to stick with it.

Don’t Have It, Can’t Eat It!

By not having sugar around, you won’t be tempted to eat it.  If you want to succeed you must SHUT DOWN everything that tempts you and can cause you to fail.

My Appetite Control Secret –I follow a Low Glycemic Index Diet that cuts out sugar, helps you lose weight fast and gives you tons of energy.

What is the Glycemic Index?

The Glycemic Index is a rating system for foods where any type of carbohydrate has a numerical value assigned to it based on its components and how each food affects the body’s sugar levels. The lower the glycemic index, the more weight you can lose. You want to think of always eating Good Glycemic Foods. You can get a free list, the source is listed later in this blog post.

Second– Instead of buying sugar, decide on a sugar substitute.  There are many to choose from.  I know everyone is different so you will have to decide which one is good for you.  Personally, I like Stevia. It is a noncaloric herb, native to Paraguay, has been used as a sweetener and flavor enhancer for centuries. The leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant have a refreshing taste, zero glycemic index, zero calories, and zero carbs. It is 25-30 times sweeter than sugar and far more healthy.

Fat Burners Supplement

Fat Burners Supplements For Healthy Weight Loss

Third- Find an appetite depressant that works for you and helps you control your cravings. Personally, I use The Best Fat Burners.  It increases your energy, makes your more motivated to get things done without stimulants or jitteriness. It helps to wipe out your ravenous appetite and speeds up the body’s metabolic rate so help you burn more calories throughout the day.   It is one of the safest and Best Fat Burners on the market today. I have been taking them for years and my blood results are stellar, my cholesterol is perfect, it helps me manage my own low blood sugar and it keeps me feeling happy!

The ingredients are healthy, organic and potent.   They are some of the only ones that work for me. I have battled a tendency to overeat my whole life. Now I just take care of it and take one capsule right when I get p and one in the afternoon around 1:00 or 2:00PM so it isn’t an issue. I am not strong enough to think I can just have great will power, NO WAY!  I know that if I allow myself to get really hungry

Because I have to keep my blood chemistry balanced due to my hectic schedule, plus I want to keep my blood sugar at a healthy level to prevent diabetes and heart disease, I take it every meal right before I eat. It is absolutely amazing. It really does take away my appetite.

I also have to continue to drink my four quarts of water a day.  Sometimes I don’t feel thirsty or hungry and I forget to continue the healthy habits to helped me lose weight. I have to be vigilant to stay with what works regardless of all the hype in advertising.

Science Sheds Pounds

I know a lot of personal trainers and medical people try to talk down the benefits of supplements. That is their right and I can respect their views. But I have to say that after ten years and millions of customers, clients, and nutritional research I have found that I, and millions of you, need and embrace state of the art products and methods that serve our needs.  Plus, I love the fact that science continues to bring us innovative products and make our journey to a fit and lean body simpler and more effective.

You can go and get your free Green Smoothie Guide Here! But come bak and

That’s why we love our Matcha Green Tea Powder. It is one of the only organic tea powders that survived the floods, tsunamis, and other disasters. When you add Matcha Green Tea Powder to a Gren Smoothie, have it as tea in the morning as a great wake me up in place of just coffee, you actually start your day with an amazing superfood! Our food supply is so degraded that we have to find other ways to nourish our cells with premium grade nutrition. Your organs, bones, cells and skin improves!

Not only do we lose weight faster, we reverse the negative biological effects that came from a poor diet and no exercise.

YES! With a healthy low sugar, low carb diet, cutting edge Teas, Supplements, and proper exercise, you can begin to restore your body’s youth and vitality! So when you shop, look for those innovative foods on the good glycemic list found in my free app, HOW DO I LOSE WEIGHT NOW.

Blog How Do I Lose Weight App

Eat For Energy & Exercise

Fourth- Eat 3-4 small meals a day. The meals can include protein, a vegetable, and low glycemic carbohydrates. Make sure the carbohydrates such as whole grain bread, are in small amounts and baked without sugar of course because this type of food releases sugar slowly and will not make your sugar levels rush up and down.  Don’t eat too much whole grain breads because your will experience similar results as with eating sugar because your “fat-fighting” hormone will be blocked.

 Fifth – Exercise!!!!

cardio exercise for detox- fat burning- stop sugar craving

Workout for detoxing, weight loss and stop sugar cravings!

According to A. Alain Bertoni, M.D.,  MPH., assistant professor in Public Health Sciences and Internal Medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, N.C., states that being active in exercising is a good way to help you lose weight, and fight sugar cravings because your muscles use the natural sugar from the healthy foods you eat and uses it as energy which helps you lose weight.

Feel Good-Do Good

There are several ways you can exercise that fit your time and budget.  If you don’t have time to get to a gym or take a class, home workouts are great.  My most popular home workouts are Cardio Dance Jam and my Power Shaping, total body fat burning workout.  Both are great easy to follow along, high energy DVD’S will not only help you lose weight, they will bring you joy and fun.

Most of all exercise will give you energy and help you feel empowered about getting fit in order to reach your goals. When you feel good, you do good!

Make Space

In order to do something new, you have to release something old.  In order to bring in new ideas and new success, you must release old ideas and old influences.

Kara, start today, purging your home, workspaces, and vehicles of all fattening snacks and sweets. Start tossing everything that contains sugar in a garbage bag that you are going to donate someplace or put in the garbage.  Get rid of every single piece. Do not keep one piece in your presence.  You cannot depend on willpower to help you, I know I couldn’t so you need to throw it all away now! You can toss it now or  wear it later.

Make A List! 

Make a new foods list of low sugar, healthy foods to buy and begin to be forward thinking. Getting what you need to do and be your best. Do as much as you to prepare for your future. Do what is necessary for you to succeed. No one is going to do it for you and now can make it perfect for you. You can do it for your amazing destiny.  Kara, take your life back starting today. You will be so glad you did; a week, month and year from now. Just imagine how great you will feel rehabbing your health. There is no perfect time to start eating right, detoxing and regenerating your health.

Don’t wait! start today. A year is going to pass anyway, why not be lighter, healthier, happier and hotter? WOOHOO!

If you have serious lumps, bumps, dimples and fat under your skin, you want to check out The Extreme Slimming Anti-Cellulite Cream. It is an actual transdermal spot fat burner. SO you have to be sure to put it only where you want to lose fat because it is potent! You also get a great DIY Body Wrap at home to help you lose inches fast and jump start your cleanse on fatty body parts.

All our products have a 100% guarantee. You have nothing to lose, but an old tired unhappy person. Start new and begin a journey of total bliss, happiness and fitness today.

Tune into VICTORIA’S BODY SHOPPE GLOBAL RADIO SHOW this week to find out more about the Glycemic Index and how you can use it to drop weight and feel great Fast!


Victoria Johnson

Your Celebrity Trainer, Best-Selling Author, Global Radio Host


Detox, beat sugar craving and manage low blood sugar

Weird Wacky Way To Lose Weight

5 Sep

What If You Could Talk To Your Body &                                                                           Have It Tell You How To Lose Weight?

Bicep one arm jpeg

OMG!! You have to read all this’s so inspiring and interesting!

Here’s a portion of an email I got after our Four Week Online Course:

Lose Weight, Feel Great and Gain Wealth & Joy Online Introductory Session.

Victoria, Okay, I have lost seven pounds since Tuesday!! What did you say to make my body respond so positively? I have no idea, but I love your processes!!! A. R.

How weird is this? After I listened on Tuesday and took some notes, no big deal and on the very next day, every craving I ever had went away and I swear I am thinner. Is that really possible?   Now I am fired up to start working out. What should I do first to really get the fat off? J.Q.

Dear J.Q.

Congratulations! That’s fantastic that you understood the breakthrough principle I taught.  It is truly a simple thing, but it is powerful! And you should begin getting the rest of the life robbing fat off your body and improve your heart, lungs, respiratory and immune system by doing fat burning cardio which I will cover in a minute.
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5 Fast Tips For A Sexy Hourglass Figure

22 Aug


Is Your Hourglass Too Empty or Spilling Out Over the Edges?

Hourglass Figure

Did you know that this year has been declared the beginning of a new era of
The Hourglass Body?

YES! It is Hot in Fashion and Health!

sexy pink waist cincher

Victoria’s Sexy Pink Skinny

Waist Training Cincher

CORSETS and Waist Trainers and Cinchers are Spanx on steroids!

They are designed to help reshape the body also known as Body Modification and has ben around since women.  The use to be made with real animal bones, that’s why even today the technology that is more advanced still call the shaping inserts “bones”.  Thank goodness they refined the technique and made it more comfortable.

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Secret Mystery Foods That
Burn Fat Fast Off Your Waist & A**

11 Jul
weight loss low-calorie- foods- zero-calories

Need to drop some weight, lose inches, reduce bloating fast? Get the complete list of Yummy Low Calorie Foods that burn fat fast with Zero or Negative Calorie effect! Simply amazing! read more..

The Updated List and Diet PDF Giveaway is at the end of this awesome post. There is so many nuggets in there I wanted to entice you to read it and gain some insight into what may be happening in your own body!


Secret Mystery Foods That
Burn Fat Fast Off Your Waist & A**! With Low Calorie Foods With a  ZERO CALORIE EFFECT! Totally brilliant science. Read more…

Reader Question: Victoria, I am so confused… I have no idea what to eat any more. With all the diet information out there right now, I don’t know what to do. I just want to know what to eat to burn fat fast?                    

~ Caroline R

Victoria Answer: Caroline, I am so excited about your question. Be patient and read this answer all the way to the end.  It will be totally worth it. I am going to teach you a trick we use in the modelling world to drop weight fast in a tasty healthy way! I m even going ot give you a free pdf download with the complete plan in it! It’s about a ZERO CALORIE EFFECT eating plan,  aslo known as  (Negative Calorie Foods and Diet). It’s so amazing. People who don’t get it write negative things about it, but from someone like me who was sixty poiunds overweight, it is a miracle!

ok, I’m continuing my answer here….If you have ever struggled with dimply junk on the back of your legs and butt, then just take your time and soak up every word in this article. There are many gems that you can take away and begin today to start smoothing out that rocky road.

Your question reminded me of the time when I was getting ready for a fitness championship and I had a total melt down. I was looking good, so I thought. I was so excited because I had been posing at home in my bathroom mirror and

I just could not wait to see how my much better the definition in my muscles would be under “posing lights” at the gym. Posing lights are special lights that are designed to make your muscles look more cut, defined and striated. Those are bodybuilding terms for looking “HOT and BUFF”!

Secret-Mystery-Foods-That--Burn-Fat-Fast-Off-Your-Waist-&-Butt3Perfection – NOT!  I gathered up my swimsuit, posing oil and a scrunchie to pull back my hair so that it would not cover up one beautiful striation of hard earned muscle.

I went to the gym I was training at that had a perfect set of posing lights installed by the head trainer, a NPC Body Building champion.

Ok, I get to the gym, run in the women’s locker room, put on my skimpy competition posing suit and oiled myself up. I slipped into a comfy robe to cover myself as I walked across the gym to the room we used for posing. 
I confidently took off my robe and gracefully walked across the room as if I was walking on stage. I believe that we should always be “on” and rehearsing in our mind and with our body what we want to be.

Styling & Profiling

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Burn Fat Fast!

4 Jul


Too Much Body Fat Is Dangerous!


Female figure before growing thin and after growing thin

When It Comes to Body Fat, Lose It NOW!

You cannot, nor should you wait to lose fat. It contains toxins, impedes blood flow and decreases circulation. It’s not something you should wait one more minute to start to tackle.

You have to get on a routine that is going to kick start your metabolic rate and increase your endurance this week, not next week when it’s more convenient. It’s never more convenient than right now. You deserve the best health!

Fat Kid! –I had struggled with my weight throughout my adolescence. M first diet was in the first grade!!!!!! And the cycle sped out o control and I developed eating disorders. I battled bulimia, anorexia and binge eating for a period of time.  My teenage and college years are a blur. I mostly remembered eating and binging. It was a long journey to actually lose over sixty pounds of solid body fat but I am so happy that I did. It took a lot of healthy dieting that inspired me to create my Quickstart Energy Weight Loss Program,  drinking water every day and doing LSD Cardio-Long Slow Distance. I still do it today and so do my clients.

Here’s One of my clients

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5 Sneaky Foods TO Lose Belly Fat & Flatten Your Tummy!

27 Jun


How To Lose Belly Fat and Flatten Your Tummy and  Tighten Loose Skin! 

And See How one of my clients dropped over 100 pounds!lose-belly-fat

Is unexplained fat spilling over your jeans and you just can’t seem to lose it. Maybe there’s a sneaky little hormone that you aren’t aware of that’s packing on the pounds! It actually increases when you’re stressed. Find out how to control that hormone, lose weight and maybe even tighten your skin as you lose. 

 Does stress affect your weight loss efforts?

A Big Fat Yes!

*My favorite way to jumpstart my fat burning is to cut up grapefruit and sliced cucumbers and put them in my Fruit Infuser Water Bottle. I have put together the absolute most awesome recipe guide that gives you a ton of recipes and ideas to help you lose fat, improve your skin tone, improve digestion and shower yourself with LOVE! It was my lifesaver when I was struggling to lose my last ten pounds.

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Six Effective Ways to Reduce and Prevent Cellulite (Fat) Fast!

30 May


Keep Reading to Get Your Tight Body Smooth Skin Cellulite Reducing Tips!

Here Are Six Effective Steps to Fight Cellulite, Break Down and Get Rid of Lumpy Fat Plus Ideas to Help You  Get A Flat Stomach!


Smooth and Firm Sexy Thighs!

Do you want lean sexy thighs, tight flat stomach and nice smooth round butt? The same principles apply for your abs. So no mater where yo u are storing a little too much energy (fat is need energy) try these tips along with a great workout plan. The sooner you start, the quicker you see results!

If you have dimples in places other than your adorable face, and you don’t have the same notoriety or fan club that these two adorable reality sex bombs have, you may want these cellulite reduction tips. Reducing cellulite is a sure way to the path of thin thighs and tight buns. I know there is much controversy about what cellulite is; it’s fat, plain and simple. It requires the same amount of work, discipline, diet and training to lose dimply (cellulite) fat as any other fat on your pretty body.

OMG.. Have you seen this?

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16 May

Lose Inches!


One Drink..Down Ten Pounds and Smooth Out Wrinkles”

Miracle Smoothie Lose Weight, Smooth Wrinkles, Improve Performance and Increase Energy!   Seem too good to be true? That’s what I thought too.  Read on!  These are just a few people who had exceptionally good results from replacing one fattening meal with a powerful Superfood Smoothie and adding green tea powder to other drinks and foods!


*”I Lost six pounds in two weeks  using shakes with Matcha tea powder” Bryan    

“I lost four pounds in six days especially on my legs and stomach using the tea powder in my meal replacement shake. I made it like the guide said”  Marcela                                                                  

*”My skin is flaking and exfoliating revealing baby soft skin underneath. I had no idea I had that much dead wrinkled skin” Lucia        

*”I replaced one meal a day with your Matcha Tea Smoothie and ran on the treadmill as recommended, you were right, I had so much continuous energy and I wasn’t tired the next day. It has helped me drop the ten pounds I needed to lose for my military requirement! I CAN’T THANK YOU ENOUGH VICTORIA! Martin

This story is fascinating. after you read it, you can scroll down and read  about the 10 Benefits that will revolutionize your health and your body over time when you make Japanese  Matcha Green Tea a daily habit.

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How Do I Lose Belly Fat

18 Jan

Great question I got last week..

How Do I Lose This Belt Hangover Fat and what do I do about constant water retention?


Here it is..

1. Get my book “How Do I Get ABS”


2. Prescription For Bloated Puffy Belt Hangover

Most people retain a little water, and it is fairly common. As women, we especially may notice an increase in water retention during the week before their period. It’s fine to stop water retention at home that is minor. Yet if water retention seems major, occurs all the time, and is continually resulting in puffy extremities or excessive weight gain, this can indicate serious health issues. If you suffer more than a little water retention, you should not try to stop water retention at home but should see your naturopath or healthy fit doctor for a thorough checkup.

Here are some great ideas to help stop water retention and reduce bloating and puffiness. Make sure you check with your lean healthy doctor before taking any of the supplements below. They may not be what your body needs.

1. Drink More Water – Water retention is common when you are dehydrated or low on water. The body tends toward conserving water, and will retain a bit in order to keep you hydrated. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day helps shed extra water, reducing water retention.

2. Reduce Sodium – Minimizing extra sodium in the diet is crucial. That’s a part of what happened to my beach workout crisis case. She macked out on salty pretzels drank soda and did it while she was flying. She did a triple whammy to her body before a photo shoot. Of course she had to fly, but she should have drank water and bought an apple or orange at the airport to have as her snack while she was flying.

Almost all packaged and canned foods contain some level of sodium. Most natural food sources also have some sodium too, though the amount is usually less. Look for low sodium varieties of foods, especially canned foods and prepared meals.

3. Move – Increase Circulation. Walking, bicycling, stationary biking, tennis are all activities that help pump out water and other fluids that can pool in your legs and ankles. Doing cardio type exercises with lightweight training will make you sweat and release trapped salt.

 4. Sip herbal tea. Parsley or uva-ursi tea can help flush out excess water without any harmful side affects, you can find these teas in most health foods stores.

5. Take Vitamin B6. Taking up to 250 milligrams of vitamin B6 daily helps reduce premenstrual water retention. This nutrient also reduces fluid buildup caused by hormone replacement therapy.

 6. Take Calcium. Researchers at the New York Metropolitan Hospital found that a daily calcium supplement provided relief from premenstrual water retention in three-fourths of the women who took it. If it’s safe for you, take 500-milligrams twice daily, one at breakfast and one at dinner. Ask your doctor whether these supplements are okay for you.

7. Increase Urine Formation – That’s right, Go more! You can release it or retain it. Foods such as cucumbers, asparagus and parsley contain natural substances that increase urine formation. Other vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, cabbage and mushrooms can facilitate water loss in conjunction with a low-carb good glycemic diet.

They require large amounts of water for digestion which helps pull it out from beneath the skin and into the digestive track. Plus they are high in fiber, which is healthy to keep your colon clear. A healthy clear colon will help flatten your belly and get rid of that belly puffiness.

Try these ideas out and experiment with them until you find your perfect formula for getting rid of that awful feeling excess water, bloating and puffiness. Shop around and look for the best prices so that you can continue to eat healthy and improve your modeling potential.

 Finally- If none of these work and if you are on medications go visit your doctor and give your her or him a list of all medications you are currently taking–both prescription and over-the-counter–and ask whether any alterations are appropriate. Switching to lower-dose estrogen in your hormone replacement therapy, for example, could reduce fluid retention. If you’re on steroidal medication, be sure to let your doctor know about your water-retention problems. She or he may prescribe a diuretic.

Now what about your man! check out my latest record breaking book! It’s on the cutting edge of controversy.  The program is unconventional and working awesome. No complaints from the ladies when their man gets harder body parts. It’s free for them Tuesday through Saturday. The info was a blazing hit in Europe!!!!!

Mark your calendars and get some new lingerie!

New Book U.S.A. Release Tuesday June 18- Saturday June 22!

Go get it! How Do I Lose Belly Fat /Alpha Male Style!

FINAL HOW_DO_I_Lose_Belly_1000x1333_3

Listen in on Wednesday as I talk about the controversial topics and Alpha Male Abs Transformation Program.

VBS Radio Show


Make this a powerful breakthrough week. The cosmos is vibrating: BREAKTHROUGH!!




Fast Weight Loss with Water & FRUIT?

11 Jan

Hello my beautiful friend!


WOOOHOOOO!!! I’m back from a monumental worldwide digital tour and happy to be able to get back with you!

I have so much to tell you. I have picked up so many secrets, tips, tricks, ideas and new discoveries to share with you. There are so many great new findings that are going to help us in our body shaping and health increasing journey. WOW!

First off  I want to share some LOVE with you! There is so much research about the power of words and intention. I had an opportunity to learn about structured water and the philosophy of using LOVE infused intentions on healing your body. I got so jazzed about all the positive healing results from drinking water that was surrounded by words of love,   gratitude and possibility that I had a limited edition water bottle created that we could use every day. But I went one better and made a limited edition (only 16 left) infusion water bottle that allows you to make your own vitamin and enzyme infused water. Check it out!

This bottle is genius. It has motivational phrases, loving hearts and positive reinforcement! DRINKING WATER is important to your health, training, recovery, vitality and immune system. Dr. Masaru Emoto of Japan, author of Messages From Water, believed that positive statements affects water in its container and in the body. What a perfect way to care for yourself!

Motivation Infusion Water Bottle – 24 Oz $19.99

 Water Bottle TrioWater Bottle


Inspirational Infusion Water Bottle is Perfect For Yoga, Cheer,  Sport & Diet – Create Your Natural Fruit, Veggies, Spice, Teas and Healthy Flavored Water, Detox Tea, Juice & Sparkling Drinks. Go to Amazon and read all the specs and Hearts!

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FREE $29.00 DIET, NUTRITION, RECIPE AND BODY HEALING EBOOK! When you buy the bottle today! Hurry before they are all gone. I want you to have one of the last ones.  Order Now!Infusion Water Bottle

WE DID IT AGAIN MY AWESOME FRIENDS!  THANK YOU for pushing my book to the top of Amazons #1 SPOT in the USA and now it has gone bonkers in my cultural land of Brazil, Asia and Germany where i did my Sports Science and Physiology Training!  I could not have done it without you! You guys rock!

 Skinny Thighs



Question from reader..

Hi Victoria,

I have been on a body-shaping plan for six weeks now and I have plateaued. Someone said I might need to be drinking more water now, since it has been warmer than usual.  What do you think, could that really help me lose more body fat and gain muscle too.  J.

My Friends and J.

This is such a timely question.  Recently I had someone overheat in a workout due to dehydration.  So thank you for your question, this is the perfect time to address water and it’s importance to our bodies.

Drink More, Lose Fat to Weigh Less and Increase Brain Power and Be Unstoppable!  When I fist started dieting, I was a mess. I would do everything I could think of to lose weight but I never drank enough water for my personal metabolic rate and optimum biological state, so I wasn’t losing weight as quickly as I thought I should. I worked out like a maniac. I even cut back on calories and got so light headed I could hardly drive.

In my craziness, I received a great revelation! I was starving my body and dehydrating it so bad, that it was holding on for dear life.  I like to think of it as lack and scarcity conditioning. When you hold on to the things you think you don’t have enough of, you shut down the flow. You stop the  progress and everything comes to a stand still and your mental capacity becomes blocked.

Once I got over my fear of weighing too much and started to increase my proper food and water intake to four solid quarts a day, I started to drop inches and lose weight too!

In other words, when I stopped moving in fear and started ingesting more water, my body felt free to eliminate the excess fluid and my weight went down. One week I even lost five pounds by increasing my water intake along with my plan.

I was doing an hour of cardio, following my perfect low-glycemic diet, monitoring simple carbohydrates, getting 8 hours of sleep at night and not eating meals after 7:00 PM. I would go to bed at 11:00 PM and get up at 7:00 AM.

If you are not drinking enough water, your body can become deficiently hydrated, known as dehydration, and can manifest in a variety of ways that wreak havoc on your health and your beautiful body. Ongoing dehydration may cause actual disease as the body struggles to maintain itself without sufficient fluid intake.

Dehydration can also lead to stored excess body fat, cellulite formation, flabby muscles, poor muscle tone, muscle loss, decreased digestion and organ function, bloating, PMS and water retention. Now that should be enough right there to make you run in the bathroom and jump in the shower and stand under the spout for five minutes!

Not drinking enough water can also leads to increased toxicity, joint and muscle soreness, slow recovery time after exercise, injury or surgery. Water works to keep muscles and skin tight and youthful (hallelujah). If you are not losing weight as fast as you would like to and want a quick start to losing weight and healing your body, drink up! Live It Up!   

Water is not just a weight loss inducer, and muscle enhancer; it is essential to for life and necessary for life itself. Water is a fundamental factor in our health. It is fundamental to our total existence. It is so easily overlooked each day because there is such an abundance of it. We wash our clothes in it, we brush our teeth with it, we watch it flow into the sink and wind it’s way down the drain while we are washing dishes. After a warm relaxing bath, gallons of this natural healing agent drain away only to be repeated tomorrow.

Every single cell in your body requires water. Our human survival is dependent on water. It is been classified by scientists as second only to oxygen as necessary for sustaining life. On average, the quantity of water in an adult body could fill 12 one-gallon containers. That means as an average adult your body is somewhere between 55 to 75% water. Up to 2/3 of your body weight is water, 40 to 50 quarts. Your body is made up of water, other mass such as bone & tissue and matter. Jack and the rest of you magnificent beings, you basically are water.



Eart drink

CONSUME FREELY! Therefore, you need to consume approximately 2/12 Qts of water daily to be healthy and metabolically cleansed. Since such a large percentage of our bodies are water, it stands to reason why our health and our bodily functions depend on it. Every process in your body uses water as a catalyst. We can exist without food for up to 2 weeks or more, but we can only survive for a few days without water.

HIGH PERFORMANCE!  I teach all of my high performance clients that I believe it is the single most important nutrient to take in every day. It is calorie free, it’s fat–free and it helps you feel full. Many of us mistake thirst for hunger. When you are sitting around and thoughtlessly jump up to grab a snack, have a glass of water first. Wait five minutes to see if the hunger goes away. In the meantime, keep busy, don’t focus on a snack, focus on the healing effects of the water you just offered your metabolism.

STOP! Buying sodas and expensive coffee drinks for you and your children. They can actually prevent you from losing weight if you drink them instead of water.  Coffee contains caffeine and too much of it can dehydrate you, especially if you live in a warm climate. Stop drinking wine before dinner. It stimulates your appetite and can send you into a low blood sugar state, which can make you irritable, or it can drive you to eat more than you ordinarily would. Ordering sodas at fast food restaurants just because they are cheap or they come with the meal. There is no such thing as free food. There is a price you will be paying later either in poor health, weight gain or low blood sugar anxiety.  So stop teaching your children to drink sugary drinks with their meal, it’s running their health.

How Much? When you are working out and leading an active lifestyle, you need a minimum of 8, 8 ounce glasses a day every single day, seven days per week, 4 weeks per month, 12 months out of the year! Get it?? Your body deserves the best fuel at all times. It is your gift to life in our human form. Let’s honor it and care for it with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. The more you exercise beyond sixty minutes per day, the more water you need.

Spread your water intake throughout the entire  day, especially on hot days and the day before you are going to participate in a heavy-duty workout.  When you begin your fluid for life commitment, you will be visiting the restroom more frequently. That’s perfect! You are supposed to go more frequently, this facilitates your body’s flushing, detoxing and cleansing process. Every time you go, you get rid of extra toxic weight and unhealthy substances that your body does not need. How cool is that?   Be patient, it takes about two weeks for your bladder to adjust to the new intake.

Drinking Tips  Tips on water intake help you lose more weight quicker: Drink clean bottled or filtered water Drink a minimum of 64 ounces per day (2 quarts) Drink an additional 8 ounces per day for every 25 pounds over your ideal healthy weight.

Keep a water bottle or your designated water-drinking cup in visible sight in all areas of your life. Make sure there is one in the kitchen, one at your desk or workspace, one in your car and one in your gym bag. If they are out of sight, they are out of mind.

Personally, I have three distinct water bottles and cups that I use. Right now I have a beautiful 16-ounce crystal blue thermal glass that I have sitting by my computer. I drink one per hour. Each day I write for three hours. If I write longer, I drink more. I also have an elegant crystal pitcher of water with shaped cubes in it that I keep on another table that I use to fill up my thermal glass with. I track the number of ounces I drink per day in my food journal.

I also keep an extra water bottle in my workout bag or make sure I keep enough money on me so that I can buy a bottle at the gym. I have two one-quart water bottles in the trunk of my car most times next to my emergency kit. I don’t want to mess up my diet and my health due to a lack of preparation. I am sure you can think of at least ten more ways to make your water consumption more practical and easily accessible for yourself and your family, especially your children. Get them their own special water cup, bottle or glass. Get one for their lunch box.

No one can turn down something that is perceived as special. Begin today teaching them the value of drinking water and help them get excited about it. Make fluid for life a priority for you and your entire family.

Water is Life! Drink it up starting today! That’s all for now, I have to go to the little girl’s room and lose some weight.  Go out and make something awesome happen in your life this week!


If you are not one of the gazillions who have downloaded the Motivational Having A Rich Life App that goes great with your new motivational water bottle, go get it! It’s my gift and way to spread inspiration.

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Your Celebrity Trainer, Amazon Best Selling Author and FRIEND FOR LIFE!

