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Tight and Sexy not Skinny and Stringy

2 Apr

Lose Fat, Improve Muscle Tone, Increase Your Energy, Detox & Heal Your Liver!

burn fat faster fitness plan

Improve health, increase energy, detox liver, improve muscle tone and get kick-butt fit!

Detox Tea

I believe the most important organ in your body to care for is the liver. If you have a toxic liver, you will not burn fat fast. So here is my favorite Detox Tea for your Liver and Kidneys. VICTORIA’S BEST SKINNY WEIGHT LOSS DETOX TEA. I use the term Skinny to refer to the preferred waistline. A fit skinny waist is healthy, a string skinny body with no muscle reserve is not.

detox tea skinny tea fit tea tea tox

Totally Organic, FDA Approved, GMO & Gluten Free Detox Tea for Cleansing, Skin Healing, Flushing Fat, Eliminating Constipation and Safe & Healthy Weight Loss

Our yoga tribes, athletes, moms, bikini and figure competitors love this tea. It’s perfect before a special occasion to get in perfect form and great after to undo the celebration over indulgences! Special blend is formulated to pump up your weight loss program. The pure organic herbs in this great natural blend, can aid in healthy digestion, remove toxins that are associated with dimply fat cells, this assists in a natural safer weight loss. Plus it is so healthy for your skin. It rejuvenates it and helps clear up skin disorders

Stringy Skinny Celebs…

I have been seeing so many skinny stringy celebs on the tabloid covers and I want to share with you some tips to not let your body get stringy and soft like theirs.
1. You must not skip meals
2. You must eat good quality protein since muscle requires complete protein to build
3. You must stay hydrated
4. You must do some form of weight lifting – prefer light weights plus twice a week you want to go the gym and do a quick
circuit that has these exercises in it. I do every exercise for:

2 sets of 12 repetitions per exercise with weight that gets moderately difficult at the 8th rep

1. Leg Press
2. Leg Extension
3. Leg Abductors
4. Leg Adductor

Lat Pull down
Seated Lat Row

Tricep Pressdown
Bicep Curls

Abdominal Machine 3 sets of 15 Repetitions

Tight and Lean not Skinny and Stringy
If you follow the suggestions above while keeping your cardio going five times per week you will keep your body tight and lean. Those poor skinny celeb party and workaholic girls don’t get to the gym and lift weights on a regular basis. They are dehydrated from partying. Alcohol dehydrates your body. Plus alcohol makes your liver toxic which shuts down your metabolic processes for cleansing and detoxing. They stay up late and do not eat healthy balanced meals on a daily basis. They may be popular here and there on tabloids and in Hollywood, but their bodies are showing their lifestyle and soon if they do not get with the program or get on the program, their internal organs may suffer irreversible damage.

I am not a hater. I don’t hate those hollywood chicks the way the magazines do. It’s their life. They are just living theirs in front of the world. I just can’t believe that the press is so mean to them to sell magazines, yet they give them all types of publicity when they make a movie, release a CD or make a new reality show. They pump them up when they are rising and then drown them when they are sinking!

Do It For Yourself
That’s why You can’t live your life for someone else’s approval and acceptance. You should NEVER diet for anyone else. You have to lose weight and get in shape for your own personal reasons. When you are in shape, you feel good, you have energy, you enjoy life and you have more joy to share with others. Others will get a benefit from your new found vitality.

If you lose it for someone else, it will always be conditional to you and that is damaging to your psyche. I will not work with a client unless they want it for themselves. You already have too many demands on us from many different sources and directions. The last thing you need is someone else looking over your shoulder every time you pick up a morsel of food. It’s one thing to have an accountability partner it’s another to have a critical person making a negative comment about your progress or lack thereof.

You can’t please everyone. Most importantly, you shouldn’t even try. DO what you know is right. Take care of yourself and cheer yourself on. Let your bathroom mirror and your new favorite smaller jeans be your cheerleader. Encourage your self, motivate your self. Be the absolute best you can be. Your true friends will be there for you and your user friends will be haters and fade away and try to guilt or talk you out of getting a hot body!

Hey friends, this is tough. I have been in this business enough to know what it takes to succeed and be content with who you are and your body size and shape. You know that deep in your heart there is a desire to live an abundant, joyous exciting and adventurous life. You should. It is your birthright and you can do, be have all that you desire if you are wiling to do whatever it takes. Don’t wait – start today. Do not eat another thing that damages your body. Do not eat another thing that will make your body fat, sick and diseased. Do not engage in conversations that make you feel powerless! it’s better to be silent than feed the negative demons who show up to mess us up!

Reach Higher and Climb Faster!

Love You all!


5 Fast Tips For A Sexy Hourglass Figure

22 Aug


Is Your Hourglass Too Empty or Spilling Out Over the Edges?

Hourglass Figure

Did you know that this year has been declared the beginning of a new era of
The Hourglass Body?

YES! It is Hot in Fashion and Health!

sexy pink waist cincher

Victoria’s Sexy Pink Skinny

Waist Training Cincher

CORSETS and Waist Trainers and Cinchers are Spanx on steroids!

They are designed to help reshape the body also known as Body Modification and has ben around since women.  The use to be made with real animal bones, that’s why even today the technology that is more advanced still call the shaping inserts “bones”.  Thank goodness they refined the technique and made it more comfortable.

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Get Up and Dance! April 29 World Dance Day

15 Aug

Tribal Dance

I was hanging out at the barge with a group of friends resting after a tough day of rehearsals.  There were tribal drummers, homemade flute players and a chanter. It was an inspired session of percussive hypnotic rhythm.  As the evening progressed, people of  every size, shape, gender and culture started dancing like one global tribe.

Brazilian Dancer

Then, this stunning Brazilian Princess stole the show. She ripped off her shirt, tied it around her tiny tight waist and performed for us all. After she performed, she proceeded to teach us all some of her competition moves. It was sheer exhilaration.

I have always loved dance for fitness but that night my understanding of dance went to a deeper level.   But after our tribal groove, now I really understood how important dance is a universal form of expression and communication.

History & Dance

Throughout the history of the world, dance has played a vital role in important life rite passages, celebrations, and ceremonies. Battles have been fought and won immediately following weapons dances.  Kingdoms have been won and lost and then celebrated with dance. Kings and Monarchs have been crowned then celebrated with dance, and marriages have been consummated with ritual dances.

Dance has always been at the center of important events until recent history when it seems that dance and the importance of creative dance for morale got lost somewhere in the process. Dance these days seems to be limited to certain people in certain circumstances or only to those who engage in the art of dance for the entertainment of others rather than the simple joy of dancing for the sake of just having fun and the enjoyment of creative movement.

Dance Making a Comeback

The importance of dance in schools and social bars seems to have been misplaced in the last century or so, fortunately with the popularity of competitive star dance shows around the world, we are seeing a rebirth for the love of dance.  It is on the rise is so that it isn’t something meant to entertain us a mere spectator.  Now, as the days of old, we are beginning to entertain ourselves with dance again!

In addition to the entertainment aspect of dance is the physical activity it creates that have so many positive health and mental benefits.

We live in a world where the expected lifespan of our children, is shorter than the lifespan of those who are already adults. The primary reason for this is a lack of physical fitness and rise in obesity in youth. We need to lead by example and show our children that it is important to do little things that get us off our seats and onto our feet. Dance is a great way to do that.

Dancing also increases muscle tone and circulation and gives the body a longer and leaner look over time and with consistent, disciplined training.  This gives a renewed sense of grace and self-confidence.

Dancing relieves stress and releases feel-good endorphins if you’re working hard enough to work up a good sweat. This reduces depression and makes you feel happy!

I was recently in Costa Rica and let me tell you, dancing is a family affair! Everyone would just dance and play for hours every weekend.  What a blast.

It’s your turn. You can put on some music at home and dance with your kids.  Go to a dance class or take a dance lesson.  Going to dance classes is a blast. There are so many fun workout dance classes now, that you can dance every day.

Your assignment this weekend is to do like the Costa Ricans, to just …

Get Up and Dance!
Thank You For Hookin Us Up!


3 Moves For Sexy Sleek Arms Fast!

8 Aug



Question:  Victoria,

I love to wear sleeveless dresses but I have embarrassingly flabby arms. I just bought the most adorable tube dress and I am too self-conscious to wear it yet. 

I like the idea that you were actually overweight yourself and you have been able to tone and firm your arms.

I feel more comfortable trusting your suggestions.

What are your favorite exercises to tone and sculpt my arms so that I won’t feel like I have chicken wings when I wear it?
- Alena

Answer: Alena,

Flabby Arm jpg.jpg

Let’s Get Rid of Chicken Wings!

How hilarious…”chicken wings”. I suppose that you mean that the skin and flabby muscles on the backside of your arms are loose and flop when you move your arm. UUGGGHHH!! I can totally understand what you mean.

I love training my arms. Whenever I am having a fat day, I like to put on some comfortable tights and then immediately do some arm toning exercises. It makes me feel sleek and firm. 

I have found that I and my clients have to use a good moisturizing body toning lotion when training to help restructure the skin as we lose weight. You don’t want to lose weight only to be left with stretch marks or loose skin.

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Beyonce’s Rockin Super Bowl 50 FORMATION Ab Workout

25 Jul

Beyonce Superbowl 50 Half TIme Queen Ab Workout

Check Out Beyonce’s FORMATION Ab Workout In True Bey Style!

Beyonce’s The Queen of Entertainment and Was Voted to Have the Sexiest Abs in the Country

Beyonce is slaying the Super Bowl 50 Stage and she is looking amazing as always.  In true Bey style, She’s stirring up the controversy with her new song, titled “FORMATION”.

It’s awesome to see more women working their craft, training their body and still living their version of an authentic life.  She’s living her dream and being a mom,  a wife and an outspoken advocate for her cause.

I think her ab workout is tough and I also  put together a total plan in my “How Do I Get Abs?” Book on

Beyonce’s Ab Workout

To get you started with Beyonce’s workout, here’s the link to a quick program from one of her Trainers.

From GL’s Magazine: Ever wish you could get abs like a celeb? Now ya can. A-list trainer Marco Borges whipped up this tummy-flattening routine for us. Yay!

Beyonce’s trainer gifts Girl’s Life readers with an awesome ab workout!

To My Loyal Readers, clients and followers, 


#1 AB BOOK ON AMAZON.COM And Top Ten Fitness!


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Detox…Beat Bloating & Flatten Your Stomach!

20 Jun


7  Tips To Beat Bloating, Flatten Your Stomach & Tighten Your Thighs So You Can Rock Your Party Dress

Hello Dear Friends!

This is a question from a loving fan that I am answering for all of us who seem to suffer from this issue too sometimes. We have to get ready for the holidays!



Dearest Victoria,

You are so special to me.

I live in Russia. I have learned so much about myself from reading your newspapers you send to me in email every week and your DVD’s have taught me how to have rhythm, how to dance and how to laugh at myself instead of criticizing.

I did not know all these tings about what to eat and how to train as a woman. I am forever grateful to you. I have totally changed my body and as you teach “attitude”.

I have reduced 2 dress sizes and my legs don’t wiggle any more when I walk in a skirt.

I have so many new dreams and ideas now. I think I am going to start modeling part time along with my full time job. I like what your blogs have taught me about abundance. There is no reason to limit my future. SO thank you.

Here is my question; I have totally changed my diet and all you advice in diet has worked like miracles. In Russia, that is very hard, but now I have it all organized and budgeted so it is much easier now.   I suffer from puffiness and retain water. What can I do when I am starting to get puffy and bloated? It feels awful and I don’t want to lose modeling jobs because of it.   Liliyana

THANK YOU Liliyana!

I am so touched that you find life changing ideas in my newsletters and blogs. I write from the heart. I stop everything I am doing to write to you and my other adorable readers. Life is so short and we don’t have time for negative limiting beliefs of others poisoning our thoughts and actions.

What You Do Is What Counts

I try never to let anyone get to me so much that I get down on myself. I don’t need anyone dogging me out because they had a bad day or they are disappointed with their life.   Our life is what we make it. That is why I sign off with a positive action to take each week. Words are just the beginning, what we do; counts, what we do matters and what we create is what we will have.

I am also very proud of you for organizing your eating and training schedule so much so that you are going to use your physical gift to increase your income which will increase your standard or living and stimulate the economy where you live!   Now Let’s get to your problem.

Bloated Puffy Belt Hangover & Tighten Your Legs

Continue reading

Metabolic Madness? You Need To Do This NOW!

21 Mar

Metabolic Madness – You Must Do This!

This week, I am going to answer an e-mail that explains the benefits of increasing muscle mass which will help you burn more calories.

The more calories you burn, the more fat you will be able to lose. This is why working out is so powerful in a good weight loss program. You can starve your body by restricting your calories to less that 1,000, but that will only slow down your metabolic system causing Metabolic Madness!

Your body will perceive it is going into a famine and will enter into a “self preservation” state to conserve itself. When you break the famine and increase your calories, your body suddenly begins to store extra calories to prepare for the next famine.You can only starve for so long before you lose it and begin to binge on your favorite foods. When it comes to stopping the cycle of Metabolic gain and lose yo-yo dieting Madness, you have to move it to lose it and weight training is one of the best ways to consistently increase your metabolism.

Here’s the question from Margaret, one of our newsletter subscribers.

Good Morning Victoria,  When I do my workouts, which should do toning or  cardio? Or does it matter which one I do. Everyone has opinions and suggestions, but they don’t have a fit body like yours, so I want your opinion. Thanks..Margaret

Hi Margaret,

Thank you for participating in creating your best body ever program and taking the time to write me. You asked a very good question. Here’s my answer.

Don’t Wait to Do Weights!

I went to a party this weekend and everyone looked fabulous. It was a fine display of the concept that when you like the way you look, you feel better about yourself.

Looking good is a matter of personal preference of course. As I observe people I observe how they carry themselves, their facial expressions, their tone of voice, their body language, how they stand, walk and if they move with grace and confidence.

Strong and Beautiful

The strongest looking individuals at this party had good posture and wonderful physiques that displayed various degrees of muscle definition. Even the hostess, who was six months pregnant, looking very beautiful and glowing with life, had toned upper arms, a sculpted back and amazing legs demonstrating the benefit of consistent resistance training.  Here is a photo taken at The Ritz Carlton Training Gym in South Beach, Florida USA. It was at a shoot prep training two weeks ago for a video game charachter. I wish I had permission to show you ALL the peeps that were training that day. When you look at this photo, consider that I was over 180 pounds and shaped like an apple! I had no waist, no lats and no shoulders. This is what weight training has done for my body.

Victoria Ritx Shoot photo

In the beginning of my training career I used heavy weights and even competed in body building contests. I won many contests and I loved the feel of lifting weights.

Unfortunately I built big legs of steel that were thicker than I wanted. Then one day I went to a seminar to hear a beautifully sculpted former body builder, Diana Dennis, and I was immediately sold on her ideas of high repetition training using light weights. Now she was a professional body builder several years ago and magazines loved photographing her because she would strike these beautiful artistic poses. This is an artistic piece taken by Photographer Tom Clark of Hollywood, California. Don’t send me any hater mail about how she is so big. YES, she was big!  She was a professional bodybuilder. Her job was to know how to build muscle. I would not ask a broke person how to make money. So I went to a professional to learn how to build muscle.  I am not advocating that you get big like this photo, I only wanted to demonstrate that she knew the art of muscle building! 🙂

Diana Dennis

I had been lifting at the gym and training my clients, but I had never done the high rep training.  I ran out the doors of the auditorium and went to a sporting good store and bought a set of hand weights that came on a small weight tree and that was the beginning of my new leaner, tighter, smaller body.

I was so excited by this new training philosophy that I created a workout using light weights for sculpting with motivating music and moves that increased the heart rate so that I could burn fat while I was reshaping my body. The result was a workout and a movement that has become a market mainstay, Vertical Training, the Art of Sculpting. One of the specialized Vertical Training programs I designed is the foundation for my Skinny Thighs Workout, in my “HOW DO I GET SKINNY THIGHS” KINDLE and Paperback book. Here is an explanation and benefits.

Resistance Training

weight workout

Resistance training increases muscle strength by overloading the muscles using a weight, such as a dumbbell or barbell. The muscle cells adapt to the extra workload by enlarging (hypertrophy) and recruiting greater numbers of nerve cells to aid contraction. Understanding the principles of muscle contraction can help you reach your fitness goals faster. Resistance training is one of the greatest anti-aging weapons available to you today.

The benefits of regular resistance training include:

  • Increased muscle strength, power, endurance and conditioning
  • Improved body shape and decreases cellulite
  • Increased bone density and strength to prevent osteoporosis
  • Reduced body fat by increasing muscle mass which is your body’s engine
  • Boosted metabolism (burning more calories when at rest) muscles are your engine  – Volkswagon verses a bus..
  • Lowered resting heart rate (a sign of fitness)
  • Reduce blood pressure (helps to reduce the risk of heart disease)
  • Improved balance and stability – more stable base
  • Enhanced performance of daily activities, walking up stairs, shopping, carrying kids, rock climbing, hiking, shoulder bag,
  • Reduced risk of development and improvement of medical conditions; diabetes, high blood pressure and arthritis.

You have to go to the radio show and here my explanation of each exercise and how they transform your body!

Metabolic Madness Radio Show

Global Communications

In conclusion, make sure you include resistance training in your program so that you can keep your metabolism up and maintain your youthful physique.

Start a lifting program 2-3 times a week.  Along with your cardio and stretching.

To help you get started, I have listed my Secret Seven Top Exercises. I do these exercises with my clients.  You can try them at home or at your gym. You can get a personal trainer to help you get started.

My Secret Seven:

1. Squats or Seated Leg Press

2. Lunges up the stairs at home

3. Bent-Over Dumbbell Row

4. Overhead Press

5. Tricep Kickbacks

6. Bicep Curls

7. Lat pull downs with tube or the pull down machine at gym


Make it an awesome week!

Love & Hugs!


“HOW DO IT GET SKINNY THIGHS?”  Kindle Book – Lower Body Weight Lifting Exercises All Demonstrated With A Complete Program for Beginners to Advanced!

Skinny Thighs


4 Jan

HOW DO I GET SKINNY THIGHS?                                                                                                       

Sexy Is The New Skinny  Global Campaign

New Skinny Paradigm   – Skinny ain’t what it use to be..

 I would like to usher in a new paradigm of what it means to be skinny.  I am redefining skinny. Women have come into their power since the sixties and it’s time for a New Skinny to emerge.

REVIEWS:“Went down one size already and now able to wear those skinny jeans in bright colors.

I am always looking for better ways to improve myself.

It’s a good book for anyone of any age, shape or size who wants to improve their legs.

What is The New Skinny? As you stroll though history you can see that each era had female figures that  were the envy of women and the preferred “hottie shape” of that time period.

In the renaissance period, round curvaceous women were admired for their shape.  A voluptuous hourglass was the desired shape.  Women even wore waist corsets under their dresses to make their waist narrow, accentuated their hips and that made their thighs look more pronounced.

When you look at the art of that period, you see how being round with an hourglass Shape was prominent.

Glam Hams, Sexy & Curvaceous

Move through time and you see that two generations ago Marilyn Monroe, actress, model and entertainer, the most famous sex symbol of the last century.  She most definitely had an hourglass figure. Her public measurements according to her seamstress were 35-23-35.  She was 5’5 120-140 pounds.  That is remarkable when you consider today’s average runway model is rail thin and has no muscle mass on her legs, arms or butt.

Thanks to the love of sports, music, films and popular TV shows, and kazillions of photos, videos and celebrity web sites, we have an entire collection of a variety of women who have set the bar for what is the new skinny.  It’s totally awesome to see all statures, heights, ages and cultures showing us the way to dress up, step out and shine with confidence and style in our beautifully designed bodies.

There is a New Sexy Size That is the New Skinny! Get the book now and be a part of this global movement. 

Popularity has been the benchmark for who is in style and who is the desired role Model in everything from consumer fashion to high school cheerleading routines. Consider the hourglass shape and sexy size of these current beauties.

Rihanna , Penelope Cruz, Halle Berry, Nikki Minaj, Eva Larue, Beyonce Salma Hayek, Kim Kardashian, Serena WiIliams  and Scarlett Johansson.

The New Sexy Skinny – Size Matters!!  


The new skinny is calculated based on the statistics and female body types that dominate the media and our eye gate. What we see is what we want to be. And thank goodness we have a new skinny to be

Maybe You Are Closer To Skinny Than You Think

There are new statistics that show women are larger in size and have bigger frames than they did twenty years ago.  Get my new book to find out more..

Skinny Thighs


A 5 Step Curve Creating Program To Help You Trim, Tone & Tighten Your Way To Sexy Thighs Fast!  by Victoria Johnson

Your tight and toned new thighs will carry you with grace and style. You will strut in the mall, skip on the beach, work your mini skirt and slink in your booty shorts. Program includes

Step 1 – Your Mental Game – Confidence is Sexy – A guide to help you get your head in the game!Vertical Training Program – This is so revolutionary, you will begin to feel the tightening effect immediately.

 Step 2  –  Sexy Skinny Elongating Muscle Stretching Program Super sculpting and surprisingly easy

Step 3 –  Sexy Skinny Thigh Moves and Exercises – There are the most effective moves in the world all in one place!

 Step 4  –  Sexy Skinny Cardio Fast Fat Loss- Learn how to get your groove on and burn fat fast!

 Step 5 – Sexy Skinny Anti-Cellulite Diet Plan – Kiss your lumps, bumps and dimples good-bye baby!


WOOHOO!!! COMPLIMENTARY FREE COPY ON Wednesday May 29, Thursday May 30  and  Friday May 31~~

Send the link to this blog to friends, relatives, associates, anyone you know who is into sports, cheer, dance, fashion or wanting to get in better shape and support women loving themselves and improving their body image. Please help me spread the word.


With Love & Hugs



Monday Morning Belly Fat Blues!

7 Dec

 Thank you! You Did It Again

You all viralled my blog post five week ago about How To Get Abs Like Beyoncé’s.   If you haven’t read it, go check it out!  You guys pushed the “HOW DO I GET ABS? Book to the top of the Kindle List.


Can you believe how intuitive you guys are?  And here she is again on the cover of SHAPE magazine!


Beyonce’s Shape Magazine

Isn’t t great to be right up there playing with the big boys?  It’s fun.

Here’s what Dave LeCompte, Agent, Consultant and Trend Spotter for The Industry said about Victoria Johnson, “She is a brilliant thinker and she’s always on the cutting edge. She’s one of the top trend setters in the industry globally”.  I love guiding you and keeping you on top of the latest and greatest ideas for getting fit,lean and sexy!

Having Trouble Blasting Your Belly Fat Away?

It’s not just you. Every Monday morning millions of people get up to get dressed for work and can’t believe their mirror.  They suffer from the Monday Morning Belly Fat Blues after a weekend of fun food indulgences.  They can’t believe that they have to go through another week with too a too tight waistline and a pooch in their pants.

So you see, you are not alone if you have just a little too much belly fat hanging over your clothes.

How do you lose that belly fat?  It seems that while the other fat is hard enough to burn off, the last fat to leave us is that which is covering our abdominal muscles.  Your sexy abs may be hidden away under a slab of belly fat.

There are several issues we need to think about, so over the coming lessons, we’ll dig into the factors involved in fat loss in general, but specifically how to lose belly fat.  To begin with, we’ll look at common myths about fat loss.

Then we’ll move on to what exercises can help, what specific dietary advice will help reduce fat, touch on ab workouts and their effectiveness for belly fat loss and finally what minor lifestyle changes to make that will accelerate fat loss as you uncover six pack abs.

To start off, let’s dispel some common misunderstandings about fat loss.  Namely, spot fat burning.  This means trying to burn fat in a particular trouble spot: the belly, the thighs, the butt – wherever you have excess fat.  The body is a bit more complex than that.

It’s tempting to think that we can burn fat like we can harvest trees for firewood: take a little here and take a lot there.  But it just doesn’t work that way.  Doing sit-ups and ab curls will tighten and tone the abdominal muscles and strengthen your pelvic girdle. You may even lose several inches as a result of toning, but there’s still that stubborn layer of fat clinging to your belly. 

Why? Your body uses fat differently than you might think.  To top that off, it also stores fat differently than you think, too.  And then there’s the fact that there are different types of stored body fat, some of which are easier to lose than others!

When it comes to spot fat burning, there’s no way to physically do it.  Despite all of the hype and outright lies in the diet and fitness industry, you can’t decide to just lose belly fat.  You have to treat it with an overall fitness plan with sound nutrition as well as consider reducing lifestyle habits that add to the mix.  Stay Posted as we cover more on this in coming blog posts.

In the meantime, for your compete package to sculpt your abs, check out:


Creator of “HOW DO I GET ABS” Top Seller!

Professional Trainer

Fitness Celebrity

Plateaus and Pitfalls Part – Re-Engineer Your Genes For Skinny Jeans

15 Jun

 Re-Engineer Your Genes For Skinny Jeans
Developing your best body is a science, and cannot be left to chance. I’ve spent over a  decade of my life researching and helping people achieve their mental and physical goals. Genetics are a factor but can be manipulated to help you succeed.
When I was tipping the scales at 170 pounds plus, I was told  had big bones and would always be heavy because others in that bloodline were heavy. NOT! I went on to lose over 60 pounds of ugly life sucking fat and have NEVER gained it back and never will. I am a permanently lean person now because I choose to and will always choose to. So can you!

Been There, Still Here!

I know there are a sea of experts out there. I happen to be one who has been so fat I couldn’t see my feet and tried every diet under the sun. If you are ready to break thorough a plateau of stagnant fat and take your body to the next level, then you want to revisit the low carb fast fat loss methods.

Tap into the years of experience I have and use it for your advantage to take away any guesswork.  Use it to make your dream body a reality in record time. Don’t waste another minute complaining and excuse making, keep reading and start achieving.

I am giving you some tips that help you get started today. You have nothing to lose except fat!

How many times have you said this to yourself?

I’m eating a low-calorie, low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet. I’m exercising 5 times a week. I’m doing everything right and I’m still not losing any weight. Why not?

That’s the million dollar question asked by plateau campers (people whose scale has camped on a certain number and no matter what you do it will not go down) everywhere. You seem to be doing everything right… and yet it’s not working. There are several factors that can trip up your best weight loss efforts. If you can identify and conquer them, you’ll be well on your way to life of healthy lean living.

Let’s start with your exercise program...

Been doing the same thing for a while? Getting bored maybe? When your routine becomes ho-hum, your body quickly adapts to it and your results are less dramatic. So, if you always do the same aerobic activity at the same intensity, or you always do the same circuit of weight machines in the same order… Stop and change it up. Variety is a good way to shock your metabolic system and spike your fat burning fires.

When I had the joy and luxury of teaching private classes, I would always change up the intensity of the workouts so that my awesome clients would keep their bodies guessing and that would keep their fat burning at a high level.

Do Challenging Cardio

Whether you’re trying something new or just spicing up the old routine, progressively increase the intensity. This might mean incorporating an occasional hilly route into your bike rides, intervals of slow jogging into your walks, adding some free weight exercises to your machine workouts, or signing up for a spinning class instead of reading magazines on the stationary bike. Just remember to keep it interesting and keep it going.
If you love pilates, but your butt is still covered with fat, skip a few classes and do some cardio instead. You must do cardio along with your low carb fat blasting eating plan to burn stored body fat and help your skin shrink as you lose.

To keep seeing results you need to present your body with new challenges. It’s important to try new things. Please choose activities that you genuinely enjoy, and exercise at an intensity that challenges you. If you don’t enjoy it and it makes your body change, do it anyway!

Pump it up!
Light weight resistance training is the cornerstone of a woman’s lean body and a fast metabolism. The more lean muscle you have, the more calories your body burns throughout the day. If you’ve been doing tons of cardiovascular activity, but slacking on the light weight for sculpting and shaping your body, that could be one of your sticking points. On the flip side, if you’ve been faithfully pumping heavy iron but you can’t get shed the fat; perhaps add more aerobic activity.

The two types of exercise perfectly compliment each other. The weights sculpt and shape the body, and the cardio helps you blast the fat so that your defined muscles become visible as the fat is burned away. Together with elongating stretching, they form the basis of any well-rounded program so that you can build a beautiful lean body.

Food is the Foundation
The critical factor in successful weight loss is your diet. Success of any body changing and health-increasing program is that success is mostly nutrition with the secondary factor being physical training.  Basically you can have the best personal trainer on the planet with the best training routine ever, but if you’re not eating right, your results will suck. You will never have the body you want without the right fat burning diet.

To change your hips, abs and butt, you have to look at what you are eating, how much you are eating and when you are eating it. You have to analyze everything and become the master of knowing your metabolism and your metabolic response to the foods you decide to eat every single day.  You  know what you are doing don’t you? Have you been taking in too many calories? Have you not been eating enough healthy, anti-aging, anti-cancerous and fibrous calories? Do you start off fired up to diet on Monday morning and deny yourself all day only to binge on Wednesday night?

Sugarholic Carbo Queen?
Are you consuming an overabundance of highly processed carbohydrates? Is your protein intake adequate for your size and activity level? Have you perhaps gone overboard by trying to eliminate all fat from your diet? Do you eat large quantities of “good” foods without ever feeling truly satisfied? Can you remember the last time you ate a huge serving of fresh vegetable every day?

Whichever eating plan you choose, be sure to adjust it accordingly depending on how you feel and how your body responds. Don’t ever blindly follow a rigid “diet” based on massive media hype. Be informed and focus on powerful positive changes. That is why I created my Quick Start Low Carb Fat Blasting Program. When I was obese, I know that I needed a program that I could see and feel positive results immediately. That is what gave me the motivation to continue and still use today myself and my clients of all levels.

Plateau Breakthrough Tips

➢    Drink 8-12 8 oz glasses of water per day.

➢    Graze – Eat several small meals and snacks a day (3 – 6) to keep your metabolism elevated and your blood sugar stabilized. This will in turn help you cut out snack attacks throughout the day. Don’t go more than 5 hours without eating something healthy.

➢    Protein Power – Make sure that your protein intake is adequate. Your protein needs to be a minimum of 20-30% of your total dietary intake.  Choose lean protein sources such as white fish, chicken without skin, egg whites, protein powders and protein shakes made out of whey and soy protein.

➢    Stop the Sweets -Watch your intake of highly refined carbohydrates that are sold as fat free products such as fat-free cookies, rice cakes, other fat free snacks and definitely white bread. Try to replace them with heartier grains or legumes such as bran, natural sprouted whole grain breads, beans, lentils, and other unprocessed legumes. They are higher in fiber, protein, and other nutrients and they enter into your blood stream more slowly, providing you with a longer lasting more blood sugar balancing source of fuel.

Fatten Up – Don’t be afraid of heart healthy monounsaturated fats like those found in olive oil, nuts, seeds, and avocado. The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish are quite beneficial as well. A little bit of fat will slow the entry rate of carbohydrates into your blood stream, keeping blood sugar stable and helping to reduce hunger, mood swings, and cravings.
Include a little protein, carbohydrate, and fat with each meal or snack. You’ll be more satisfied with your food and less likely to get hungry between meals.

Eat a variety of different foods and don’t get obsessive! Eat well the majority of the time and enjoy some occasional treats.

Get Fired Up – The final, perhaps most important factor in you beating your genetics and winning at weight loss success is your attitude. You have to believe you can succeed. You have to feel great about what you are doing. You must stay excited and positive about every single pound lost, inch loss, energy improvement, longevity you are securing, peaceful moment knowing that you are taking care of your body, your sacred temple.  The most intricate gift of life that you have been blessed with is your physical body.

Be aware and listen to every signal your emotions are sending you.  Stay alert and recognize your mental and emotional connections to food and exercise, both good and good. If you find yourself sitting in front of the computer snacking on garbage spending endless hours doing nothing that is bringing you closer to the body you want, ask yourself why.

Everything Counts

Every calorie you eat counts.  You have to identify and acknowledge your fitness blocks before you can take positive action and change them. Remember that you can’t continue doing the same thing the same way and expect different results.

If you want change in your life, you have to permanently change your beliefs, habits and actions. You have to do the right thing at the right time with the right intent to be successful.


Decide that you will do whatever it takes to get fit, healthy, energetic and happy.  Decide in your heart that you will no longer let others determine your health or your destiny.  Get focused and get in the driver’s seat of your life.

Don’t ask anyone’s opinion, this is about you, your life, your health, your self esteem when you look in the mirror.  It is time for you to simply believe that you matter and the way you feel about yourself is a priority.

Everyday I sit at the beach and meditate on how grateful I am for finding the solution for permanent weight loss. You can come and join me. There’s always room for more winners who break through! I am inviting you to live the life you dream of and have the body you have always wanted.

Your life can and will be great when your body looks and feels different by making powerful choices about your nutrition, exercise and mental thinking.  This is your day for a breakthrough.  Break through old negative thought and habit patterns and bust through that old limited plateau and be the greatest you can be starting now!

You WILL Do it!

Victoria Johnson
Rock Star Celebrity Trainer