Tag Archives: glycemic index

Fat Unhappy Emotional Rollercoaster

9 Feb

Q. Victoria,
I read your newsletter every week and I want to say thank you for being there for me. I don’t have a lot of positive people in my life, so I really appreciate your love, humor and
Kindness. I feel like you are my friend as well as my personal trainer.

I am writing to you today because I feel like I am losing it! I get up in the morning and I have the best intention of eating right and having a good day but by 3:00 in the afternoon I am exhausted, irritable and I cant focus to save my life. I feel like so unstable.

I know I am not crazy or anything, I just have little to no energy and I suffer from severe mood swings. My life seems okay. I have good job and my husband is totally sweet to me.

We have been married three years and working towards saving for our first house.
I am not depressed and I have no desire whatsoever to go on anti-depressants. I hear they can make you gain weight and a bunch of other stuff. I am just sick of being fat and unhappy, so the last thing I need to spend my paycheck on drugs that make me gain more weight. Now I am not dissing anyone who is on them, that’s their business. It’s just personally for me, I am wanting to heal my body and emotions naturally so that I can be healthy for a lifetime.

I think I am eating right, but it’s hard to know anymore since most magazines advertise fake healthy food. You think you are getting a healthy protein bar and it ends up having a lot of sugar and additives in it.

Can you shed some light on the mood swings and how your program could help me so that I can get more energy, get back to my pre-marriage size and enjoy the blessings I have been given by God. I don’t want to be like my mom who is barely moving, always complaining about her health and IS NEVER HAPPY! I want to change. I want to enjoy every second I am alive. I want to “celebrate” life the way you sound that you are.


A. Karina,

I feel you girlfriend!
Like you, I am a woman who has personally struggled with obesity, low blood sugar, poor self- esteem, and lack of motivation and looked for practical helpful information. My health problems were the catalyst that spurned the passion I have for teaching, coaching, dancing, writing and research.

Before I took control of my health, my destiny, and my life, I was totally unstable. I was an emotionally wreck. I could cry at the drop of a hat about anything. I was totally paranoid for NO reason! I didn’t trust my own judgment even though I ran a corporation.
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