What Does Cellulite Cream Do?

14 Feb
how to get rid o cellulite jennifer lopez

Jennifer Lopez Legs Are Amazing, She Uses Super Pricey Cellulite Cream to Keep Away The Dimples! Find out how much it is and how you can get your own jar! Read more..

how to get rid of cellulite Cream

WOW! Jennifer Lopez Legs Are Gorgeous! What kind Cellulite Cream does she use? And How Much Is it? Read more..

Jennifer Lopez has got an amazing set of legs, and it turns out they cost a small fortune to keep them in amazing condition as she uses diamonds, according to a new report. According to this article, her cellulite cream is a whopping $250.00.

We have some ideas to help you get rid of cellulite and a cream that is less expensive and improves your overall health as you tighten and tone. Read on!

How To Get Rid of Cellulite 

When it comes to Cellulite, a female specialist is vital. There are so many male trainers who say that cellulite is just fat and it’s not real. Bull!!

I know it’s fat and I also know that it is real. I get the opportunity to work with many beautiful bodies of every size, culture, background and dimension. If there is one thing I know about, it’s cellulite and how to get rid of it or reduce it as much and as fast as we can! I even have my clients do very specific exercises that target the areas they had it before we started training. They either got rid of it completely or drastically reduced it. Just know that it takes time, diligence and committment. This is not a quick fix problem, but an ongoing healthy process.

My CD Series which is a part of the Quick Start program is revolutionary. I get more feedback than I can even keep up with from the people who have received it. Not just bought it, but received, followed and practiced continually the breakthrough information I included in the series. When you order Victoria’s SKinny Detox Weight Loss Tea, you do get the Acutal QUickstart Guide but not the CD’s Email me if you would like to purchase just the Anti-Cellulite CD’s! info@victoriajohnson.com  Put in subject line: Cellulite CD Series. I have been doing this with so much dedication that I evne have my own product, process and diets.

How Does Extreme Slimming Cream Work For Getting Rid of Cellulite?


Best Cellulite Cream for getting rid of cellulite

Anti Cellulite Cream to Help Get Rdid of Cellulite

A reader asked this question yesterday..

Hi Victoria, What does your  anti cellulite cream do? E…

Before I answer, here is some information about cellulite you may not be aware of:

Cellulite Sucks and Fat Destroys

  1. Cellulite is spongy dimply, toxic, unsightly and unhealthy trapped fat deposits under the skin. It develops as spillover. LOL! It’s fat that wouldn’t fit anywhere else on your body.  Your body can develop intramuscular fat from a poor diet, lack of cardio, lack of muscular training, hormonal imbalance and genetics. When intramuscular fat capsules reaches their max, it’s spillover time and the fat cells that continue to grow and multiply (eeekkkk) and then travels looking for space to fill and it continues until it is trapped and settles unevenly under the skin.  How mean!  Amazing though, that our bodies are so sophisticated that it shows us what’s going on so we can change it! YAY!!
  2. It impedes circulation, creates unsightly spider veins, cottage cheese and orange peel looking patterns appear when you sit or put pressure on it.
  3. It interrupts circulation so your skin does not get the proper oxygen and nutrients it needs to regenerate and rejuvenate. Thereby creation uneven bumps, lumps, uneven skin tone, rashes, even eczema. That totally sucks.
  4. It needs to go away now! It is not good for your body appearance or your health. The reality is, cellulite is unhealthy life robbing fat and you want to do all that you can to get rid of it. It is a clear sign that the area is lacking circulation. Imagine a stagnant pond or a body of water that just sits. Algae and impurities gather and could wreak havoc in the future. AAAAHHHH! OK so you know you have to kick it to the curb. You want to do everything you can to get rid of it. And rejuvenate the skin and the area again. You will feel better and definitely be able to rock some really awesome hot clothes too!

OKAY.. Time to answer the question now that you know what cellulite is and why you want to get it off your body like a pair of stilettos after a night of dancing:)

Hi E…Thank you for you question. I know there are lots of products on the market so I totally understand why you would ask that question.  First of all this formula is unmatched. Our greatest users are men and women who need beautiful skin for their work. We work with models in every industry, and our most picky are Fitness Models and Competitors. So the ingredients have to produce stellar results for them.

There are many ways this multi-action formula works.

  1. It’s most famous and best selling use is as a Professional Grade Body Wrap that you can do at home. Many Exclusive Resort Spas use formulas like this, but with fewer ingredients! The average Cellulite wrap at a spa is between $70.00 and $125.00 for one wrap! With our advanced multi-action formula, you can getup to ten wraps in one jar depending on how much you use and where you put it.
  2. You can use it under our Waist Trainer to help facilitate fat breakdown and skin toning for reducing the size of your waist. The combo is what most of our models use. You can also use it under sweat pants, or sweat tops, etc!
  3. You can use as a pre-workout cream before you go the Gym, Yoga, Zumba, Dance Practice or even Long Walk and on vacation by the pool.

Victoria’s Sexy Pink Waist Trainer

In a nutshell, it helps to break down fatty acids (lipids) in the body. Then you can flush them out by drinking water and following a good fat burning diet. It also helps reduce water retention that makes cellulite worse due to swelling, inflammation and puffiness. It also helps smooth the skin and evens the skin tone. When you have blocked circulation, the skin does not get the oxygen it needs to be healthy, smooth, even tone and vibrant. To demonstrate the power of the ingredients, here are just three of the ingredients and their power in helping reduce cellulite, improve skin tone and overall health.

There are many many more that make the results amazing when used consistently. Our star client, Jessica has been using it for over a year now using our entire line and she has lost over thirty pounds, lost 4 pant sizes and her skin is amazing! She is thrilled at her results. She even keeps a spare set of Skinny Detox Weight Loss Tea, Extreme Slimming Cream and a Waist Trainer in her vacation home. Just so that she is never without any of them. You can be so much better a year from now too! But of course with instant results as well. Check out the first three body slimming ingredients below.


Free Body Wrap Guide With Purchase of Extreme Anti-Cellulite Slimming Cream

Paullinia Cupana Seed Extract

  • It is used in skin care and anti-aging products for its toning and astringent properties, and as a treatment for cellulite.

Paullinia Cupana Seed Extract is thought to target cellulite because of its theophylline and caffeine components.

  • As a vascoconstrictor, caffeine tends to reduce puffiness and create a smoothing effect.

By increasing blood flow and increasing lipolysis (fat metabolizing) effect, it blocks enzymes and decreases triglycerides breakage.


When applied topically, caffeine works as a diuretic, aids in circulation and is also a powerful antioxidant. Helps your body release stored toxins and impurities that could be causing fat storage. Some of its skincare benefits are as follows.

  • Fights Free Radicals
  • Free radicals are responsible for causing premature skin aging. This results in the appearance of wrinkles, sun spots and loss of elasticity. The antioxidants contained in caffeine can attack these free radicals and eliminate them. This will improve the overall look of your skin.
  • Soothes and reduces Inflammation and swelling that makes cellulite look worse.
  • Caffeine possesses anti-inflammatory properties that make it effective in reducing inflammation and redness in your skin. It is often used as an ingredient in anti-inflammatory creams to enhance their effectiveness.
  • Rose Hip (Rosa Rubiginosa) Seed Oil
  • A natural form of Vitamin A (Retinol) and Vitamin C content, as well as its antioxidant, diuretic (which reduces puffiness) and astringent properties.
  • Anti-aging because of its high Vitamin C content and its ability to boost skin regeneration and elasticity.
  • It is also high in GLA, an essential fatty acid which helps to reduce fine lines and combat the drying effects of the sun, environment and climate.
  • Other fatty acids found in high levels in Rosa Rubiginosa Seed Oil include Linoleic Acid (47.4%) and Linolenic Acid (33%), which help restoring and regeneration, while preventing the formation of thick keloid scar tissue and are helpful in healing burns, scars and stretch marks. Smooths Skin.

Conclusion- Excess body fat is not only unsightly, it’s dangerous. Most of us were not taught that excess body fat is toxic, blocks circulation and can run your skin. Your skin is the largest organ in your body. The fat you see on the outside is fat that has over accumulated so much that it is spilling out and pressuring the skin. Losing cellulite not only makes you look better, it’s healthier for you!  I like to also use the Skinny Detox Tea for 14-21 Days to really jump start fast weight loss and detoxing of the impurities that block your colon, cause skin disorders and constipation. You have get the toxins out now. Every day you wait, there’s more gun building up and making you tired, moody, listless and unmotivated. You get my $99.00 Quick Start Energy Diet Program FREE with your Skinny Detox Weight Loss Tea!

Victoria's SKinny Detox Tea

When I was over 60 pounds heavier and was trying to get rid of cellulite, it was a blessing. I had no idea that trying to get rid of cellulite would actually save my life. I hated my dimply legs and stomach so much that I became vigilant about losing fat and toning my skin, in the process, I reduced my blood pressure, learned how to manage my hypoglycemia and no longer had migraine headaches. So getting rid of cellulite with our Extreme Slimming Cream has many wonderful life enhancing benefits when you follow a good diet and engage in exercise on a regular basis.  I know how it feels to hide under clothes and not feel good about yourself.

You don’t have to hide anymore, I have turned my pain into your solution.  It’s not going to happen overnight, but with consistency, dedication and a heart to be better, it can happen. It takes about eight weeks for your metabolic rate to change and your skin to start improving, so don’t quit once you start.

It only takes one person to believe in you for you to succeed. I believe in you and I know you can do this.  I want you to lose that fat, tighten your skin and show the real you to the world. You are awesome and you deserve to look and feel amazing every day.  Order yours today! There’s a 100% money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose except ugly fat!

Extra Tips!

Here’s  fun excecrpt form one of my private email newsletters. It only goes to the followers onmy personal email list. To join email info@victoriajohnson.com and ask to be on the list!

Here’s some more really good help!

Many people ask for advice, but it is only those who will do whatever it takes to succeed are the true winners in the war on fat and bodies.

You can study with me knowing that I too had cellulite, three rolls in my midsection and flabby arms. Amazing to think about huh when you look at my photos?

One of my agents was on my back about new photos and I blew him off. I have no time to go and shoot a bunch of photos when I am busy helping you and everyone else get a tight, hot body.

Let’s get started on you right now!

Here are some great at home ideas to help you get those ugly dimples off your body. It’s not expensive; it just takes discipline, time, persistent training and a commitment to a clean diet.

Simple Home Treatments for Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite occurs when the connective tissue under the skin pulls down on fat causing the fat to dimple and bulge under the skin. Of course, the less overall fat you have the less noticeable cellulite is. A clean diet and cardio and sculpting exercise play are extremely important in reducing the dimply appearance of cellulite.

Detox – you got that info from the tea above!

The first step in reducing cellulite is detoxification. You need to detox your body, especially your liver and colon. Do not smoke or drink alcohol for the first thirty days.

Do not consume white flour and white sugar products. Stay away form excess salt and deep fried foods. Drink four quarts of water a day and eat a fresh fruit and vegetable based diet with no heavy breads. Make sure you take a good multi vitamin which helps you get your vital nutrients like B vitamins and essential fatty acids. Water based vegetables like cucumbers and onions are also effective foods that help you combat cellulite. They act as a natural diuretic releasing water buildup from skin cells.

Do cardio exercise for 45-60 minutes a day to lose fat on your body and do light sculpting with weights tighten your abs, arms and butt muscles. The less fat and more muscle you have will make cellulite disappear. Healthy sculpted muscle will develop and stretch the skin and it will show though the skin smooth. Then as the fatty dimply deposits are burned away, the dimpled bumpy look will disappear.
To increase circulation and break up the fat do daily massages to troubled areas. You can also use a body brush in the shower or bath with a body wash or exfoliating product to help increase circulation. Use aromatherapy oils in your bath to stimulate your system: sage, cypress, and juniper oils aid with cellulite reduction.

Wearing pantyhose will also help combat and reduce cellulite, especially the body shaping ones that contour your thighs. Pantyhose compress fat and help aid circulation. There are cellulite reduction pantyhose on the market now specifically made to help reduce the appearance of cellulite.


XOXO Victoria

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