Tag Archives: Catabolic Foods

Secret Mystery Foods That
Burn Fat Fast Off Your Waist & A**

11 Jul
weight loss low-calorie- foods- zero-calories

Need to drop some weight, lose inches, reduce bloating fast? Get the complete list of Yummy Low Calorie Foods that burn fat fast with Zero or Negative Calorie effect! Simply amazing! read more..

The Updated List and Diet PDF Giveaway is at the end of this awesome post. There is so many nuggets in there I wanted to entice you to read it and gain some insight into what may be happening in your own body!


Secret Mystery Foods That
Burn Fat Fast Off Your Waist & A**! With Low Calorie Foods With a  ZERO CALORIE EFFECT! Totally brilliant science. Read more…

Reader Question: Victoria, I am so confused… I have no idea what to eat any more. With all the diet information out there right now, I don’t know what to do. I just want to know what to eat to burn fat fast?                    

~ Caroline R

Victoria Answer: Caroline, I am so excited about your question. Be patient and read this answer all the way to the end.  It will be totally worth it. I am going to teach you a trick we use in the modelling world to drop weight fast in a tasty healthy way! I m even going ot give you a free pdf download with the complete plan in it! It’s about a ZERO CALORIE EFFECT eating plan,  aslo known as  (Negative Calorie Foods and Diet). It’s so amazing. People who don’t get it write negative things about it, but from someone like me who was sixty poiunds overweight, it is a miracle!

ok, I’m continuing my answer here….If you have ever struggled with dimply junk on the back of your legs and butt, then just take your time and soak up every word in this article. There are many gems that you can take away and begin today to start smoothing out that rocky road.

Your question reminded me of the time when I was getting ready for a fitness championship and I had a total melt down. I was looking good, so I thought. I was so excited because I had been posing at home in my bathroom mirror and

I just could not wait to see how my much better the definition in my muscles would be under “posing lights” at the gym. Posing lights are special lights that are designed to make your muscles look more cut, defined and striated. Those are bodybuilding terms for looking “HOT and BUFF”!

Secret-Mystery-Foods-That--Burn-Fat-Fast-Off-Your-Waist-&-Butt3Perfection – NOT!  I gathered up my swimsuit, posing oil and a scrunchie to pull back my hair so that it would not cover up one beautiful striation of hard earned muscle.

I went to the gym I was training at that had a perfect set of posing lights installed by the head trainer, a NPC Body Building champion.

Ok, I get to the gym, run in the women’s locker room, put on my skimpy competition posing suit and oiled myself up. I slipped into a comfy robe to cover myself as I walked across the gym to the room we used for posing. 
I confidently took off my robe and gracefully walked across the room as if I was walking on stage. I believe that we should always be “on” and rehearsing in our mind and with our body what we want to be.

Styling & Profiling

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