7 Ways To Prevent Stretch Marks For New Moms

24 Feb
Stretch marks can be a huge concern for new moms. Taking the right preventative steps now can keep your skin tight, firm, and smooth. For ways to reduce the appearance of stretch marks before and after the baby, keep reading...

7 Ways To Prevent Stretch Marks For New Moms

The Best Way To Reduce The Appearance of Stretch Marks Before and After Baby

If you are pregnant for the first time, you’re probably concerned about stretch marks. We all have seen moms who can sport a sexy bikini with no evidence of ever being pregnant and then there’s the rest of us who get stretch marks just looking at a baby. Luckily there are ways to prevent stretch marks for new moms. The following tips are derived from years of working with top elite fitness models and bikini competitors and from my own experience after losing weight. Here are a few tips you can do daily that really work to prevent and get rid of stretch marks. Make sure to read to the end where I share 3 fitness workouts to keep your skin tight, firm, smooth, and stretchmark-free. 

Best Tips To Prevent Stretch Marks

– Avoid excessive weight gain in a short time span. Make sure you follow your doctor’s advice about how much weight gain is healthy for you.

– Make sure to follow a healthy exercise routine. Regular exercise helps to tone your muscles and keep your skin firm.

– Maintain a healthy diet of protein rich foods, lots of green leafy vegetables and healthy whole grains. Foods rich in vitamin C like citrus fruits and omega 3s you get from eating oily fish should be included in your diet. Talk to your doctor about supplements you can take to improve skin elasticity. 

– Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Drinking at least 64 ounces of water will enable your body to produce plenty of collagen and elastin in order to form new healthy skin cells. 

– To avoid stretch marks around and on your breasts, wear a supportive maternity bra.

– Exfoliate your skin often by using a gentle sugar scrub with organic virgin coconut oil. Coconut oil contains vitamin E and antioxidants that help remove stretch marks. 

– Massage your skin daily massage with creams that have aloe, shea butter, coconut butter, rosehip seed oil, orange oil, grapefruit seed extract jojoba oil, mango butter, Olive oil, and other natural and organic ingredients that can fade scars and stretch marks like Victorias Skin Tight Naturals Advanced Stretch Mark Cream to restore and repair your skin. 

Fades Scars and Stretchmarks – Natural Scar and Stretch Mark Reducer/Remover

Fades Scars and Stretch marks – Natural Scar and Stretch Mark Reducer/Remover

Perfect for Women – Pregnancy Safe with Pure and Natural Ingredients helps prevent pregnancy stretch marks and scars

Improves Skin Appearance by reducing Scars and Stretch Marks

Perfect for long term use reduction and removal of old stretch marks without side effects.

“I think this stuff is pretty awesome. I just had my baby and I’m trying to reclaim my flawless waistline with the help of this fabulous cream. And it really works.” – Janette

“I have another product of theirs as well very smooth smells amazing.. definitely moisturizes . Great product!” – Brianna

Having beautiful fit skin is just as important as having a fit healthy body. If you really want our product to perform its work; follow a healthy diet, exercise to sculpt the muscles under the stretched skin, and drink water daily to keep your skin hydrated. Your skin heals from the inside out. It takes time, love, nurturing, massaging, and movement daily! Start your skin transformation today! Order Advanced Stretch Mark Cream here!


Victoria Johnson

Celebrity Trainer And Best Selling Author

Skincare And Supplement Designer

Victoria Johnson

Victoria works with professional athletes, Business CEOs, Entrepreneurs. She works with entrepreneurial companies and individuals who are looking to take their company or their life to a higher level of performance and effectiveness. She has well served in prestigious positions as a spokesmodel and marketing consultant for L.A. Gear, Athletic Footwear, NutraSweet, and Nike. She is an internationally acclaimed professional producer, trainer, speaker, lecturer, trade associations, and professionals worldwide.

Need More Skin Tightening? If you are experiencing saggy, baggy skin on your face, neck, chest, and arms, try my Tighten’ Up Crepey Skin Cream FOR TIGHTENING, SMOOTHING, AND FIRMING to those areas. All you need is a very small amount (it’s highly concentrated). You can wear it under make-up or at night while you sleep. It has the power of several key ingredients that actually increase collagen production and elastin which is what makes your skin tight.

3 Workout Exercises For Tighter, Smoother, Firmer Stretch Mark Free Skin

7 Ways To Firm Up, Improve Focus And Burn Excess Fat

25 Sep Fat Burner and Focus Capsules Fitness Focus Burn - Thermagenic, athletes, celebrities, performance.

Start Today To Feel Amazing & Get Your Best Body Back! The Holidays are coming and don’t even think about hiding under big heavy clothes. Prepare to Rock every party and every event looking hot!

fitness focus fat burning weight loss capsules.png

Stop Hiding!  The Holidays are coming and don’t even think about hiding under big heavy clothes. Prepare to Rock every party and every event looking hot..read more!


7 Ways To Firm Up, Improve Focus, And Burn Excess Fat

Fitness + Focus + Burn Fat Energy, focus, burn fat faster

Tired all the time and too thick in the middle? Having tons of energy and endurance makes dropping the excuses to keeping to your workout schedule easier when you have the secret tool! Read on…

Having tons of energy and endurance makes sticking to your workout schedule easier with this secret tool! Read on…Have you ever felt destined to never be lean, fit, and strong and look amazing in your clothes? Do you have trouble sticking to a body transformation plan due to a lack of energy, drive, and focus? Does it feel like all you’re reading is propaganda filled pharmaceutical sponsored material that promotes one drug after another making you think you have to take drugs to accomplish your goals? If you have said ‘yes’ to any of these questions, I want you to open your mind, step outside your comfort zone and look to what is possible! I’ve worked with hundreds of elite clients, some professional athletes, many A-List celebrities, and they all have a few things in common: They want to know ways to keep their bodies firm! They want to increase stamina, drive, and focus, and they want to lose excess fat that is dragging them down and keeping them from being the best in their industry. You may not be an elite athlete or a celebrity with your own reality TV show; it doesn’t matter. You want the same things my clients want. In this article, I will share with you 6 ways you can firm up, improve focus and energy, and burn those unwanted excess fat pounds so you can get in those skinny jeans again or be and do anything you want. You deserve it. You know what else, it’s never too early and it’s never too late!  There is always something you can do to improve and get better.

1. Clean Up Your Liver: Eliminate Crazy Processed Foods & Turbo-Charge Your Diet!


Fitness Focus Burn fat blasting capsules

Need to lose fat, get healthy and get motivated? Energy, focus, and fat burning starts within & with great ways to get in amazing greens! Japanese Organic Matcha Tea Powder helps too!..read how…


 Yeah, I said it! Processed foods are crazy! They are full of chemicals and mostly they are full of SUGAR! That’s why the most important thing you have to do is detox first. You must cleanse your digestive tract so you can help get your body get into a healthy fat-burning state. DETOXIFICATION is the official process of cleansing your human system of harmful toxins or also commonly known as ‘flushing your system’ is a fantastic way to being a firming up program. You have to eliminate the culprits for causing your current state first. The main culprit is sugar! Yes, the white stuff! You may not be eating it straight out of the bag, but it happens to be in almost everything! Sugar is even injected into meat, chicken, and fish! Yes, this is correct! Therefore, you have to do a detox not only for your body but also in your kitchen. You have to help your liver’s natural function, which is to burn fat, and help cleanses your body.

You can help your liver cleanse your body, which in turn helps your body be in a perfect state to firm up, get focused, and burn excess fat! The best way to eat to clean up your liver is to eat foods in their natural state, like lean proteins, fresh fruits and veggies, and healthy fats like avocado, coconut oil, and flax seeds. You will look at the list of foods in my Catabolic Mystery Foods post and create meals by adding these vegetables and fruits, along with lean proteins. The ones in this list are low glycemic, so you’re able to get into a good fat-burning state quickly and you’re also able to stabilize your blood sugar which helps you stay in the weight loss game by giving you a greater sense of calm and energy.

2. Make Cardio Your Best Friend

Fitness Focus Burn Thermogenic Fat Burning Focus Capsules

Want to Burn Fat Fast? Do CARDIO! Cardio doesn’t have to be boring! Elliptical, running, jogging, treadmill, biking, dancing, it’s all about what you like and what makes you feel good! Yet, there’s more to it. Keep reading…

Many of us get to our destinations by car, motorcycle, escalator, elevator and what have you. The modern world has made you and me ‘physical zombies!” meaning we are moving around without much effort. As a result, our bodies can become ‘mush’ if we don’t do something about it; you and I have to incorporate a physical activity geared toward our goals. Here are a few moves I suggest to get you a few of my fat burning, high focused, fat burning state tips and workout regimes:

  1. You must not skip meals
    2. You must eat good quality protein since muscle requires complete protein to build
    3. You must stay hydrated
    4. You must do some form of weight lifting – prefer light weights plus twice a week you want to go the gym and do a quick circuit that has these exercises in it. I do every exercise for:

2 sets of 12 repetitions per exercise with a weight that gets moderately difficult at the 8th rep

  • Leg Press
    2. Leg Extension
    3. Leg Abductors
    4. Leg Adductor
  • Lat Pulldown
    Seated Lat Row
  • Tricep Pressdown
    Bicep Curls
  • Abdominal Machine 3 sets of 15 Repetitions

If you follow the suggestions above while keeping your cardio going five times per week you will keep your body tight and lean. In the morning, I start my day with my fat-burning detox skinny tea. I’ve experimented with other similar teas for years, but I never liked the stomach gripping pain caused by ingredients that make you stay in the bathroom….ugh! I did tons of research and came up with a blend that is gentle, yet effective in detoxing your body while allowing the fat burning process to help you all day. My skinny detox tea is perfect and the models I work with love it too.

Do It For Yourself

That’s why You can’t live your life for someone else’s approval and acceptance. You should NEVER diet for anyone else. You have to lose weight and get in shape for your own personal reasons. When you are in shape, you feel good, you have energy, you enjoy life and you have more joy to share with others. Others will get a benefit from your new-found vitality.

If you lose it for someone else, it will always be conditional to you and that is damaging to your psyche. I will not work with a client unless they want it for themselves. You already have too many demands on us from many different sources and directions. The last thing you need is someone else looking over your shoulder every time you pick up a morsel of food. It’s one thing to have an accountability partner it’s another to have a critical person making a negative comment about your progress or lack thereof.

You can’t please everyone. Most importantly, you shouldn’t even try. DO what you know is right. Take care of yourself and cheer yourself on. Let your bathroom mirror and your new favorite smaller jeans be your cheerleader. Encourage yourself, motivate yourself. Be the absolute best you can be. Your true friends will be there for you and your user friends will be haters and fade away and try to guilt or talk you out of getting a hot body!

fitness focus burn excess fat

Stop Hiding!  The Holidays are coming and don’t even think about hiding under big heavy clothes. Prepare to Rock every party and every event looking hot..read more!

Hey friends, this is tough. I have been in this business long enough to know what it takes to succeed and be content with who you are and your body size and shape. You know that deep in your heart there is a desire to live an abundant, joyous exciting, and adventurous life. You should. It is your birthright and you can do, behave all that you desire if you are willing to do whatever it takes. Don’t wait – start today. Do not eat another thing that damages your body. Do not eat another thing that will make your body fat, sick and diseased. Do not engage in conversations that make you feel powerless! it’s better to be silent than feeding the negative demons who show up to mess us up!

3. Get Energized and Focused


Fitness Focus Burn - Thermagenic Capsules and Smoothies

Want to lose fat and get great skin? Green smoothies make with Japanese Organic Green Matcha Powder will 10x your fitness and fat loss efforts! Here’s how…


If you have struggled with bloating, excess gas when you eat, accumulation of belly fat, constipation, lack of energy, motivation, or drive; you may be lacking in crucial vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthy digestive enzymes and fiber. One way to super turbo your metabolism to help you burn fat easier is by having 1 to 2 green smoothies per day.

When you drink a green smoothie, the vegetables and fruits you put in them have good gut enzymes that actually assist in digestion and they’re easily biologically absorbed and utilized as nourishment by your cells.

Green Smoothies are Complete Nutrition – You can blend all your fruits and vegetables together at once, that way your body can absorb all the nutrition at one time. It’s a complete form of concentrated vitamins and minerals without adding unnecessary calories.

Super Fiber To Keep You Moving – Green Smoothies are also rich in fiber and that helps to maintain a healthy digestive system; they help keep your colon clean and that helps prevent constipation. They put your gut into a healthy alkaline state where your body’s able to digest food and then the proper vitamins, minerals and micronutrients are absorbed in the gut. That is why you’ll see your health start to improve and you skin start to get better. 

Multiple Benefits – You’ll see your energy start to improve. You’ll start seeing your skin improve. Many of our users say their skin becomes softer, smoother and brown spots stop appearing. We have even had people write that they had congestion all the time and once they got the right green vegetable, fruits and added their own personalized goodies like Whey Protein Powder, Matcha Tea Powder, almonds and green tea and a multitude of other nutrients they felt they needed, the severe congestion cleared up.

Crazy cool huh? When I am being diligent eating my Green Smoothies, my eyesight gets brighter, get clearer and less sensitive to light and I have better night vision. It’s mainly because of the concentration of powerful nutrition that is in its perfect form, unprocessed without chemical additives.

My favorite green smoothie is what I call my protein (Workout Shake) green smoothie. You can even add a non-sugar protein powder to your smoothie. If you are vegan or eat very little protein or meat, this gives you a pure source of complete protein. A complete protein is vital for your overall wellness, muscle health, hair, skin, nails, organs and mental wellness.

When you make your smoothies this way, you have a complete fitness smoothie packed with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and electrolytes; you have it all in one glass. Try different foods to find out what you like. Flavor is individual, so make this journey a lifetime of playing and experimenting with your favorite vegetables, fruits and other healthy ingredients. If you have an illness or some sort of disorder, research elements that can help your condition, and if they don’t have a bad flavor add it to your drink. If they do taste bad, then take them within an hour of drinking your shake if that is approved by your healthy physician or Naturopath.

Green smoothies are also amazing after workout drink too. Especially if you work out, train in the gym, do soul cycle, run outside, lift weights, practice yoga, Pilates, Zumba and dance, it’s a great way to rehydrate and replenish electrolytes that you lost.

4. Become A Badass At Body Shaping! Lose Inches, Destroy Cellulite!

Fitness Focus Burn - Thermagenic - Athletes, Celebrities, performance.

Waist training and using body wraps with the best anti-cellulite professional strength ingredients makes trimming down easy. You’ll see almost instant results! Keep reading…


Another way to firm up your body and lose excess body fat is by doing body shaping. Guys generally don’t have a cellulite problem like women, but they do struggle with belly fat. If you are overweight, larger than you want to be, and have cellulite, sometimes it feels impossible to lose weight and get rid of the lumps and bumps cellulite creates. Getting rid of cellulite cannot only reshape your body, but can create a more firm, toned, energetic, and fat-free body! Cellulite is formed when fat cells become isolated from blood and lymphatic circulation and takes a boat-load of exercise, dieting and sometimes even surgery before it can be eliminated from your body.

To remedy this, it’s important to provide the body with detoxing and metabolic enhancing elements that help you release the toxins and expel them through sweat and urine, improve circulation, stimulate the fat burning and increase the release of fatty acids from the dimpled stores. This is one of the ways discussed earlier.

It’s so important to get the toxins out and heal your organs and make your body healthier. I had to make a quick trip to South Beach Florida, USA to see a client. It’s very scary listening to the medical issues surrounding the Zika Virus outbreak in Miami. While there I made sure I was careful and used organic repellant. Plus I made sure I kept hydrated, drank my probiotic tea to help keep my immune system strong and kept my skin exposure to a minimum which is almost next to impossible in South Beach!

Another way to detox outside of changing your diet is to do body wraps.

DIY Home Body Wraps are so much cheaper and work great, I do them once a week and our models do them before shows, photoshoots, and special events, so can you!

Lose Inches and Excess Weight Fast and Safe At Home Anti Cellulite Body Wrap

Why pay hundreds of dollars at the spa when you can use professional ingredients DIY style at home while listening to your fav music or tv shows? Here is how it’s done..

You can use your own formula that you have created and love. We do them with our clients using our own Extreme Slimming Cream.

It has been shown to be one of the most effective, DIY Home methods for weight-loss, skin tightening and body contouring. Our natural mixture of the perfect ingredients is not only designed to detox your skin, help you lose inches for a special occasion, reduce stored fluid retention which is made worse by excess fat; it is also designed to stimulate new collagen growth, improve skin texture over time and discourage further accumulation of cellulite after each use. That is what helps make your skin tighter, more resilient and firmer. Plus the detoxification of your cells can help to make you healthier. Here is what you can do to get started:

  • Decide that you are going to do a Body Wrap to help kick start your body into a good detox to help you get motivated by seeing an immediate inch loss. It will not be permanent unless you continue cleansing with Green Smoothies after your body wraps. You can get the guide here!
  • Write it down on a calendar someplace you will see it so that you can get mentally and physically ready.
  • Write out the reason and the goal of your wrap.
  • Get Equipped – Get your wrap materials together and get organized before you start. It is shown that when you are organized, you feel better and are more committed to the process.
  • You need a dry brush – always dry brush your skin before you put on the cream or your won solutions
  • Saran wrap – You want good clingy wrap that helps the solution activate faster.
  • Waist Trainer, Cincher or compression garment– This will help you shrink your waist and other body parts.
  • Tape Measure. Measure before and after to help assure you are doing it correctly.
  • Extreme Slimming Gel or other solution you plan to use. Lightweight cotton garments to wear while you are wrapped. Do not cover your head while you are wrapped, it could cause you to over heat. You can wear clothing with your wrap, but do not wear anything that could hinder your ability to move. Do exceed an hour of being HOT! Make sure if you wear it long term (overnight), you don’t cover your entire body all at once. If you decide to wear a wrap overnight, just do one body part and make sure you are comfortable, can breathe and have water so you can stay hydrated.
  • WARNING: But do not do this in a sauna longer than the standard 15-minute warning on most saunas.
  • Fluid – Drink up To Flush It Out
  • Prepare and have available, lemon water or other Low Glycemic Fruit Infused Water For Drinking. Take 2 lemons and cut up and put into a gallon of filtered or distilled water. Add stevia if you need some sweetness
  • Drink before, during and after your wrap to help facilitate the detox and continue releasing excess toxins. Plus this helps to rehydrate skin so that it won’t get wrinkly and creepy.

Rest – Relax and Chill. Once you are wrapped, do not over exert yourself with activities that could cause you to overheat. Put on some music that makes you feel good. Your mental state is vital to help you stay calm and allow the wrap to work. Body Shaping. I like to have my clients do periodic isometric exercises where the body is wrapped. They are committed to getting a tighter waist or sculpted looking body parts. They wear their waist trainer or cincher like my, Badass Hourglass Waist Trainer, after they put on the Extreme slimming Cream. Then do isometric abdominal and core exercises that help flatten the abdomen and flexing their arms and legs to create a more toned appearance.

Probiotic Detox Weight Loss Tea – You can also use a probiotic detox weight loss tea. The tea is shown to help your entire digestive system reboot as you detox and the benefits are amazing. It helps you get a healthy digestive tract. Once you get the toxins released into your system, it is crucial to get them flushed out so that it doesn’t collect in your colon and create more health issues. Read more about the Probiotic Tea. Even if you don’t want it now, bookmark the page so that you can prepare your body’s immune system to become stronger. There’s an amazing medical article about women and Probiotics . This statement says it all! “Probiotics for women’s health has a huge future,” said Krystal Thomas-White, a PhD candidate working with Professor Alan Wolfe, Professor in Microbiology & Immunology at Loyola University ChicagoUrinary Education & Research Collaborative“It needs to be the future.” Read the article here.

5. Eliminate Stress And Shape Your Body At The Same Time!

Fitness Focus Burn capsules combined with exercise is perfect

Want a round firm butt? Yoga is the secret of the ages! Not only can you get your Zen on, but your can shape your booty and any other part of your beautiful body! Here are the right moves!

There are many studies that indicate stress increases the hormones insulin and cortisol resulting in weight gain. In addition to hormonal triggers, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest trends in stress management. However challenging life can be, medical studies have shown that people who take do things to manage their stress are able to lose weight easier and are healthier all around. What I like to offer my clients and readers is a way to do more than improve one area of life. One way to decrease stress and shape your body is through yoga.

I love yoga because it has so many benefits plus it shapes and tones your muscles. In an article I wrote recently titled, 6 Yoga Poses For A Round Butt, gives you six of the best yoga poses that will get you to your sexy yoga booty goal! They are poses and moves that you can play with and when you take a class you can smile to yourself knowing that you have a secret! You are building a sexy rear while you’re getting your ZEN on! https://victoriajohnson.wordpress.com/2017/03/09/6-best-yoga-poses-for-a-round-butt/

Shape, Firm, Tone!

Here is another wonderful DIY regime my models rave about! It is great to eliminate excess body fat not only on your thighs but also on your buttocks and waist. I use waist trainers to slim my waist and so do my celeb A-List clients. Its wonderful to know that you can shape your body even if you can’t workout.

Here is the Anti Cellulite Regime I use and many of the most elite body fitness models do the following to get an amazing body:

  1. They use some sort of anti-cellulite cream to work on reducing dimples, firming skin and reducing puffiness. (You can use my cream.)
  2. When I compete, I wear a body shaper, waist trainer or cincher just like the tiny waisted Columbians with the perfect hourglass bodies. To get this body, I wear my shaper.
  3. They use Retinol and Matrixyl to make and keep their skin even toned, firm, wrinkle free, smooth and totally glowing, its better than the ones the models use.
  4. They take Fat Burners to Suppress their appetite, raise metabolism, and increase energy and block fat from returning.

But, many of the fat burners fitness people take are not healthy, That’s why I created my own with ingredients that are backed up by research and years of success. I will discuss the right ones to use in the next tip!

6. You Have To See It To Be It! Visualize Your Success

Fitness+ Focus+ Burn total mind body capsules

You have to see it in order to be it! Visualizing your goals is the #1 master success technique and ultilized by of the greats like Michael Phelps and Gabby Douglas, and Tony Robins just to name a few. Here is how it is done…

I did a book tour with Jack Canfield, author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series. It was an amazing time in my life.  I remember sharing with him in conversation one of the things we had in common, which was using visualization techniques, to accomplish our goals in life. He used visualization to get his series published, and I have used it in every endeavor in order to secure success.

It is a practice we teach our athletes when I am conducting trainings with Nike and when I am training Olympic athletes. There are numerous studies that concur that mind sees in pictures. It’s how your brain wants to solve your problems.

Using visualization techniques to focus on your goals and desires accomplishes four very important things.

1.) It activates your creative subconscious, which will start generating creative ideas to achieve your goal.

2.) It programs your brain to more readily perceive and recognize the resources you will need to achieve your dreams.

3.) It activates the law of attraction, thereby drawing into your life the people, resources, and circumstances you will need to achieve your goals.

4.) It builds your internal motivation to take the necessary actions to achieve your dreams.

Here are the steps I use every day to ensure I am in mental alignment with my dreams, goals, and aspirations:

  1. I chose a picture of my goal.
  2. I make myself comfortable by finding a quiet space and focus on my breathing. I relax.
  3. I see the image of success I desire and allow my mind to wander with the image. I do a quick mind-movie of my goal from start to finish. It’s important to hold this image and heightened feeling for at least 20 seconds, but 10-15 minutes is ideal. In a pinch, 60-seconds will work great too!
  4. I take time to see myself ALREADY having accomplished my goal.
  5. I do this every day.
  6. I don’t worry about the HOW. I often don’t know how I will accomplish my goal. That’s okay. I don’t have to know-how. I just see myself experiencing what it will feel like, and how my goal will impact my life and the lives of others.
  7. I take inspired action. This is the action I think will help me reach my goals. The more you take time to visualize; you will find that the answers and opportunities come to you. It’s fun and amazing at the same time.

Now It’s Your Turn! Choose a mental image of yourself achieving your goal. Hold this image in your mind’s eye as you go through your daily visualization process. How will it feel to be at your goal of having your best body back? Capture a visual of your celebration of having a body free of excess fat, with tons of energy and focus and in the best shape of your life! Visualize daily.

After you become skilled at visualization you will be able to do it anywhere, but in the beginning, a quiet space is a must.  Visualization releases any ‘hidden’ resistance you may have that will sabotage you and allows the brain to do its job and make you happy. So, what have you got to lose? Use these simple steps to incorporate visualization into your daily routine for 30-60 days and see what happens!

7. Turbo Charge Your Fat Burning!

Fitness models, professional athletes, celebrities, moms and dads, college students…anyone who wants to shape up needs these key ingredients…here’s why…

 Do you ever struggle with having enough energy to workout? Bloating, and digestion problems? When losing weight, it’s almost impossible if your liver is out of whack! That’s right, if our liver isn’t able to process the fats we eat due to toxic overload from process foods and beverages, you will have a hard time losing weight. For years, I used a couple of teas that help with water retention, but I realized with all my traveling, I had to have something that was going to do more than get rid of belly bloat. That’s why I formulated the best fat burning tea on the market, Victoria’s Best Intermittent Fasting Skinny Detox Weight Loss Tea.

Our tea is to help you regenerate so that you get healthy glowing skin, get rid of harmful dangerous toxins, lose excess water weight, beat bloating, and helps with constipation and digestion without cramps. It is a complete formula that is yummy and completely effective. It is blended fresh before we ship so you can be assured it is made with pure organic ingredients and is in full effectiveness mode when it hits your tummy!

Skinny Detox Tea Weight Loss Waist Slimming, Diet Tea, Belly Fat, Fat Burner, Liver Cleanse, 8 Powerful Ingredients, 14 Days + 7 More! + Quick Start Diet E-Book With Recipes!

fat burning capsules fitness and focus

Stop Hiding!  The Holidays are coming and don’t even think about hiding under big heavy clothes. Prepare to Rock every party and every event looking hot..read more!

Now, you have all 7 steps and the tips and knowledge to create the body you’ve been wanting. Subscribe to my blog so you won’t miss a single update and remember, you have the power to be the best you can be!

Victoria Johnson

Best Selling Author and Elite Performance Coach


Tight and Sexy not Skinny and Stringy

2 Apr

Lose Fat, Improve Muscle Tone, Increase Your Energy, Detox & Heal Your Liver!

burn fat faster fitness plan

Improve health, increase energy, detox liver, improve muscle tone and get kick-butt fit!

Detox Tea

I believe the most important organ in your body to care for is the liver. If you have a toxic liver, you will not burn fat fast. So here is my favorite Detox Tea for your Liver and Kidneys. VICTORIA’S BEST SKINNY WEIGHT LOSS DETOX TEA. I use the term Skinny to refer to the preferred waistline. A fit skinny waist is healthy, a string skinny body with no muscle reserve is not.

detox tea skinny tea fit tea tea tox

Totally Organic, FDA Approved, GMO & Gluten Free Detox Tea for Cleansing, Skin Healing, Flushing Fat, Eliminating Constipation and Safe & Healthy Weight Loss

Our yoga tribes, athletes, moms, bikini and figure competitors love this tea. It’s perfect before a special occasion to get in perfect form and great after to undo the celebration over indulgences! Special blend is formulated to pump up your weight loss program. The pure organic herbs in this great natural blend, can aid in healthy digestion, remove toxins that are associated with dimply fat cells, this assists in a natural safer weight loss. Plus it is so healthy for your skin. It rejuvenates it and helps clear up skin disorders

Stringy Skinny Celebs…

I have been seeing so many skinny stringy celebs on the tabloid covers and I want to share with you some tips to not let your body get stringy and soft like theirs.
1. You must not skip meals
2. You must eat good quality protein since muscle requires complete protein to build
3. You must stay hydrated
4. You must do some form of weight lifting – prefer light weights plus twice a week you want to go the gym and do a quick
circuit that has these exercises in it. I do every exercise for:

2 sets of 12 repetitions per exercise with weight that gets moderately difficult at the 8th rep

1. Leg Press
2. Leg Extension
3. Leg Abductors
4. Leg Adductor

Lat Pull down
Seated Lat Row

Tricep Pressdown
Bicep Curls

Abdominal Machine 3 sets of 15 Repetitions

Tight and Lean not Skinny and Stringy
If you follow the suggestions above while keeping your cardio going five times per week you will keep your body tight and lean. Those poor skinny celeb party and workaholic girls don’t get to the gym and lift weights on a regular basis. They are dehydrated from partying. Alcohol dehydrates your body. Plus alcohol makes your liver toxic which shuts down your metabolic processes for cleansing and detoxing. They stay up late and do not eat healthy balanced meals on a daily basis. They may be popular here and there on tabloids and in Hollywood, but their bodies are showing their lifestyle and soon if they do not get with the program or get on the program, their internal organs may suffer irreversible damage.

I am not a hater. I don’t hate those hollywood chicks the way the magazines do. It’s their life. They are just living theirs in front of the world. I just can’t believe that the press is so mean to them to sell magazines, yet they give them all types of publicity when they make a movie, release a CD or make a new reality show. They pump them up when they are rising and then drown them when they are sinking!

Do It For Yourself
That’s why You can’t live your life for someone else’s approval and acceptance. You should NEVER diet for anyone else. You have to lose weight and get in shape for your own personal reasons. When you are in shape, you feel good, you have energy, you enjoy life and you have more joy to share with others. Others will get a benefit from your new found vitality.

If you lose it for someone else, it will always be conditional to you and that is damaging to your psyche. I will not work with a client unless they want it for themselves. You already have too many demands on us from many different sources and directions. The last thing you need is someone else looking over your shoulder every time you pick up a morsel of food. It’s one thing to have an accountability partner it’s another to have a critical person making a negative comment about your progress or lack thereof.

You can’t please everyone. Most importantly, you shouldn’t even try. DO what you know is right. Take care of yourself and cheer yourself on. Let your bathroom mirror and your new favorite smaller jeans be your cheerleader. Encourage your self, motivate your self. Be the absolute best you can be. Your true friends will be there for you and your user friends will be haters and fade away and try to guilt or talk you out of getting a hot body!

Hey friends, this is tough. I have been in this business enough to know what it takes to succeed and be content with who you are and your body size and shape. You know that deep in your heart there is a desire to live an abundant, joyous exciting and adventurous life. You should. It is your birthright and you can do, be have all that you desire if you are wiling to do whatever it takes. Don’t wait – start today. Do not eat another thing that damages your body. Do not eat another thing that will make your body fat, sick and diseased. Do not engage in conversations that make you feel powerless! it’s better to be silent than feed the negative demons who show up to mess us up!

Reach Higher and Climb Faster!

Love You all!


6 Best Yoga Poses For a Round Butt

9 Mar

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You want a round butt, flat stomach and firm skin for the perfect Hourglass Figure. These are some great yoga poses that can help you lift, shape and tone those buns!


In today’s day and age, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest trends. One thing that will never go out of style is a rounder, tighter butt. No matter what age you are, the key to a rounder butt is a good diet, eliminating cellulite, firmer skin and consistent toning with great workouts that burn fat and specific exercises that target your behind. I love yoga because it has so many benefits plus it shapes and tones your muscles. Here are the six best yoga poses that will get you to your sexy yoga booty goal! They are poses

I love yoga because it has so many benefits plus it shapes and tones your muscles. Here are the six best yoga poses that will get you to your sexy yoga booty goal! They are poses and moves that you can play with and when you take a class you can smile to yourself knowing that you have a secret! You are building a sexy rear while you’re getting your ZEN on!

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  1. Kneeling Leg Lift – Our number one yoga pose for a better butt involves the hands and knees with a target of leg lifts. Getting on your hands and knees, lift each leg in an alternating pattern while keeping your hips square. Extend the leg up towards the sky as far as you possibly can. Repeat this exercise up to ten times on each side until you feel a burn.

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  1. Downward Dog Leg Lift – From this first position, rise up from off your knees into a downwards dog position. Try to make a triangle shape with your body, or as narrow of an angle as your body will allow you. Extend each leg up and back, hold, and release. This exercise will make you stronger and more flexible as well as have a natural butt lifting effect.

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  1. Chair Pose – Our third pose is called the chair pose. Like a squat, you begin in a standing position, but keep your legs close together. Place your weight on your heels and put your arms in front of you for balance. Squat down until you feel a pull in your rear muscles or your hamstrings.

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  1. The Warrior – The fourth pose is called the warrior. It improves balance and concentration as well as giving you a tighter burn along the outer hip muscles. Lift your leg as high as your body will allow while keeping balance by stretching your arms out to the side. If you have cellulite, this pose is optimal in getting rid of those pesky lines.

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  1. Crescent Warrior – Similarly, the crescent warrior is the equivalent to a lunge, but in order to engage your rear muscles even more, focus your weight on the hamstring of the leg you are extending. Hold this pose briefly for several reps and you will see results in no time.

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  1. Locust Pose – The last pose is the locust pose. Lie down on your belly with your arms stretched out in front of you. Lift your arms and upper torso off the mat, slowly bringing your legs above the rest of your body. This pose, although challenging, is extremely beneficial and will get you to a tighter butt in no time.

There you have it, 6 yoga poses to help you get a nice round butt! Yoga can be an extremely helpful tool for a rounder butt. Try out these moves and see what works for you! However, if you’re looking for a quick fix to your problem areas and want to tighten your skin in just a few days, skip the extra work and reach for the #1 dermatologist recommended Anti-Cellulite and Slimming Cream. It’s guaranteed to break up fat and tighten the skin in your rear, leaving you with the toned appearance you’ve always dreamed of.

Have fun getting fit, happy and healthy!




Kylie Jenner Butt Workout & Wedgie Jeans Booty Shaping Plan

7 Mar

Kylie Jenner of Kylie Cosmetics Has A Great Bottom Line!

Her shape is great her booty curves require a custom butt workout. Keep reading to get the workout.

kylie jenner workout for great butt

Kylie Jenner Lips & Butt Look Amazing, She used creams on her butt to help shape and tone and she aslo does an amazng workout! See Her Workout, it rocks!


kylie cosmetics body butt workout

Kylie Jenner Lips & Butt Look Amazing, She uses creams on both! See Her Total Plan here…

Kylie Jenner of Kylie Cosmetics Is Looking Hot.  Her lips are sexy and her Butt is Beautiful. See What She Does To Look Great!

kylie cosmetics butt workout

Kylie Great Body, See Her Butt Workout and how she keeps it tight, and dimple free!

Her body is – Read more about how her workouts and see how she stays in such great shape!

Skinny Leg Jeans Meets Bangin Booty Huggers and BAM! A New Jean Called “The Wedgie Fit Jean” is Born!

Kylie Jenner

Kylie In New Wedgie Fit Booty Shaping Jeans-Blowing up Instagram!

No, I am totally not kidding…  See…

Levi’s released the “Wedgie Fit Jean” — a pair of pants that claims to flatter your booty like no other.  The denim company created a silhouette that lifts and holds the cheeks slightly apart giving the wearer — you guessed it — a wedgie. This cut promises to boosts booties for a rounder look, so there’s no more worrying about the flat tush that often accompanies mom jeans.


Kylie Cosmetics CEO Kylie Jenner- Great Lips & Great Shape

Kylie not only wears the pants, she has become a cosmetics CEO and brand developer of her global hit, Kylie Cosmetics. She has even created mall kiosks to offer her brand in malls worldwide. I admire any female that works hard to grow her own business, and it’s even harder to grow a brand.

Reality Star to Cosmetics Empress!

Not everyone  in the realtiy world has been able to stay focused, work hard, do endless media interviews, attend special functions, post on social media every day and not to mention, be in shape for endless photo shoots for product launches and magazines.  Kylie has proven that she is not just another pretty face, but a ruthless business woman whose not just building a great butt, she’s building a cosmetics empire!

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Kylie Jenner’s Workout That Has Her  WORKIN’  The Hot New Levi “Wedgie Fit Jean”

Kylie Jenner has already made the Wedgie jean Instagram famous with 1.3 million likes.

Additional features include a high waist that prevents awkward denim bulges from forming when the wearer sits down and slightly tilted pockets that further the illusion of a perky tush. Not to mention, the fit cinches at the waist — thus flaunting the wearer’s killer waist-to-hip ratio.

kylie jenner waist to hips great butt workout

Kylie Has Great Hip To Waist Ratio and Good Butt Shape!

Okay, what do you have to do to make those jeans look good on your Holy Buns, get them high and lifted up? Let’s take a look at what Kylie does.

While actual wedgies are more than annoying, Levi’s claims its fit won’t be a pain in the ass. Though the jeans are designed to hug curves snugly, their cotton fabric has added stretch to ensure comfort.

Levi Wedgie Jean

New Levi’s Wedgie Fit Jeans Promises to Pump Up Your Assets! Keep reading.

Continue reading

5 Best Yoga Poses For a Flat SEXY Stomach

6 Mar


Vacations, weddings, special occasions are coming and you want to be swimsuit bare body ready? Here’s some amazing Yoga poses to help you get sexy abs & get your Zen on! Read more...

5 Best Yoga Poses For a Flat SEXY Stomach

            If you find yourself agonizing over a flat belly but dread the traditional ab exercises that can leave you sore for days, it may be a good idea to try yoga. Yoga helps improve your muscle tone and definition as well as reduce belly fat with minimal effort. Read on to discover the five best poses for a sexy stomach!

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  1. Tree Pose – The first pose that will work your abdominals over time is the tree pose. Balance on one leg and place your weight on the leg touching the ground. Press your palms together at your chest, and brace your abs tightly. This pose, when done right, ensures that your abs stay tighter and stronger while at rest.camel pose for sexy abs stretching.jpg
  2. Camel Hinge- The second pose is called the camel hinge. Kneel on the floor with your knees shoulder- width apart. Tuck your toes under and stretch out your arms in front of you. Arch your lower back slightly towards the bottom of your feet, or as far as you can go. This pose engages your abs and thighs and should leave you with a tighter feeling overall.Yoga abs boat pose.jpg
  3. Boat Pose – The third pose is called the boat pose. Lie faceup with your body completely flat. Raise your legs as high as possible while keeping them locked together, and place your hands to the sides of your legs. Holding this pose can prove to be tricky, but it will definitely build your core strength immensely and you will have a stronger endurance for other poses. lotus pose with belly breathing for .jpg
  4. Lotus Pose With Deep Belly Breathing- Another pose that will slim down the fat on your stomach over time is called the lotus. Sit with your legs crossed at the ankles, and hold onto your ankles with your hands in whatever way is comfortable for you. Instead of rocking back and forth with momentum, use your ab muscles to move you back and forth. Breathe in as you rock forward, and exhale as you rock backward with your shoulder blades moving towards the direction of the ground. This pose takes some effort to get used to, but you are sure to see your core strengthened in the long run from prolonged reps of this pose.Yoga abs  side plank .jpg
  5. Stacked Side Plank – The last pose is called the stacked side plank. This pose uses your abdominal muscles to stabilize your body and is a favorite as it is effortless yet extremely effective. Lying on your right side with your knees straight, place your right hand on the floor and straighten your arm to push yourself up towards the sky. Your body should form a straight line, with your left arm reaching upwards. Holding this pose is sure to keep your body toned as well as target muscles in your core region.

Yoga can be an extremely helpful tool to getting you to the body goal you have always wanted. For a quick fix, try out this Skinny Detox Tea and Fat Burner that will flatten your belly and release excess bloating within days of use. We recommend this product because of its quick results and advanced formula that is composed of a natural blend of ingredients that will aid you in your journey to tighter, sexier abs!

burn fat faster

Skinny Detox Beauty Fit Tea to help you burn fat faster, detox, get rid of cellulite, and help your skin! 

  • * SKINNY DETOX TEA FOR CLEANSING, REJUVENATION, AND HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS: Our yoga tribes, athletes, moms, bikini and figure competitors love this tea. It’s perfect before a special occasion to get in perfect form and great after to undo celebration over indulgences! This 8  Superfood is a special blend (no one puts this many high-performance herbs in one bag) is formulated to pump up your weight loss program. Detox your liver, calm your adrenals that get overtaxed from stress, anxiety, and hectic schedules.  The pure organic herbs in this great natural blend, can aid in healthy digestion, remove toxins that are associated with dimply fat cells, this assists in a natural safer weight loss and detoxification of skin cells  Plus it is so healthy for your skin. It rejuvenates it and helps clear up skin disorders.. read more!

All of our natural products have a  money-back guarantee so you have nothing to lose but ugly dimples!  Try some today!



What Does Cellulite Cream Do?

14 Feb

how to get rid o cellulite jennifer lopez

Jennifer Lopez Legs Are Amazing, She Uses Super Pricey Cellulite Cream to Keep Away The Dimples! Find out how much it is and how you can get your own jar! Read more..

how to get rid of cellulite Cream

WOW! Jennifer Lopez Legs Are Gorgeous! What kind Cellulite Cream does she use? And How Much Is it? Read more..

Jennifer Lopez has got an amazing set of legs, and it turns out they cost a small fortune to keep them in amazing condition as she uses diamonds, according to a new report. According to this article, her cellulite cream is a whopping $250.00.

We have some ideas to help you get rid of cellulite and a cream that is less expensive and improves your overall health as you tighten and tone. Read on!

How To Get Rid of Cellulite 

When it comes to Cellulite, a female specialist is vital. There are so many male trainers who say that cellulite is just fat and it’s not real. Bull!!

I know it’s fat and I also know that it is real. I get the opportunity to work with many beautiful bodies of every size, culture, background and dimension. If there is one thing I know about, it’s cellulite and how to get rid of it or reduce it as much and as fast as we can! I even have my clients do very specific exercises that target the areas they had it before we started training. They either got rid of it completely or drastically reduced it. Just know that it takes time, diligence and committment. This is not a quick fix problem, but an ongoing healthy process.

My CD Series which is a part of the Quick Start program is revolutionary. I get more feedback than I can even keep up with from the people who have received it. Not just bought it, but received, followed and practiced continually the breakthrough information I included in the series. When you order Victoria’s SKinny Detox Weight Loss Tea, you do get the Acutal QUickstart Guide but not the CD’s Email me if you would like to purchase just the Anti-Cellulite CD’s! info@victoriajohnson.com  Put in subject line: Cellulite CD Series. I have been doing this with so much dedication that I evne have my own product, process and diets.

How Does Extreme Slimming Cream Work For Getting Rid of Cellulite?


Best Cellulite Cream for getting rid of cellulite

Anti Cellulite Cream to Help Get Rdid of Cellulite

A reader asked this question yesterday..

Hi Victoria, What does your  anti cellulite cream do? E…

Before I answer, here is some information about cellulite you may not be aware of:

Cellulite Sucks and Fat Destroys

  1. Cellulite is spongy dimply, toxic, unsightly and unhealthy trapped fat deposits under the skin. It develops as spillover. LOL! It’s fat that wouldn’t fit anywhere else on your body.  Your body can develop intramuscular fat from a poor diet, lack of cardio, lack of muscular training, hormonal imbalance and genetics. When intramuscular fat capsules reaches their max, it’s spillover time and the fat cells that continue to grow and multiply (eeekkkk) and then travels looking for space to fill and it continues until it is trapped and settles unevenly under the skin.  How mean!  Amazing though, that our bodies are so sophisticated that it shows us what’s going on so we can change it! YAY!!
  2. It impedes circulation, creates unsightly spider veins, cottage cheese and orange peel looking patterns appear when you sit or put pressure on it.
  3. It interrupts circulation so your skin does not get the proper oxygen and nutrients it needs to regenerate and rejuvenate. Thereby creation uneven bumps, lumps, uneven skin tone, rashes, even eczema. That totally sucks.
  4. It needs to go away now! It is not good for your body appearance or your health. The reality is, cellulite is unhealthy life robbing fat and you want to do all that you can to get rid of it. It is a clear sign that the area is lacking circulation. Imagine a stagnant pond or a body of water that just sits. Algae and impurities gather and could wreak havoc in the future. AAAAHHHH! OK so you know you have to kick it to the curb. You want to do everything you can to get rid of it. And rejuvenate the skin and the area again. You will feel better and definitely be able to rock some really awesome hot clothes too!

OKAY.. Time to answer the question now that you know what cellulite is and why you want to get it off your body like a pair of stilettos after a night of dancing:)

Hi E…Thank you for you question. I know there are lots of products on the market so I totally understand why you would ask that question.  First of all this formula is unmatched. Our greatest users are men and women who need beautiful skin for their work. We work with models in every industry, and our most picky are Fitness Models and Competitors. So the ingredients have to produce stellar results for them.

There are many ways this multi-action formula works.

  1. It’s most famous and best selling use is as a Professional Grade Body Wrap that you can do at home. Many Exclusive Resort Spas use formulas like this, but with fewer ingredients! The average Cellulite wrap at a spa is between $70.00 and $125.00 for one wrap! With our advanced multi-action formula, you can getup to ten wraps in one jar depending on how much you use and where you put it.
  2. You can use it under our Waist Trainer to help facilitate fat breakdown and skin toning for reducing the size of your waist. The combo is what most of our models use. You can also use it under sweat pants, or sweat tops, etc!
  3. You can use as a pre-workout cream before you go the Gym, Yoga, Zumba, Dance Practice or even Long Walk and on vacation by the pool.

Victoria’s Sexy Pink Waist Trainer

In a nutshell, it helps to break down fatty acids (lipids) in the body. Then you can flush them out by drinking water and following a good fat burning diet. It also helps reduce water retention that makes cellulite worse due to swelling, inflammation and puffiness. It also helps smooth the skin and evens the skin tone. When you have blocked circulation, the skin does not get the oxygen it needs to be healthy, smooth, even tone and vibrant. To demonstrate the power of the ingredients, here are just three of the ingredients and their power in helping reduce cellulite, improve skin tone and overall health.

There are many many more that make the results amazing when used consistently. Our star client, Jessica has been using it for over a year now using our entire line and she has lost over thirty pounds, lost 4 pant sizes and her skin is amazing! She is thrilled at her results. She even keeps a spare set of Skinny Detox Weight Loss Tea, Extreme Slimming Cream and a Waist Trainer in her vacation home. Just so that she is never without any of them. You can be so much better a year from now too! But of course with instant results as well. Check out the first three body slimming ingredients below.


Free Body Wrap Guide With Purchase of Extreme Anti-Cellulite Slimming Cream

Paullinia Cupana Seed Extract

  • It is used in skin care and anti-aging products for its toning and astringent properties, and as a treatment for cellulite.

Paullinia Cupana Seed Extract is thought to target cellulite because of its theophylline and caffeine components.

  • As a vascoconstrictor, caffeine tends to reduce puffiness and create a smoothing effect.

By increasing blood flow and increasing lipolysis (fat metabolizing) effect, it blocks enzymes and decreases triglycerides breakage.


When applied topically, caffeine works as a diuretic, aids in circulation and is also a powerful antioxidant. Helps your body release stored toxins and impurities that could be causing fat storage. Some of its skincare benefits are as follows.

  • Fights Free Radicals
  • Free radicals are responsible for causing premature skin aging. This results in the appearance of wrinkles, sun spots and loss of elasticity. The antioxidants contained in caffeine can attack these free radicals and eliminate them. This will improve the overall look of your skin.
  • Soothes and reduces Inflammation and swelling that makes cellulite look worse.
  • Caffeine possesses anti-inflammatory properties that make it effective in reducing inflammation and redness in your skin. It is often used as an ingredient in anti-inflammatory creams to enhance their effectiveness.
  • Rose Hip (Rosa Rubiginosa) Seed Oil
  • A natural form of Vitamin A (Retinol) and Vitamin C content, as well as its antioxidant, diuretic (which reduces puffiness) and astringent properties.
  • Anti-aging because of its high Vitamin C content and its ability to boost skin regeneration and elasticity.
  • It is also high in GLA, an essential fatty acid which helps to reduce fine lines and combat the drying effects of the sun, environment and climate.
  • Other fatty acids found in high levels in Rosa Rubiginosa Seed Oil include Linoleic Acid (47.4%) and Linolenic Acid (33%), which help restoring and regeneration, while preventing the formation of thick keloid scar tissue and are helpful in healing burns, scars and stretch marks. Smooths Skin.

Conclusion- Excess body fat is not only unsightly, it’s dangerous. Most of us were not taught that excess body fat is toxic, blocks circulation and can run your skin. Your skin is the largest organ in your body. The fat you see on the outside is fat that has over accumulated so much that it is spilling out and pressuring the skin. Losing cellulite not only makes you look better, it’s healthier for you!  I like to also use the Skinny Detox Tea for 14-21 Days to really jump start fast weight loss and detoxing of the impurities that block your colon, cause skin disorders and constipation. You have get the toxins out now. Every day you wait, there’s more gun building up and making you tired, moody, listless and unmotivated. You get my $99.00 Quick Start Energy Diet Program FREE with your Skinny Detox Weight Loss Tea!

Victoria's SKinny Detox Tea

When I was over 60 pounds heavier and was trying to get rid of cellulite, it was a blessing. I had no idea that trying to get rid of cellulite would actually save my life. I hated my dimply legs and stomach so much that I became vigilant about losing fat and toning my skin, in the process, I reduced my blood pressure, learned how to manage my hypoglycemia and no longer had migraine headaches. So getting rid of cellulite with our Extreme Slimming Cream has many wonderful life enhancing benefits when you follow a good diet and engage in exercise on a regular basis.  I know how it feels to hide under clothes and not feel good about yourself.

You don’t have to hide anymore, I have turned my pain into your solution.  It’s not going to happen overnight, but with consistency, dedication and a heart to be better, it can happen. It takes about eight weeks for your metabolic rate to change and your skin to start improving, so don’t quit once you start.

It only takes one person to believe in you for you to succeed. I believe in you and I know you can do this.  I want you to lose that fat, tighten your skin and show the real you to the world. You are awesome and you deserve to look and feel amazing every day.  Order yours today! There’s a 100% money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose except ugly fat!

Extra Tips!

Here’s  fun excecrpt form one of my private email newsletters. It only goes to the followers onmy personal email list. To join email info@victoriajohnson.com and ask to be on the list!

Here’s some more really good help!

Many people ask for advice, but it is only those who will do whatever it takes to succeed are the true winners in the war on fat and bodies.

You can study with me knowing that I too had cellulite, three rolls in my midsection and flabby arms. Amazing to think about huh when you look at my photos?

One of my agents was on my back about new photos and I blew him off. I have no time to go and shoot a bunch of photos when I am busy helping you and everyone else get a tight, hot body.

Let’s get started on you right now!

Here are some great at home ideas to help you get those ugly dimples off your body. It’s not expensive; it just takes discipline, time, persistent training and a commitment to a clean diet.

Simple Home Treatments for Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite occurs when the connective tissue under the skin pulls down on fat causing the fat to dimple and bulge under the skin. Of course, the less overall fat you have the less noticeable cellulite is. A clean diet and cardio and sculpting exercise play are extremely important in reducing the dimply appearance of cellulite.

Detox – you got that info from the tea above!

The first step in reducing cellulite is detoxification. You need to detox your body, especially your liver and colon. Do not smoke or drink alcohol for the first thirty days.

Do not consume white flour and white sugar products. Stay away form excess salt and deep fried foods. Drink four quarts of water a day and eat a fresh fruit and vegetable based diet with no heavy breads. Make sure you take a good multi vitamin which helps you get your vital nutrients like B vitamins and essential fatty acids. Water based vegetables like cucumbers and onions are also effective foods that help you combat cellulite. They act as a natural diuretic releasing water buildup from skin cells.

Do cardio exercise for 45-60 minutes a day to lose fat on your body and do light sculpting with weights tighten your abs, arms and butt muscles. The less fat and more muscle you have will make cellulite disappear. Healthy sculpted muscle will develop and stretch the skin and it will show though the skin smooth. Then as the fatty dimply deposits are burned away, the dimpled bumpy look will disappear.
To increase circulation and break up the fat do daily massages to troubled areas. You can also use a body brush in the shower or bath with a body wash or exfoliating product to help increase circulation. Use aromatherapy oils in your bath to stimulate your system: sage, cypress, and juniper oils aid with cellulite reduction.

Wearing pantyhose will also help combat and reduce cellulite, especially the body shaping ones that contour your thighs. Pantyhose compress fat and help aid circulation. There are cellulite reduction pantyhose on the market now specifically made to help reduce the appearance of cellulite.


XOXO Victoria

Kendall Jenner Ab Workout For A Flat Stomach

5 Feb kendall jenner drink detox weight loss fit tea to lose weight

Kendall Jenner Is A Fit Business Queen Running Her Own Empire. Get some tips on how she keeps that lean beautiful figure.

kendall jenner drink detox weight loss fit tea

super sunshine glow kendall-jenner-.stunning figure! What does she eat and what kind of workout does she do to stay fit while running her own empire? Read more..

kendall jenner drink detox weight loss fit tea to lose weight

Kendall Jenner Working the Runway! She has a drop dead gorgeous body and a killer business Instinct. What does she drink to stay lean and sexy? HHmm. Read more…

How Do You Lose Weight and Stay Fit?

Kendall jenner used detox weight loss tea to lose weight

Kendal Jenner Rocks the Victoria Secret Runway! She was told she was too fat! She is a tough woman who proved them all wrong, What Did she do? Read more…

Kendall Looks Amazing You Can Too! 

Copy Flat TummyCchart and keep it on your phone! Then read through the article below for even more fun ideas!

30 flat abs and flat tummy for losing belly fat

Get a flat tummy and a great waist. Here are some great ideas and to really flatten your lower abs, check out our Skinny Detox Weight Loss Tea, It’s organic, safe and cleanses without harsh effects!

You Can Change Your Body Too! Kendall Jenner is a model with a flat stomach! It has not always been that way. She was actually told that she was too fat at one time. She took action and  changed that. She had to fight her genetic code all the way, so can you!

NOTICE!  YAY! We just got the express  shipment of our New Improved More Advanced Formulation of The Must Have Extreme Anti-Cellulite Slimming Cream. If you love Body Wraps and want so shrink your body overnight temporarily, you will love this best selling formula!

Is Your Jean Size A Slave To Your Gene Pool?

Have you ever felt destined to never be lean, fit, strong and look amazing in your clothes? If you’re reading propaganda filled pharmaceutical sponsored material, you probably are thinking “yes”.

If you will open your mind, step outside your comfort zone and look to what is possible, you will see that there is always a way get closer to having your dream body and lifestyle.  You know what else, it’s never too early and it’s never too late!  There is always something you can do to improve and get better.

Imagine being born into a living realty TV family like the Kardashians. You can’t pick up a magazine at the grocery counter without seeing one of them. You can also see that their focus on their weight is ongoing and never ending. That’s right, they are just like you and me, always thinking about their weight. LOL!!!

The One Who Defied Genetics

The one Kardashian Reality Star that seems to be kicking genetics in the butt and defying the round family DNA Code is Kendall. In spite of the body shape cells she was dealt, she found the formula for losing fat, sculpting long lean muscles and staying slim and healthy as she sashe’s down the catwalk.

Kendall had a goal and she took targeted action. She has a professional trainer, follows a weight training program and does serious cardio to stay slim and burn fat.  She even runs TO the gym and THEN gets on a treadmill.

Continue reading

5 Tips To Beat Belly Bloat & Lose Fat Abs

2 Feb

Probiotics For Women’s Health Issues and Clearing Up Acne

giselle Uses Probiotics for Acne & Beautiful Skin.jpg

Giselle Brazil Super Model actually had acne like the rest of us? Her Secret Super Skin Solution: Probiotics for Beating Acne & Working Towards Gorgeous Skin! Read more….


tom brady and giselle brazil super model uses probiotics for acne

Giselle, Brazil Super Model and Tom Brady make a great couple. Did you know that Giselle Had acne and what did she do about it?

Giselle Using Probiotics for Acne Too?

Amazing, we know that you can use probiotics to help your digestion, help stop yeast infections and beating colds and the flu, but now we found out that Giselle Uses it for clearing up acne. Read more about the fantastic benefits of Probiotics here!  Click here: Giselle and Probiotics


How To Stop Bloating, Gentle Solution To Constipation and Lose Weight at the Same Time! There are some great ways to take care of all of them at the same time. Don’t wait to get relief, start today.

 Introducing Probiotics Complete Tea!

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Victoria, I have a round thick waistline and I would like to lose some fat and reshape it. What should I do? 
- Aisha,

Answer: Great question. Healthier hourglass figures are in and you don’t have to starve to have a skinny waist and sculpted hips, shoulders and flat abs anymore. Please take ten minutes and read through tis entire post. It may be one of the most important ones I have ever shared. It literally saved my life. I was so unhealthy, bloated, gassy and unhealthy. This information turned it all around for me. I hope it helps you too.

Figure-hugging fashion is so sexy and fun to wear. It’s not very pleasing when you put on a hot outfit and you look like a big round egg. 

When I was obese, I hated being bloated, puffy and hiding under blousy tops. Lol!
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3 Awesome Waist Trainer Cinching & Butt Shaping Moves For a Sexy Hourglass Body

21 Nov

Waist Training Corset Moves

Victoria’s Brazilian Secret Hourglass Body Workout Exercises Are The Perfect Workout For A Tight Waist & Round Butt For That Killer Badass Body

Jennifer Lopez.jpeg

Jennifer Lopez – The Perfect Hourglass Body


3 Awesome Waist Trainer Cinching & Butt Shaping Moves For a Sexy Hourglass Body  

Look hot enough to make Jennifer Lopez envious without starving or over training!


Here’s the Question of the week ….

Hi Victoria,  I am totally psyched with your new Waist Cincher and I love the feeling. My body feels so supported and strong. I am glad. I didn’t listen to all those negative magazine articles. My mom had been wearing girdles and now body shapes as long as I can remember, and she has never been hurt wearing one. Every time she had one of us kids, she would get out her really thick girdle and wiggle her way in it. She said there was no way she was going to let my poppa look at other women, just because she had kids. Her body is still killer today and they are totally still attracted to each other.

I remember one Sunday, we were all in the care ready to go to church and we had to wait for her. When she finally made it into the car, we asked her what took her so long and she said. “I had to tuck in Bobby’s extra fat!” Bobby was my little brother. At the time he was six months old. What she was saying is, I was stuffing my belly into my girdle. She was so committed that I think it just sunk into my mind as something you do after you have babies.

I have had two beautiful babies and totally did the girdle thing. Now I am so excited to do the Waist Trainer thing because it is so much prettier and seems to be scientifically designed somehow.

It’s kind of weird how just putting it on makes me feel taller, thinner and sexier, it’s like I lost weight instantly.   How funny, because I have not lost a pound but my waist is actually getting smaller. I rub in the Extreme Slimming Gel twenty minutes before I put it on and I also use the Skin Tightener after I shower at night on my abs and let it absorb completely into my skin before I put on my night gown or pajamas. Am I getting psychosomatic symptoms or is this real?

I think I may be eating less and I am definitely more aware of how I sit, stand and move. Maybe I am repositioning my structure as you talk about in the guide.

Sorry for rambling, on to my question. I am doing so good wearing my trainer, but I want to lose weight too. I’m a little frustrated and I need to get a good plan for a workout and eating schedule.

I know you say that I can wear my waist trainer during my workouts, but I am nervous. I don’t want to get injured or look like an idiot wearing it to class and the gym. And I love the secret Ab video you gave me. Can you suggest some more moves I can do at home to keep shrinking my waistline and help me get a sweet hourglass figure? It is so popular and I have been secretly thinking about it. I think it will be more natural for me since I have always been on the thick side. It would make me so happy to finally love my body! Dalia

Hi Dalia,

I totally understand your frustration.  I had a competition, a natural bodybuilding show. I was also doing a celebrity fitness workout series for Nike and had a ton of pressure to look hot and be able to fulfill all my professional speaking and modeling obligations at the same time.

No matter what I did I just couldn’t seem to get my labs totally ripped and lower belly flat.  I was so frustrated.

I had a deadline of six weeks before I had to go onstage again in front of professional judges, family, friends and the worst critics of all, my peers who can be brutal with criticism.

It‘s amazing how your mind plays tricks on you when you compare yourself to others all the time.  Many times we don’t even see our strengths because we run around playing victim to every little thing that happens to us and that clouds our thinking.

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